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Tag visdevart sur Disney Central Plaza Ico_fr18Sujet: La Reine des Neiges II [Walt Disney - 2019]

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Rechercher dans: Les Films d'Animation   Tag visdevart sur Disney Central Plaza Doc12Sujet: La Reine des Neiges II [Walt Disney - 2019]    Tag visdevart sur Disney Central Plaza Horlog11Lun 30 Déc 2019 - 12:40
D'ailleurs la VF semble avoir essayé de "gommer" un peu cette théorie.
Dans la VO, Olaf affirme un "Did you know that..." ("Saviez-vous que...") tandis qu'en VF la traduction a choisi un "Vrai ou Faux". Ce qui a pour effet de laisser un peu cette idée sous forme de théorie, potentiellement fausse, alors qu'elle était affirmée au milieu d'autres faits réels par Olaf en VO (qui en plus ajoute que cette idée est décriée par beaucoup mais est vraie). La théorie de l'eau (ayant une mémoire) n'étant ensuite réellement présente que lors d'événements trop magiques pour être réels, ce qui crée naturellement une distance avec la véracité de cette idée.

En parlant d'eau, voici deux concept arts du Nokk par Lisa Keene ( ):

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stubaluna a écrit:
Ok seriously? I get to work on a horse? A water horse called the Nokk? My career was complete. I was 5 years old again, well I still have horses so I never grew out of it I guess. I worked closely with character, animation, effects, tech Anim. Look and lighting. It took a team to make this happen. I love these folks for making my little girl dreams come true. I can’t thank them enough for making this Nokk so beautiful. #disney #waltdisney #disneyanimationstudios #animation #frozen2 #frozen2art #nokk #waterhorse #conceptart #visdev #visdevelopement #waterhorse

stubaluna a écrit:
I remember when I was 3 or so and my grandfather put me in front of the saddle and galloped across the field, what is now the Burbank equestrian center. I remember being disappointed because our rental horse had a short tail. I was hoping for a long flowing fairytale tail. But the moment that horse flew across the field I was hooked. Saving baby sitting money bits at a time I was able to rent the horses on my own. After I started working at Disney I bought my first car and then a horse. They are magical creatures and working on this Nokk was a fairytale dream come true. #disney #waltdisney #waltdisneystudios #waltdisneyanimationstudios #waltdisneyanimation #elsa #nokk #waterhorse #frozen2 #frozen2art #conceptart #visdev #visdevart #visualdevelopment #lightingdesign

Quelques concepts par Brittney Lee ( ) :

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britsketch a écrit:
The very first costume designs that I was asked to work on for #frozen2 over 2 years ago. These designs were for a scene that ultimately didn’t make it into the film, but that featured the girls traveling in inclement weather. While Elsa didn’t keep her hood, a lot of the elements of this design ended up being adopted into her travel coat. We were so early in the process that we didn’t have a plan for color yet, so I was asked to work in greyscale. We don’t always work this way, but sometimes it is good to switch things up!
After a few years away, it was so wonderful to work with these characters again. They just feel like home 💕❄
#frozen2 #elsa #anna #disneyfrozen #disney

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britsketch a écrit:
As we started to explore Elsa’s travel costume, we had just a few elements that we knew we needed to include. She needed to be wearing layers, her hemline had to be off the ground, and she needed to be wearing some kind of pant to support the amount of activity she would be put through. Also, if her costume could include an element that would move well in the wind (since we did know that Gale would be interacting with her), that would be a bonus. I thought it was important to include Gale in the design process to give everything a little more context. 🍁
Normally on Frozen we try to hone in on a favorite design or two before we show our directors, but this was such new territory for us that we did show all of these designs (and probably more) to get their feedback. Ultimately, they asked for a combination of two of these designs and that is where we landed - can you tell which two? ❄
I love working with Elsa, and this assignment was certainly a challenge. The process of working on these films is always an exciting journey Smile
#frozen2 #frozen #elsa #disney

et la version finale :

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