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Tag makeupinspo sur Disney Central Plaza Ico_fr18Sujet: Cruella [Disney - 2021]

Réponses: 518
Vues: 37178

Rechercher dans: Les Films Live Action   Tag makeupinspo sur Disney Central Plaza Doc12Sujet: Cruella [Disney - 2021]    Tag makeupinspo sur Disney Central Plaza Horlog11Lun 5 Juil 2021 - 21:30
Vu qu'on parle d'Artie, petit focus sur son makeup, partagé par Nadia Stacey :

Tag makeupinspo sur Disney Central Plaza 20899510

nadiastaceyhairmakeupdesign a écrit:
WORK OF ART - close up of the (obviously) Bowie inspired makeup. We bleached his brows to add to the look and make the dark eyes really stand out. Artie’s makeup was designed by me and applied by the brilliant @guycommon #makeup #designer #hair #design #workofart #cruella #artie #cruellamakeup @cruella_2021 #disney #bowie #bowiemakeup #bleachedbrows

Ainsi que d'autres images des coulisses:

Tag makeupinspo sur Disney Central Plaza 20249910

nadiastaceyhairmakeupdesign a écrit:
PEARLS - so in the film (second photo) you don’t see the detail in this look but there are tiny pearls glued to Emily’s eye to follow the winged makeup. This was then the inspiration for Emily’s look for the premiere. I loved the delicacy of this look and wished you could see it more. I can’t wait to see some of you create this and tag me. @cruella_2021 #cruella #makeup #makeupinspo #makeuplooks #makeuplover #cruellamakeup #makeupartistsworldwide #cosplay #devilisinthedetails

Tag makeupinspo sur Disney Central Plaza 20491210

nadiastaceyhairmakeupdesign a écrit:
CLOSE UP - THE PAST - this is when Cruella takes over the baroness. One of my favourite looks. One of the maddest looks. Cruella always have a beauty spot and Estella doesn’t.’but for this look we wanted to make it a cross. Teamed with a crown from @nadiasemanic it was so fun to walk Emily to set this night with her amazing costume @cruella_2021 #cruella #makeup #designer #hair #hairstyles #hairstyles #makeuplooks #makeupinspo #makeuplooks #makeupaddict #makeuplover

Tag makeupinspo sur Disney Central Plaza 20927610

nadiastaceyhairmakeupdesign a écrit:
HORACE- my inspiration for the punk runway was Johnny Rotten of @pistolsofficial and I really wanted to spray Horace’s hair for this scene but our director wasn’t sure, I begged him to let me do it and got our cinematographer onside to convince him too. Horace’s hair and makeup applied by @danicasalix #hair #makeup #designer @cruella_2021 #cruella #sexpistols_official #punk #punkfashion #punkhair
Tag makeupinspo sur Disney Central Plaza Ico_fr18Sujet: Cruella [Disney - 2021]

Réponses: 518
Vues: 37178

Rechercher dans: Les Films Live Action   Tag makeupinspo sur Disney Central Plaza Doc12Sujet: Cruella [Disney - 2021]    Tag makeupinspo sur Disney Central Plaza Horlog11Lun 31 Mai 2021 - 18:25
Deux autres photos des coulisses partagées par Nadia Stacey:

Tag makeupinspo sur Disney Central Plaza 19424611

nadiastaceyhairmakeupdesign a écrit:
GARBAGE GLAMOUR - the garbage truck moment. I thought it would be funny if she climbed out of a garbage truck with jewels and a wonky 18th century wig to mock the baroness from when she sees it as a child at the ball. @guycommon and I created this in a conference room in a hotel due to location and the size of the dress. It’s one of my favourite looks. #makeup #makeupartistsworldwide #makeuplooks #makeupinspo @cruella_2021 #hair #hairstyles #wigs #18thcentury #punk #teamworkmakesthedreamwork I love you🖤🤍

Tag makeupinspo sur Disney Central Plaza 19489910

nadiastaceyhairmakeupdesign a écrit:
DECEPTION- I knew when Cruella made her first appearance to the baroness I needed her makeup to disguise her but wasn’t sure how to achieve a beauty look at the same time. I kept playing with using lashes somehow. This all started with some upside down feather lashes along the bottom line and built out from there. Thank goodness we only had to create this twice as the black jewels are all individually stuck on and we were finding the look as we went along. @guycommon and I had our fingers stuck together with glue! The feathers I bought from @hobbycrafthq ! I’m loving people sending me their versions of this. So brilliant. As the story develops the mask type makeups fall away to more classic beauty looks. #makeup #makeupstorytelling #makeupdesign #makeuplooks #makeuplover #makeupinspo #makeupartist
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