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Tag disneymovie sur Disney Central Plaza Ico_fr18Sujet: Encanto, la Fantastique Famille Madrigal [Walt Disney - 2021]

Réponses: 416
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Rechercher dans: Les Films d'Animation   Tag disneymovie sur Disney Central Plaza Doc12Sujet: Encanto, la Fantastique Famille Madrigal [Walt Disney - 2021]    Tag disneymovie sur Disney Central Plaza Horlog11Sam 8 Jan 2022 - 16:40
De nombreuses images partagées par Jose Francisco Martinez, qui a travaillé au développement visuel d'Encanto :

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100creatures a écrit:
First job on the movie. I did some shots/worbook for some flashback scenes. To use on the first song and later on.

#encanto #encantomovie #casita #encantofilm #disneyanimationstudios #disneyartist

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100creatures a écrit:
Location design / workbook for 2 flashback scenes. We needed a simple, modest little church. #encanto #encantodisneymovie #encantomovie #disneyencanto #casita

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100creatures a écrit:
Second assignment on #encanto movie. Design/worbook on the abuela song flashback scenes.
Being quite fresh on the project I mostly followed the storyboard. It didn't made it in the movie but one of them made it in the book to my surprise.
If somebody can credit the storyboard artist he is the most welcome.
#Encanto #encantodisneymovie #encantofilm #encantomovie #casita #disneyencanto #disney

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100creatures a écrit:
The jumbotron. This is the code name for the flower screen seen on the Isabela song. I think I was a little too shy, today, after 10 month at Disney I will go wilder. Image 3 shows firsts intentions I did suffer on the last image, I never could have it right. Having even a panic attack episode on one morning, believing I was letting the wonderfull team down. But, @lorelay_bove and Ian Gooding were great help.

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100creatures a écrit:
Some visual exploration for the background flower screens in the Isabela song. These were mostly done at morning,warming up before working on other designs. The intention was to be colorfull and dynamic but without interfering with the main animation. #encanto #encantodisneymovie #encantofilm #casita #disneyencanto #disneyanimation

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100creatures a écrit:
Some visual exploration for the background flower screens in the Isabela song. These were mostly done at morning,warming up before working on other designs. The intention was to be colorfull and dynamic but without interfering with the main animation. #encanto #encantodisneymovie #encantofilm #casita #disneyencanto #disneyanimation

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100creatures a écrit:
SPOILER - On my last day on the project, the production designer Ian Gooding suggested I'll give a shot on the "free" Isabela look. Here, a first batch of paintovers for the look of her painted face. More to come...
#encanto #casita #disney #disneyanimationstudios #disneyencanto #visualdevelopment

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100creatures a écrit:
SPOILER - Isabela song "free" dress. It was kind of fun to " trash" the "señorita perfecta" dress in a colorfull and chaotic way. I remembered as a kid in a rainy day in the countryside trying to catch a frog with my sister, to our joy and to our mom despair, and used that memory to get the right mindset of the 2 sisters getting wild and playfull.
The third image is a early version and the last one is the darker color I used as a base to add the colors.
I'm sorry @neysabove, I had to throw some paint on your beautiful dress design.
#encanto #disneyencanto #disneyanimationstudios #visualdevelopment #casita #colombia

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100creatures a écrit:
This is the second batch - and last- for the Isabela's song face look. It never made into the movie, except for the hair. I guess it may be too much trouble to read the expressions with too much colors on her face.
Still, it was fun to break the classic Disney princess look.

#encanto #disneyencanto #encantomovie #disneyanimation #disneymovie #disneyartist #casita #colombia #visualdevelopment
Tag disneymovie sur Disney Central Plaza Ico_fr18Sujet: Mulan [Disney - 2020]

Réponses: 990
Vues: 56871

Rechercher dans: Les Films Live Action   Tag disneymovie sur Disney Central Plaza Doc12Sujet: Mulan [Disney - 2020]    Tag disneymovie sur Disney Central Plaza Horlog11Jeu 10 Sep 2020 - 20:45
Mulan a elle aussi sa vidéo comparant animation et Live Action :

Ming-Na Wen continue de partager des anecdotes sur son cameo.

Tag disneymovie sur Disney Central Plaza Merlin11

Elle a révélé au New York Times (lien : How That Surprise ‘Mulan’ Cameo Happened) qu'à l'origine elle était prévue pour être présente en tant que future belle-mère potentielle durant la scène avec la marieuse. Mais l'emploi du temps de l'actrice, avec le tournage des Agents du SHIELD, ne lui permettait pas d'être absente un mois pour le tournage en Nouvelle-Zélande. Il fut alors décidé par la suite qu'elle ne fasse qu'une courte apparition pour présenter Mulan, qui ne nécessitait sa présence que pour une semaine : "J'ai trouvé que c'était très approprié et tout simplement merveilleux, un petit clin d’œil surprise où je pourrais passer le relais. Et cette fois, ils n'avaient besoin de moi que pendant une semaine. Alors tout a fonctionné!". La réalisatrice Niki Caro a également souhaité que son apparence rappelle celle de Mulan dans le film d'animation.

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Ming-Na Wen a écrit:
Casual wear. 😆
Subtle Easter Eggs:
A nod to 1998 animation, I mimicked the way #Mulan walked when she had to meet the matchmaker. 😁🥰🌺 The colors of animated #Mulan’s dress is incorporated into the inner layers of the costume. The hair and makeup also emulate Mulan. 🌺

@bina_daigeler_costumedesign blew my mind with all the elaborate and breath-taking costumes she designed for @Mulan. She is an incredible talent! Her costume workshop was like a museum. Her attention to details, along with the craftsmanship and artistry of her crew were unbelieveably exquisite and Oscar worthy! So grateful I got to meet and work with her! 😍👏🏼👏🏼

Side note: Seriously, how did women do ANYTHING in this? 🤷🏻

Yoson An, qui incarne Honghui dans le film, a partagé une image de son premier jour de tournage :

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Yoson An a écrit:
Honghui and @mulan, taken from my first day on set. I was SO nervous leading up this scene... On top of the pressure of being in this gigantic movie, the excitement of working with Niki Caro and acting for the first time with Yifei, I also only had 3 months to get into peak physical shape for Honghui for this scene (scheduled as my first filming day).

Tbh, I couldn’t have done it without my brothers in arms:
Yao - @chenlovesyall
Ling - @jfwong
Po - @douamoua
Cricket - @itsjunyu
Sergeant Qiang - @ronyuan
We were in bootcamp together for 4 months straight where we pushed each other beyond our limits - we bonded through our blood, sweat, and tears (of joy) and got to know each other on a level not many people can. Our camaraderie off screen reflected our camaraderie on screen 👊I love you

I’m so excited for you all to experience this incredible film on the 4th of September ⚔🔥✨ In the meantime... stay Loyal, Brave, and True.

#disneymovie #mulan #liveaction #liuyifei #disneyplus #behindthescene #shirtlessguys

et une autre de son dernier avec "Mulan" :
Tag disneymovie sur Disney Central Plaza 11851010
Yoson An a écrit:
The last day on set with @mulan ⚔🔥✨

#disneymovie #liveaction #mulan #liuyifei #loyalbravetrue
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