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1 résultat trouvé pour SIGGRAPH2019

Tag siggraph2019 sur Disney Central Plaza Ico_fr18Sujet: Les Courts-Métrages Disney - Experimental Films [Walt Disney - 2018-2022]

Réponses: 37
Vues: 6160

Rechercher dans: Les Cartoons   Tag siggraph2019 sur Disney Central Plaza Doc12Sujet: Les Courts-Métrages Disney - Experimental Films [Walt Disney - 2018-2022]    Tag siggraph2019 sur Disney Central Plaza Horlog11Mar 30 Juil 2019 - 22:56
Petite animation du chien sur l'un des cerfs-volants :

Walt Disney Animation Studios a écrit:
The puppy kite in our VR short, "a kite's tale," combines hand-drawn with CG animation to form one character. In cleanup animation, additional construction lines were also added to simulate the Xerography era of hand-drawn animation.
#TechTuesday 🎨: Tony DeRosa, Rachel Bibb

Et concept art :
Tag siggraph2019 sur Disney Central Plaza 67318410

Walt Disney Animation Studios a écrit:
At #SIGGRAPH2019 yesterday, director Bruce Wright and lighting artist Angela McBride shared more about the making of our second VR short, "a kite's tale." Here's a look at concept art from the short by visual development artist Meg Park.
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