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Tag klaus sur Disney Central Plaza Ico_fr18Sujet: Klaus [Netflix - 2019]

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Rechercher dans: Animation, BD & Jeux vidéo   Tag klaus sur Disney Central Plaza Doc12Sujet: Klaus [Netflix - 2019]    Tag klaus sur Disney Central Plaza Horlog11Lun 10 Fév 2020 - 20:14
Klaus n'a pas gagné l'Oscar du Meilleur Film d'Animation, mais voici un dessin qu'avait réalisé Gabriel Soares :

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gabriel.soareszz a écrit:
I was really hopeful that Klaus could win an Oscar, but it wasn't our turn! 😌🤷Anyway, I want to congratulate all the artists involved in this beautiful project, you were amazing! 💪⭐ I'm very lucky to have been able to participate a little bit in that. Now I leave here with you the drawing I made for the victory of Klaus.I love you😉
#klaus #thespastudios #netflix #oscars2020
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