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 Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024]

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Messages : 8303
Inscription : 29/04/2010

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Horlog11Mar 13 Sep 2022 - 7:36

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Lhp

Citation :
We also got a sneak peek at new details and concept art for Disney’s second island destination in the Bahamas, located on the island of Eleuthera at a place called Lighthouse Point.

Disney is working closely with Bahamian artists and advisors to create a destination that represents the natural beauty and rich culture of the Bahamas, brought to life through Disney storytelling and the unparalleled service of local cast and crew. It will be a vibrant beach retreat infused with the color and energy of Bahamian artistry.

In addition to the pristine beaches, families will enjoy a recreation center, dining, shopping, a water playground and more. There will even be a dedicated cultural pavilion where guests will be immersed in stories and traditions passed down among generations of local residents.

Disney has committed to develop less than 20 percent of the property, supply 90 percent of the site’s power from solar energy, employ sustainable building practices, and donate more than 190 acres of privately owned land to the government. Environmental management programs have already been established and will continue throughout construction and into operation.
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Âge : 39
Messages : 3950
Localisation : Ankara (Turquie)
Inscription : 10/09/2013

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Horlog11Mar 13 Sep 2022 - 8:19

Je trouve les concepts art très beau. Il y a une belle créativité sur la forme des bâtiments et les couleurs choisis. Par contre je trouve très dommage ces champs de transats et parasols qui pour le coup tue l’esthétique de l’ile et des belles grandes plages à perte de vue.
En espérant que l’expérience culturelle et locale prime sur le bronzage et les cocktails.

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 K-vb-511Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Letter133 X Anaheim (2014-2018-2022)
1 X Hong Kong (2019)
1 X Shanghai (2019)
1 X Tokyo (2016)
5 X Walt Disney World (2013-2015-2016-2020-2022-2024-2025)

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Messages : 1187
Localisation : Loin d'ailleurs
Inscription : 01/05/2010

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Horlog11Mar 13 Sep 2022 - 9:49

Les croisiéristes seront sur l'île pour la journée. Il faut prévoir différentes options de loisirs, de détente et de restauration. Impossible de faire l'impasse sur les activités de plage. L'essentiel pour moi étant d'y concilier une activité touristique intégrant une culture locale authentique mais aussi et surtout qui préserve autant que possible l'environnement.

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Screenshot-202208     Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Disney-Shanghai-h-tel
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Âge : 53
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Localisation : Draveil
Inscription : 02/09/2007

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Horlog11Mar 13 Sep 2022 - 12:26

Par contre je trouve certains bâtiments (dernier visuel) plus imposants et surtout plus hauts que ceux de Castaway Cay. Mais leur look est joyeux je trouve.

Mes photos d'Exploration Urbaine ici :
DLP : plus de 50 visites depuis juin 1992, PA Fantasia entre 2000 et 2015
WDW/USO/Sea World : 1989 (avec mes parents et mon frère) et 1998 (Voyage de Noces)
Disneyland Resort/USH : Eté 2015, étape de 3 jours au cours d'un Road Trip de 30 jours côte Est/côte Ouest
Pré-TR USA 2015 :
TR USA 2015 :
Vidéos TR USA 2015 :
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Âge : 35
Messages : 1053
Localisation : Paris
Inscription : 10/10/2018

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Horlog11Mer 14 Sep 2022 - 0:19

Personnellement, je n’en peux plus des écolos qui gueulent à tout va sur n’importe quoi mais ce projet de betonisation d’une île sauvage est assez scandaleux. On oublie également l’ensemble des rejets qui viendront avec cette masse touristique. J’imagine déjà les américains faire des selfies avec les tortues en train de pondre.
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Âge : 53
Messages : 6396
Localisation : Draveil
Inscription : 02/09/2007

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Horlog11Mer 14 Sep 2022 - 6:45

C'est quand même pas la "bétonisation" de la côte Espagnol où française (la grande Motte et autre "station balnéaire immonde).
Va en Corse si tu veux trouver des endroits préservés (en évitant Portoveccio on va dire si tu veux être au calme).
On ne peut pas toujours taper sur le tourisme et ses méfaits (sinon, bah on ferme la Tour Eiffel et le Mont Saint Michel).
Après, perso j'ai toujours été contre le concept de nager avec les dauphins et similaires par exemple.

Mes photos d'Exploration Urbaine ici :
DLP : plus de 50 visites depuis juin 1992, PA Fantasia entre 2000 et 2015
WDW/USO/Sea World : 1989 (avec mes parents et mon frère) et 1998 (Voyage de Noces)
Disneyland Resort/USH : Eté 2015, étape de 3 jours au cours d'un Road Trip de 30 jours côte Est/côte Ouest
Pré-TR USA 2015 :
TR USA 2015 :
Vidéos TR USA 2015 :

Dernière édition par Fgth le Mer 14 Sep 2022 - 9:25, édité 1 fois
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Âge : 38
Messages : 3593
Inscription : 01/12/2016

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Horlog11Mer 14 Sep 2022 - 8:32

EtienneParis a écrit:
Personnellement, je n’en peux plus des écolos qui gueulent à tout va sur n’importe quoi mais ce projet de betonisation d’une île sauvage est assez scandaleux. On oublie également l’ensemble des rejets qui viendront avec cette masse touristique. J’imagine déjà les américains faire des selfies avec les tortues en train de pondre.

Je suis très partagé sur cette opinion et aussi sur ce projet.

En fait, là où le courant écologique vient heurte mes convictions, c'est quand il prône une sorte de sobriété qui mettrait fin à toute forme d'expression créative et de toute forme de divertissement de type "expériences immersives grandioses".
Même si je ne nie pas que les projets de ce type devraient carrément plus intégrer la question de l'écologie au coeur de leur préoccupation et comme contrainte qui devrait, au contraire de limiter la créativité, donner lieu à des solutions créatives innovantes pour respecter ces contraintes. En d'autres termes, j'aimerai que les entreprises comme Disney continuent de proposer des projets d'excellence et grandioses mais j'aimerai qu'ils soient grandioses artistiquement, pour le monde de l'entertainement mais aussi pour l'écologie en proposant des avancées technologiques majeures (en matière d'énergie, de méthodes de construction, de protection de l'environnement, etc.) J'aimerai que Disney, même si on peut penser que ce n'est pas son rôle, puisse continuer d'exprimer sa créativité tout en innovant dans le secteur du développement durable et que l'impact négatif de ses créations puisse être compensé par le fait d'avoir contribué positivement aux avancées technologiques nécessaires à la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique.

Là où je suis moins en phase avec les écolos, c'est quand on dit qu'il faut simplement arrêter de construire et laisser la nature tranquille.
J'aimerai bien mais pour cela, on a qu'à diminuer la taille de la population mondiale en faisant tous moins d'enfants et là on pourra continuer à construire et innover mais sur l'existant, pas en prenant sur la nature (et d'ailleurs, je suis un bon écolo là-dessus puisque je n'ai mis au monde aucun enfant ^^).

Je digresse, mais là où je voulais en venir c'est que : j'attends de Disney qu'il donne libre court à sa créativité. Pour moi, s'il fallait construire des îles Disney, elles devraient contenir des expériences Disney. On pourrait avoir un port de pirates sur une île, avec par exemple un parcours de bouées thématisé à la Pirates of the Caribbean. On pourrait avoir un château en pierre authentique, construit avec des matériaux locaux et sans béton ou un minimum, qui représenterait le château mystérieux du magicien dans "Mickey et le Magicien". On pourrait en percer ses mystères en participant à une "excursion narrative" magique dans laquelle on rencontrerait Mickey... On pourrait imaginer que l'une des îles soit Arendelle. Ou bien encore je pense à l'odyssée du passeur d'aurore de Narnia où une aventure attend les voyageurs à chaque escale. (ou Moana ! foutez le ici au lieu de le mettre dans AK auquel il n'appartient pas).
Si Disney est amené à posséder plusieurs îles dans les caraïbes, pourquoi ne pas s'en servir pour développer le story telling à taille humaine (car clairement, cela permet de développer des expériences plus privilégiées, payantes qui rentreraient dans le coût d'une excursion, plus écologiques et plus économiques car pas besoin d'avoir un débit de ouf, ce que fait le Puy du Fou pourrait suffire) et cela permettrait de programmer des croisières qui nous font, en plus de voyager et rêver, vivre des expériences Disney magiques.
Au lieu de ça, ils construisent encore une nouvelle île qui ne propose rien de nouveau en terme d'expérience à part des transats et des hamacs.
En terme d'écologie, je suis clairement pas un exemple, puisque je suis un croisiériste et j'ai d'ailleurs pu tester la nouvelle île de Royal Caribbean (Perfect Day at Cococay) qui est du même acabit. Et vu le prix des croisières Disney, je ne suis pas prêt de changer de compagnie. Mais quitte à transformer des îles et à faire du mal à la planète, autant que ce soit une avancée culturelle et qu'ils mettent leur savoir-faire en matière de storytelling au service du démarquage avec la concurrence. Là au moins, je considèrerai une croisière Disney.

Là je comprends pas le concept, ils ont besoin de combien d'îles qui vont faire exactement la même chose.
Du coup oui écologiquement, c'est bof bof et en plus ça apporte rien de nouveau.
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Messages : 8303
Inscription : 29/04/2010

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Horlog11Jeu 9 Mar 2023 - 17:06

La nouvelle destination de Disney Cruise Line à Lighthouse Point aux Bahamas accueillera les visiteurs à partir de l'été 2024 !

Citation :
New Disney Cruise Line Island Destination at Lighthouse Point in The Bahamas to Welcome Guests in Summer 2024

Today, we announced that Disney Cruise Line will welcome guests to a one-of-a-kind island destination at Lighthouse Point, located on the island of Eleuthera in The Bahamas, for the first time during its opening season in summer 2024!

Created in close collaboration with local artists and advisors, the vibrant island retreat at Lighthouse Point will be a unique celebration of Bahamian culture brought to life with the quality and service of a Disney vacation.

Keep reading to discover all the latest details about this relaxing beach escape designed with families in mind, infused with the color and energy of Bahamian artistry, and developed with a commitment to conservation at its core.

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 LP1

Uniquely Designed, Sustainably Developed

When guests arrive at Lighthouse Point, they’ll be greeted by distinctive, sweeping architecture in bright, saturated hues — a bold style inspired by nature and created in partnership with local artists.

The curvilinear buildings will at first appear as Bahamian shells scattered along the shoreline. Upon closer inspection, guests will discover artistic expressions of the native flora and fauna of The Bahamas and the pageantry and history of Junkanoo parades. Throughout the destination, references to playful folklore characters will evoke the warmth and charm of the local culture.

Respect for the environment is at the heart of the design. At least 90 percent of the destination’s electricity needs will be met by an onsite solar array, the pier was designed to avoid the need for dredging and elevated walkways will help limit impact on the landscape.

Visitors to Lighthouse Point will have the opportunity to be surrounded by the wonders of nature and get a glimpse into the efforts taking place to conserve wildlife and their unique island habitats.

Fun and Relaxation for Everyone

At Lighthouse Point, families will enjoy a day of fun in the sun as they relax on pristine beaches, embark on active adventures and discover the magic of Bahamian storytelling alongside favorite Disney characters. Much like Disney’s cruise ships and private island of Castaway Cay, Lighthouse Point will offer activities and areas for every age group.

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 LP2

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 LP3

Families can relax and play along white sandy beaches and turquoise waters at the expansive family beach on the east side of the island, which will be centrally located near market-style dining, recreation and other amenities.

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 LP4

A Bahamian art and culture pavilion featuring special programs and local artists will provide visitors to Lighthouse Point opportunities to learn and celebrate the traditions and natural beauty of The Bahamas.

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 LP5

A brightly-colored, interactive family water play area will include two slides, water drums, fountains and more, along with a dedicated space for toddlers.

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 LP6

North of the family area will be an adult-exclusive beach — a glorious stretch of sun-drenched serenity complete with a dedicated dining area for convenient access to food and drinks throughout the day, plus six private cabanas available by reservation.

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 LP7

Children ages 3 to 12 will splash and play at a themed kids’ club under the care of highly-trained Disney Cruise Line counselors. It will include a splash pad inspired by favorite undersea creatures from Walt Disney Animation Studios’ “The Little Mermaid,” plenty of shade and a dedicated dining area.

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 LP8

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 LP9

Set away from the activity of the main family area, a peaceful beach along the southwestern shore will be lined with 20 premium family cabanas available to rent, including four double cabanas that accommodate larger groups and offer massage services.

Additional recreational activities will be available for kids and kids-at-heart, including a covered gaming pavilion; a volleyball court and gaga ball pit; watercraft and bicycle rentals; nature trails for hiking and biking; and more. And a collection of new Port Adventures developed in partnership with local tour operators will take guests beyond Lighthouse Point to explore the rich culture and breathtaking beauty of Eleuthera.

Disney’s new island destination is being thoughtfully designed to provide a hassle-free experience for families, including complimentary beach essentials (towels, chairs and umbrellas and lunch) and convenient tram transportation.

Lighthouse Point will open for guests on select sailings in summer 2024.
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Âge : 53
Messages : 6396
Localisation : Draveil
Inscription : 02/09/2007

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Horlog11Jeu 9 Mar 2023 - 18:40

Ça donne envie mine de rien

Mes photos d'Exploration Urbaine ici :
DLP : plus de 50 visites depuis juin 1992, PA Fantasia entre 2000 et 2015
WDW/USO/Sea World : 1989 (avec mes parents et mon frère) et 1998 (Voyage de Noces)
Disneyland Resort/USH : Eté 2015, étape de 3 jours au cours d'un Road Trip de 30 jours côte Est/côte Ouest
Pré-TR USA 2015 :
TR USA 2015 :
Vidéos TR USA 2015 :
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Messages : 1187
Localisation : Loin d'ailleurs
Inscription : 01/05/2010

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Horlog11Sam 9 Sep 2023 - 17:31

La destination portera le nom ‘Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point’.

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Screenshot-202208     Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Disney-Shanghai-h-tel
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Messages : 8303
Inscription : 29/04/2010

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Horlog11Lun 11 Sep 2023 - 12:29

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 1dcl-dl

Citation :
During this year’s biggest Disney fan event, Destination D23, Thomas Mazloum, President of Disney Signature Experiences, shared updates about Disney Cruise Line’s new island destination in The Bahamas – Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point, which will welcome guests for the first time in June 2024.

While speaking to the audience, Mazloum told fans that “With a stunning shoreline that overlooks vast, vivid blue waters, it is only fitting that we call this destination Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point.” He shared the latest artist design concepts with fans, adding, “Disney is collaborating with talented artists and cultural advisors in The Bahamas who are helping to shape an experience that celebrates the natural beauty, traditions and artistry of this one-of-a-kind nation.”

Located along the southern tip of Eleuthera, Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point will serve as a window to the natural beauty of The Bahamas and provide families with the opportunity to enjoy the site’s pristine beaches, explore nature, embark on adventures and experience the broader tourism offerings in Eleuthera.

Once in operation, Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point will continue to create sustainable economic opportunities for Bahamians and strengthen the community in Eleuthera. This development has created approximately 300 construction-related jobs for Bahamians – nearly tripling the number of jobs the cruise line committed to in its Heads of Agreement.

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 1dcl-lp1

“We can’t wait to welcome Disney guests and Bahamians to Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point to experience Eleuthera and all of its beauty, rich culture and history,” said Joey Gaskins, Regional Director of Public Affairs in The Bahamas and Caribbean. “The Bahamian community has played a special role in this project since the beginning. We’ve been intentional about supporting local businesses and entrepreneurs and involving Bahamians in both the development and operation of the destination.”

Disney Cruise Line has committed to creating at least 150 operational jobs, including management roles, with benefits in a range of disciplines and levels, and with opportunities for training and advancement.

As its fleet of ships and presence in The Bahamas expands, Disney Cruise Line continues to invest in Bahamian communities and support programs focused on promoting culture, conservation, education and workforce development. Some of the cruise line’s most recent efforts include:

* Partnering with Eleuthera Chamber of Commerce and Access Accelerator Small Business Development Centre to support small business owners and entrepreneurs in Eleuthera.

* Working with Junior Achievement Bahamas to build work-readiness skills in Eleuthera.

* Providing funding and collaborating with students during the Eleuthera Junior Junkanoo Competition to celebrate Junkanoo and exchange ideas about costume design.

* Sponsoring the LJM Maritime Academy summer camp and hosting students aboard the Disney Wish to learn about careers in the maritime industry.

* Donating school supplies to nearly 1,000 students across Abaco, near Disney Castaway Cay, and in Eleuthera, where many of Disney Cruise Line’s crew members call home.

* Participating in regular beach cleanups across The Bahamas.

* Teaming up with community organizations to build a backyard garden for the Ranfurly Homes for Children in Nassau.

For more than 25 years, Disney has introduced countless families to the beauty and spirit of The Bahamas and has provided significant economic impact while demonstrating a strong commitment to the environment and the community. Approximately 70 percent of the cruises offered by Disney have at least one stop in The Bahamas, all five of its ships are registered in The Bahamas and it is estimated that Disney Cruise Line operations currently contribute more than $70 million toward The Bahamas gross domestic product annually.

Disney Cruise Line - 9 septembre 2023.

Citation :
Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point

Disney Cruise Line is creating a new experience in Eleuthera – Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point. The destination will create sustainable economic opportunities for Bahamians, protect and sustain the natural beauty of the site, celebrate culture, and help strengthen the community in Eleuthera. It will complement Castaway Cay, a Disney destination located in the Abaco chain of The Bahamas, giving families the opportunity to enjoy the site’s beautiful beaches and explore nature, as well as enjoy the broader tourism offerings in Eleuthera.

Since its maiden voyage in 1998, Disney Cruise Line has introduced countless families to the beauty and spirit of The Bahamas. At the same time, the company has provided significant economic impact while demonstrating a strong commitment to the environment and the community.

Disney Cruise Line
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Messages : 8303
Inscription : 29/04/2010

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Horlog11Mar 12 Mar 2024 - 16:50

Citation :
Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point Updates: Disney Cruise Line’s Newest Tropical Destination

Hello, travelers! You’re invited to follow the Disney Parks Blog for exclusive updates at Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point, Disney Cruise Line’s newest, one-of-a-kind tropical retreat on the island of Eleuthera, The Bahamas.

As we await the grand opening of Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point in June 2024, you’ll get a chance to learn more about the destination straight from our Cast Members in The Bahamas and beyond, right here on the Disney Parks Blog.  

My name is Joey Gaskins, and I’m part of the Disney Cruise Line team in The Bahamas. Our new island destination, Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point on the island of Eleuthera, opens this summer – less than half an hour by plane from my home in Nassau. This beautiful destination will offer a window into our rich culture, warm hospitality and breathtaking natural beauty of The Bahamas.

Are you wondering about how this special island destination comes to life? Today, I’m excited to share first-look photos of construction progress, which give a glimpse of the inspiration and stunning architecture of Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point.

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Capture-d-cran-2024-03-12-164724


Do you see those vibrant colors and patterns designed by a Bahamian artist dotting the beautiful shores of Disney Lookout Cay? Those are the Mabrika Cove Cabanas, which will be available for families to relax and play along the white sand and turquoise Bahamian waters.

Among the first sights guests will see when approaching Disney Lookout Cay, the colorful cabanas will set a tone for the vibrant and beautiful architecture throughout the island destination.

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Capture-d-cran-2024-03-12-164824

True-True Too BBQ

Walt Disney Imagineering designed the architecture throughout Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point to resemble a series of colorful, oversized seashells scattered along the coastline. From these beautiful decks under the shade of a shell-inspired pavilion, you’ll enjoy some tasty lunch from True-True Too BBQ while taking in the beautiful views of the ocean and sand dunes.

Can you spot some nature-inspired art under the pavilion? That is just a peek of the art that will fill these beautiful spaces, all drawn from the coral, seashells, fish and flowers that inform the architecture and also inspire Eleuthera’s local artists.

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Capture-d-cran-2024-03-12-164916

Tram Stop

Another early sight of Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point is one of our tram stops. This space will soon be filled with the bright colors that will light up the destination, inspired by the warmth of Bahamian art and culture. Expect hair braiding, merchandise and lots of fun.

Stay tuned to the Disney Parks Blog for more exciting updates as we count down the days to June!

Citation :
When you visit Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point, you’ll be immersed in elements of Bahamian culture. This special new island destination is inspired by Junkanoo, a longstanding Bahamian tradition celebrating the unique culture of this beautiful country.  

Last week, I had the honor of traveling to Eleuthera for the island’s Junior Junkanoo competition, where Bahamian students across the island create costumes and parade banners from crepe paper and cardboard and compete alongside other schools in vibrant, energetic performances. From the bright colors and dancing to traditional Junkanoo sounds of goat skin drums and cowbells, it was an incredible experience to see the excitement and creativity from the students as they celebrated their culture and how the community came together to support this tradition.  

Here’s a glimpse of the magic of Junior Junkanoo.

Disney has supported Junior Junkanoo since coming to Eleuthera to help preserve the Junkanoo tradition for generations to come. This year, Disney increased our support Junior Junkanoo, and I experienced first-hand how much of an impact that made on this program and community.  

In addition to providing funding, we showed the students that the talents and skills they used to create costumes and parade banners could lead to incredible creative, entertainment and design careers. We hosted a virtual workshop to bring students together with Disney creatives and Bahamian fashion designer, Theodore Elyett, who we recently shared designed the new Bahamian-inspired outfits for Mickey and Minnie Mouse to wear at Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point when it opens this summer. During the workshop, students met with the team, exchanged creative design ideas as they finalized their Junkanoo costumes and learned about careers in the creative and entertainment industries.

Both as a Bahamian and Disney Cruise Line cast member, I’m excited for our guests from around the world to visit Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point to explore Eleuthera and join us in celebrating the rich Bahamian culture that makes our country unique.

Citation :
Mickey and Minnie Mouse Debut Bahamian-Inspired Designer Outfits

Mickey and Minnie Mouse will have new looks specially designed by acclaimed Bahamian fashion designer Theodore Elyett whenever they visit Disney Cruise Line’s newest island destination, Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point on the island of Eleuthera. The garments will have a distinct Bahamian flair, inspired by the bright, colorful spirit of Junkanoo, the country’s signature festival filled with joyous music and vibrant parades.

Who better to provide this look than a celebrated Bahamian artist?

Inspired by the beauty of his homeland, Theodore’s creations reflect the culture and colorful hues of island life. His designs are seen on the likes of Miss Universe contestants, celebrities, brides, cover girls, and government officials just to name a few. Soon, Theodore’s latest work will adorn two of our favorite icons: Mickey and Minnie Mouse!

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Capture-d-cran-2024-03-12-165456

Theodore grew up in Nassau, The Bahamas, surrounded by art and fashion. His mother owned her own sewing factory, and he started making dresses at an early age. Theodore’s designs first hit the runway when he was just 13 years old, in 1998—the very year Disney Cruise Line set sail. He went on to design for Miss Bahamas contestants and Miss Bahamas Universe, and the rest is history.

When Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point opens in June of 2024, Theodore’s work will hit an exciting, new runway—a celebration of Bahamian culture straight from the eyes of the country’s artists. At Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point, Mickey and Minnie’s looks will be part of a collection of colorful works of art by local creators, which you’ll see and experience throughout the new island destination.

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Capture-d-cran-2024-03-12-165534

“The beauty of Mickey and Minnie’s looks are that they are literally ‘Junkanoo Fun in the Sun,’” Theodore said. “When you talk about the print, pattern, color, texture of Junkanoo, they’ve got that.”

I am absolutely loving Minnie’s purse! And take a look at Mickey’s hat and shoes! Fun fact: raffia, a natural material made from the leaves of Raffia palm trees, is typically used in The Bahamas to decorate accessories. Another fun fact: Eleuthera is known for its pineapples. Can you spot these details in Mickey and Minnie’s looks?

Theodore will also design special styles for Donald and Daisy Duck, Goofy, Pluto, Chip ‘n’ Dale to wear while enjoying the natural beauty of Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point! Be sure to stay tuned to Disney Parks Blog for the final looks and to follow along with all the details of this exciting retreat debuting in summer 2024. And to learn more about the sailings that will visit the new destination, or to book a voyage, visit
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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Horlog11Mar 23 Avr 2024 - 9:38

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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Horlog11Jeu 25 Avr 2024 - 4:36

Panoplies vestimentaires créées pour Lookout Cay :
Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 7uwqr1

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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Horlog11Mar 30 Avr 2024 - 11:31

Hello, everyone! I hope you’re looking forward to the debut of Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point as much as I am! Today, I’m excited to share new photos from here in Eleuthera, including a new look at the Bahamian-inspired art and architecture taking shape at this one-of-a-kind island destination.

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Screen26


Nestled along the sand dunes of Serenity Bay, the vibrantly colored architecture of the Serenity Bay Cabanas matches the Mabrika Cove Cabanas, which sit across Disney Lookout Cay at the arrival point of the destination.

Steps away from Serenity Bay BBQ and the area’s beach bar, these cabanas will be available for rent to offer a retreat for adults to take in Eleuthera’s stunning sand dunes and shimmering ocean waves.

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Scree230

Local Art

The bright turquoise ocean here in Eleuthera is beautiful, yes, but don’t forget to look up while you’re exploring Disney Lookout Cay. Art from talented, local Bahamian artists will take shape throughout all of the spaces at the destination, including intricate wood carvings inspired by artist Andret John and colorful murals by painter Dorman Stubbs, as seen here.

Keep an eye out during your visit to Disney Lookout Cay – you won’t want to miss any of these thoughtful details.

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Screen27

True-True Too BBQ

True-True Too BBQ is a beautiful example of the architecture designed to look like oversized seashells scattered across the shores of Disney Lookout Cay. These uniquely designed dining pavilions will offer shade from your day of adventures on the Nature Trail or the beach, serving up views of Bahamian art, nature, and of course, delicious lunch!

I cannot wait for you to experience the beauty here along the shores of my home. We are counting down the days until Disney Lookout Cay opens in June!
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Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Horlog11Jeu 2 Mai 2024 - 21:31

Disney Cruise Line révèle quelques-uns des divertissements magiques de la nouvelle destination :

Citation :
Disney Cruise Line Reveals Entertainment for New Island Destination

Are you ready to experience the wonders at Disney Lookout Cay, where you’ll find yourself surrounded by unmatched Disney entertainment merged with authentic Bahamian culture? In just a few weeks, guests will set foot on the shores of Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point for the first time, and today, we’re revealing some of the magical entertainment at this beautiful destination.

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Capture-d-cran-2024-05-02-223507

RUSH! A Junkanoo Celebration at Disney Lookout Cay
Do you hear that?

With the call of a conch shell, a local Junkanoo Group will sweep you and your family up in RUSH! A Junkanoo Celebration at Disney Lookout Cay, introducing you to the signature festival of The Bahamas filled with colorful parades of dancing and music. You’ll have the chance to experience the joy of an authentic Junkanoo Rush Out as performers parade to the Goombay Cultural Center, where Mickey and Minnie Mouse and Donald and Daisy Duck will dance along, encouraging guests to join the vibrant celebration that brings the heartbeat of The Bahamas to life.

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Capture-d-cran-2024-05-02-223514

Disney Fun in the Sun Beach Bash 

You’ll have a ball at the Play-Play Pavilion during the Disney Fun in the Sun Beach Bash, a beach party full of games you can play with Disney friends! Show how low you can go in Goofy’s Good Day Limbo, test your skills at Pluto’s Pineapple Ring Toss, and cool off with a splash at Chip-n-Dale’s Water Brigade, all to the sound of all-new Bahamian renditions of Disney tunes. These games are sure to delight the whole family, with the spectacular shores of Eleuthera as your backdrop.
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Âge : 37
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Inscription : 06/07/2007

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Horlog11Jeu 2 Mai 2024 - 22:07

The Disney Cruise Line Blog a pu photographier le plan de Lookout Cay.

À voir sur Facebook :

Les attractions de l'île seront au nombre de 7 :
Family Beach
Serenity Bay
Goombay Cultural Center
Rush Out Gush Out
Triton's Trumpet Stage
Play-Play Pavilion
Sebastian's Cove

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Banniere-chronique-disney Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Tumblr10
Disneyland Paris : déc. 1997/avr. 1998/juil. 1999/avr. 2005/aoû. 2005/oct. 2005/fév. 2006/avr. 2006 - Cast Member 2006-2011 - visites régulières jusqu'à aujourd'hui
Walt Disney World Resort : nov. 2008/mai 2011/fév.-mars 2018/sep. 2019/oct. 2022
Disneyland Resort : sep. 2009/mai 2013/nov. 2015/août 2019/déc. 2023
Tokyo Disney Resort : juin 2015/avr. 2016
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort : mars 2016
Shanghai Disney Resort : mai 2016 / juin 2016 / juil. 2016
Disney Cruise Line : mars 2018 (Disney Dream) / sep. 2019 (Disney Fantasy) / oct. 2022 (Disney Wish) / nov. 2023 (Disney Magic) / sep. 2024 (Disney Wonder)
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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Horlog11Jeu 2 Mai 2024 - 22:15

Et aussi un guide des saveurs qui y seront proposées :

Citation :

Bahamian Pigeon Peas & Rice with marinated chicken, oven-baked plantains, and fried okra
Grilled Cheeseburger on a brioche bun with shredded iceberg lettuce, red onion, tomatoes, and pickles with french fries with American coleslaw
Disney Lookout Cay Spiced Rotisserie Chicken marinated with Bay Leaves, onion, sweet pepper, lime, thyme, and goat pepper with grilled pineapple and black bean salad
Plant-based Island Curry with tofu, cilantro, and potatoes (Plant-based)

Bahamian-style Lime marinated grilled snapper with sautéed pickled vegetables yucca fries
Grilled BBQ Ribs with “smoky BBQ” sauce, grilled corn, and yucca fries

Bahama Brew: Cold brew coffee blended with Hawaiian island syrup, cold brew, finished with a coconut flavored soft whip topping (Non-alcoholic beverage)
Butterfly Switcha: Specialty Mocktail made with lemonade, butterfly pea jasmine green tea, and a sprinkle of blue edible glitter (Non-alcoholic beverage)

Eleuthera Euphoria: Disney Lookout Cay Signature Cocktail made with premium aged rum, pineapple smoothie and DOLE Whip
Disney Lookout Cay Coffee Cup

Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Screenshot-202208     Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Disney-Shanghai-h-tel
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Âge : 37
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Inscription : 06/07/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Horlog11Ven 3 Mai 2024 - 2:17

Le plan à nouveau :
Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Fb_img34

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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Horlog11Ven 3 Mai 2024 - 5:01

Hâte de découvrir la destination en octobre prochain bounce bounce bounce

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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Horlog11Lun 10 Juin 2024 - 0:39

Les premiers visiteurs ont pu débarquer sur Lookout Cay :

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Âge : 53
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Localisation : Draveil
Inscription : 02/09/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Horlog11Lun 10 Juin 2024 - 7:45

En dehors du quai affreusement long et surtout sans la moindre ombre ou moyen de transport, j'aime bien les bâtiments, l'aspect "tradition des Bahamas" mis en valeur, la diversité des chemins et lieux . Ca a l'air bien plus étendue que Castaway Cay.

Mes photos d'Exploration Urbaine ici :
DLP : plus de 50 visites depuis juin 1992, PA Fantasia entre 2000 et 2015
WDW/USO/Sea World : 1989 (avec mes parents et mon frère) et 1998 (Voyage de Noces)
Disneyland Resort/USH : Eté 2015, étape de 3 jours au cours d'un Road Trip de 30 jours côte Est/côte Ouest
Pré-TR USA 2015 :
TR USA 2015 :
Vidéos TR USA 2015 :

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Messages : 507
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Inscription : 05/07/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Horlog11Lun 10 Juin 2024 - 8:11

Fgth a écrit:
En dehors du quai affreusement long et surtout sans la moindre ombre ou moyen de transport,  j'aime bien les bâtiments,  l'aspect "tradition des Bahamas" mis en valeur, la diversité des chemins et lieux . Ca a l'air bien plus étendue que Castaway Cay.

Je suis entièrement d'accord avec toi il ne faut pas chercher dans cette nouvelle destination des expériences comparables à Castaway Cay mais complémentaires. Là où Castaway Cay propose des activités de plage Lookout Cay elle part à la découverte de la culture Bahaméenne. Je suis tombé sous le charme de Castaway Cay et je pense que Lookout Cay fera son petit effet également lors de ma prochaine cruise. Je suis heureux d'avoir les 2 destinations sur mon itinéraire en octobre prochain.
S'agissant du quai je suis convaincu que des modifications seront apportées et les critiques entendues.
Il y a quelques moyens de transport pour les personnes en situation de handicap et à mobilité réduite.
La longueur du quai ne me choque pas plus que les quais de certains ports où j'ai fait escale lors de mes précédentes croisières.
Ce qui risque de devenir problématique effectivement c'est le manque d'ombre.
Enfin comme j'aime à le dire...le Castaway Cay que nous connaissons aujourd'hui n'a pas le même visage qu'à ses débuts. il en sera de même très certainement avec Lookout Cay !
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Âge : 53
Messages : 6396
Localisation : Draveil
Inscription : 02/09/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Horlog11Lun 10 Juin 2024 - 14:31

Je trouve l'effort "esthétique" vraiment très beau, varié, attirant et suffisamment discret. Ce sera encore mieux quand la végétation sera luxuriante.
La plage reste également assez sauvage et l'eau incroyable.
A voir également ce que ca vaut niveau nourriture (ça n'avait rien d'extraordinaire sur Castaway Cay, surtout par rapport à ce qu'on mange sur le Dream).
Les cabanes sont sympas mais ça reste assez cher je trouve.
Très (trop ?) Peu de touches Disney sur l'île par contre, mais je ne saurais dire si c'est un bien ou un mal.
Le quai reste très problématique selon moi. Je mettrais des ombrières avec panneaux solaires peut-être, avec des bancs, des points d'eau surtout, et des points photo avec personnage aussi. Il y a 2 ans j'avais oublié des trucs dans ma cabine et en moins de 30mn j'avais pu faire l'aller et retour grâce aux navettes, pas sûr que ce soit possible à lighthouse point...

Mes photos d'Exploration Urbaine ici :
DLP : plus de 50 visites depuis juin 1992, PA Fantasia entre 2000 et 2015
WDW/USO/Sea World : 1989 (avec mes parents et mon frère) et 1998 (Voyage de Noces)
Disneyland Resort/USH : Eté 2015, étape de 3 jours au cours d'un Road Trip de 30 jours côte Est/côte Ouest
Pré-TR USA 2015 :
TR USA 2015 :
Vidéos TR USA 2015 :

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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024] - Page 3 Horlog11Mer 10 Juil 2024 - 16:05

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Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point [Disney Cruise Line - 2024]
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