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 Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021]

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Âge : 30
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MessageSujet: Re: Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Horlog11Ven 20 Aoû 2021 - 0:39

Cette affiche est splendide !
Et la bande annonce est incroyable. Le film me hype bien plus que Shang-Chi et la Légende des Dix Anneaux.

Je saurais t'aimer, j'en ai rêvé !
La Belle au Bois Dormant

Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Mec_me10
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Inscription : 23/08/2021

Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Horlog11Lun 23 Aoû 2021 - 11:17

Des rumeurs parlent que le film serait sur D+ si la situation ne s’améliore pas..
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L'Oncle Walt

L'Oncle Walt

Âge : 27
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Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Horlog11Ven 10 Sep 2021 - 18:23

La date de sortie est maintenue pour Les Éternels. Ainsi que sa sortie exclusive au cinéma.

Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 E-7vIffWYAY_sUz?format=jpg&name=large

Les adultes sont juste des enfants qui ont grandi.
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MessageSujet: Re: Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Horlog11Ven 10 Sep 2021 - 18:52

Sortie exclusive pendant 45 jours suivie d'une disponibilité en VOD ?
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Messages : 63
Inscription : 23/08/2021

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MessageSujet: Re: Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Horlog11Ven 10 Sep 2021 - 18:54

Les scores de Shang chi ont du rassurer le studio
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Âge : 53
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Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Horlog11Ven 10 Sep 2021 - 20:31

Un ciné c'est quand même autre chose. Very Happy
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L'Oncle Walt

L'Oncle Walt

Âge : 27
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Inscription : 19/02/2015

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MessageSujet: Re: Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Horlog11Ven 10 Sep 2021 - 20:55

Southside a écrit:
Sortie exclusive pendant 45 jours suivie d'une disponibilité en VOD ?

Sûrement. C'est en tout cas ce qu'il va se passer pour Shang-Chi et c'est le nouveau modèle en vogue à Hollywood (Warner et Paramount vont mettre en place cette stratégie dès l'année prochaine). Je ne serai pas surpris qu'il soit appliqué chez toutes les majors d'ici un ou deux ans.
Après, contrairement à ses concurrents, Disney n'a pas encore pour projet d'abandonner le streaming pour ses grosses sorties donc on reste prudent, il peut encore y avoir d'autres alternatives.

Les adultes sont juste des enfants qui ont grandi.

MD35 aime ce message

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MessageSujet: Re: Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Horlog11Ven 10 Sep 2021 - 21:04

L'Oncle Walt a écrit:
Southside a écrit:
Sortie exclusive pendant 45 jours suivie d'une disponibilité en VOD ?

Sûrement. C'est en tout cas ce qu'il va se passer pour Shang-Chi et c'est le nouveau modèle en vogue à Hollywood (Warner et Paramount vont mettre en place cette stratégie dès l'année prochaine). Je ne serai pas surpris qu'il soit appliqué chez toutes les majors d'ici un ou deux ans.
Après, contrairement à ses concurrents, Disney n'a pas encore pour projet d'abandonner le streaming pour ses grosses sorties donc on reste prudent, il peut encore y avoir d'autres alternatives.

La Paramount supervise la distribution de Sans Un Bruit 2, qui a bénéficié de ce mode de sortie Very Happy. Je pense qu'il s'agit d'un bon compromis même si le Premier Access a permis un apport supplémentaire de revenus non négligeable. Apport que Disney n'a pas à partager avec divers associés.
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Messages : 63
Inscription : 23/08/2021

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MessageSujet: Re: Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Horlog11Ven 10 Sep 2021 - 23:09

Southside a écrit:
L'Oncle Walt a écrit:
Southside a écrit:
Sortie exclusive pendant 45 jours suivie d'une disponibilité en VOD ?

Sûrement. C'est en tout cas ce qu'il va se passer pour Shang-Chi et c'est le nouveau modèle en vogue à Hollywood (Warner et Paramount vont mettre en place cette stratégie dès l'année prochaine). Je ne serai pas surpris qu'il soit appliqué chez toutes les majors d'ici un ou deux ans.
Après, contrairement à ses concurrents, Disney n'a pas encore pour projet d'abandonner le streaming pour ses grosses sorties donc on reste prudent, il peut encore y avoir d'autres alternatives.

La Paramount supervise la distribution de Sans Un Bruit 2, qui a bénéficié de ce mode de sortie Very Happy. Je pense qu'il s'agit d'un bon compromis même si le Premier Access a permis un apport supplémentaire de revenus non négligeable. Apport que Disney n'a pas à partager avec divers associés.

Si il doit partager une part de commission avec Google non ?
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Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Horlog11Sam 11 Sep 2021 - 10:29


Il me semble que non Smile.

Le film sortira bien en salles pendant 45 jours avant d’être disponible en VOD ou streaming.
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Messages : 63
Inscription : 23/08/2021

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MessageSujet: Re: Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Horlog11Sam 11 Sep 2021 - 10:41

Southside a écrit:

Il me semble que non Smile.

Le film sortira bien en salles pendant 45 jours avant d’être disponible en VOD ou streaming.

Donc si je suis ton raisonnement, Black Widow n’est plus un échec mais à rembourser son budget grâce au 125m sur D+.

Ouais mais les 45 jours..ça sera pas pour chez nous…
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Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Horlog11Sam 11 Sep 2021 - 10:56

Les recettes de Black Widow ont définitivement remboursé le budget initial. Cependant, il faut garder en tête que le film a souffert de plusieurs délais, accompagné d’une promotion donc plus longue et plus indécise au fil des mois. Des négociations qui n’étaient pas prévues initialement, se sont rajoutées et cela a un coût considérable.

Bob Chapek a verbalisé en personne sa satisfaction de la rentabilité du Premier Access.

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Messages : 63
Inscription : 23/08/2021

Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Horlog11Sam 11 Sep 2021 - 11:45

Southside a écrit:
Les recettes de Black Widow ont définitivement remboursé le budget initial. Cependant, il faut garder en tête que le film a souffert de plusieurs délais, accompagné d’une promotion donc plus longue et plus indécise au fil des mois. Des négociations qui n’étaient pas prévues initialement, se sont rajoutées et cela a un coût considérable.

Bob Chapek a verbalisé en personne sa satisfaction de la rentabilité du Premier Access.

C’est déjà ça, remboursé son budget pour sa sortie hybride..c’était pas gagner avance.
Les autres négociations sont plus loin des problèmes budgétaires du film.
Donc Shang-Chi, si le film a couter 250m (avec la promo) il doit faire dans les 500m
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Âge : 31
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Localisation : France
Inscription : 06/10/2012

Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Horlog11Dim 3 Oct 2021 - 20:50

Le nouveau spot (VO), Protect, s'amuse des similitudes entre Ikaris et Superman :

Et de nombreux nouveaux moments également dans Team, un second spot, toujours en VO :

Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Banniz12
Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Banniere-chronique-disney
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Âge : 31
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Localisation : France
Inscription : 06/10/2012

Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Horlog11Lun 11 Oct 2021 - 14:50

Nouveau spot (VO) :

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Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Banniere-chronique-disney
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Âge : 53
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Inscription : 04/06/2017

Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Horlog11Lun 11 Oct 2021 - 14:55

C'est court mais ça me donne envie. Very Happy
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Âge : 31
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Localisation : France
Inscription : 06/10/2012

Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Horlog11Lun 11 Oct 2021 - 15:20

La promo s'intensifie avec l'arrivée de la première Featurette (VO), In the Beginning :

Interview de la réalisatrice Chloé Zhao par Fandango :

Fandango a écrit:

Tickets for Marvel’s Eternals are now on sale here at Fandango, ahead of its November 5 debut exclusively in movie theaters. The third film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s “Phase Four,” Eternals makes history for its diverse ensemble cast and for being the first MCU film helmed by a Best Director Oscar winner in Chloé Zhao. Only seven months after her Best Picture and Best Director Oscar wins for the terrific Nomadland, Zhao returns to theaters with her biggest, most ambitious project yet: a massive Marvel film that spans thousands of years and promises to push the MCU forward in a significant way.

The Eternals – or “Earth’s original superheroes,” as Zhao affectionately calls them – are a new group of characters being introduced into Marvel’s ever-expanding cinematic universe, but in a way they’re also the MCU’s first group of superheroes. Created 7,000 years ago by powerful space gods called Celestials, the group was tasked with hiding out in the shadows and not intervening with the evolution of humanity once they eliminated their greatest enemy, the Deviants. However, following the events of Avengers: Endgame, the Deviants have mysteriously returned, and now the Eternals are back to save humanity yet again.

At over two-and-a-half hours, Eternals is one of the longest MCU films, but according to Zhao its length is intentional. “It could be longer!” she told Fandango during an extended conversation about the film. “You know, it’s ten characters, the Celestials and 7,000 years. There’s a lot going on.”

Zhao has a lot going on, too. She made Nomadland and Eternals back-to-back with barely any time to celebrate her Oscar wins, but when she speaks about Eternals, her passion and excitement is infectious, to the point where it feels as if she was destined to be the Eternals’ eleventh super-powered member. The last year has been Zhao’s most demanding of her career, but in speaking with her you get a sense she’s embracing it all with a ton of heart and a desire to deliver a theatrical experience unlike any we’ve ever had with a Marvel movie before.

Ahead, Zhao talks more about the film’s heroes and villains, as well as how her approach to Nomadland carried over into Eternals. Plus: How films like Terrence Malick’s The New World and Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar helped inspire her vision for Eternals, and why she feels this latest film from Marvel Studios will redefine everything we know about the MCU moving forward.

Fandango: The last time we spoke, we broke down a great scene from Nomadland. That was before the Oscars, so I must start off here by congratulating you on your Oscar wins.

Chloé Zhao: Thank you! Well, it’s funny, the last time we talked I was trying to finish that film. And here I am trying to finish this film.

Fandango: We’ll just make that a tradition every time we talk – you’ll be trying to finish the film and I’ll be trying to get answers out of you about the film.

Chloé Zhao: [laughs] Sure!

Fandango: So how did you come to direct Eternals? Did Marvel approach you or did you approach them? What was your pitch like for the film?

Chloé Zhao: Well, when I got the opportunity to pitch to Kevin [Feige], I was very nervous. I actually started pitching [the film] by showing him a blown-up macro photo of sand, and then I cited a William Blake poem. That’s where we started. [laughs] Ultimately, it was a very long pitch and it covered almost every aspect of making the film.

Fandango: In the new featurette we're debuting with tickets going on sale, Kevin Feige says that the impact Eternals is going to have will redefine the Marvel Cinematic Universe entirely. How would you say this movie redefines everything we've seen so far from the MCU? What do you think he means by that?

Chloé Zhao: Well, let’s see… I think a big part of it is that audiences will be discovering the origin of the MCU through the mythology of the Celestials. I think by the end of the film, we will have a new understanding of planet Earth’s relationship with the cosmos, and also with her own inhabitants. But in that sense, it would have a huge effect on the future of the MCU.

Fandango: Ah, that’s interesting. You know, the movie also promises to explore the world more following the events of Avengers: Endgame. So, what's happening in the world at the start of this film, and why are the Eternals called out of hiding?

Chloé Zhao: Well, the film is set after the Avengers brought back half of the population in the universe and on the planet. So, the way we look at an event like that is always, for us, it is seen as this huge ecological implication [if] something like that happened to our planet. So, between that ecological implication, and the sudden mysterious return of the Deviants, it's time for the Eternals to get back to work.

Fandango: For those not familiar with the Eternals, how would you best explain how they fit into the MCU?

Chloé Zhao: We like to call them Earth's original superheroes. So, they were instructed to stand on the sideline once the Deviants were gone to allow humans to develop and progress in the way that we were meant to…and that ultimately led us to someone like Tony [Stark]. So, they've always existed in the shadows…you just never know where they might show up again.

Fandango: What was a personal filmmaking touch that you wanted to bring to the MCU with Eternals?

Chloé Zhao: Well, I think Marvel Studios has always worked with filmmakers [who have] very distinct voices, and that's why the films are different. But I think for this specific movie, what drew me to this movie and why they hired me, I think, is that the visual experience for this film must feel immersive enough for the audience to believe that these superhero characters have walked the earth for 7,000 years. So, to do that, there’s what I like to call an anthropological way of capturing things. The cameras are very grounded, and the movements are very natural. Shots are longer — we use wide angle lenses, and deep focus. Very similar to the thing you and I did together for Nomadland… it's about giving the audience the space and the time to be able to explore what's within the frame, and therefore come to their own conclusion of the relationship between the characters and the space they're in.

In this case you're going throughout history and 7,000 years, [and so it’s] even more important to make us feel like this world feels real and grounded. I wanted to apply that same digital style to everything from action, visual effects, to also capturing the grand mythology of the Celestials in the cosmos, and the consistency of that. I wanted it to feel grounded yet fantastical.

Fandango: When we spoke about Nomadland, we talked at length about that long tracking shot of Fern at the RTR, which was beautiful. Like you said, it’s the sort of scene where you can sit back and truly embrace the space and the environment. Do you have any of those kinds of long tracking shots in Eternals?

Chloé Zhao: Yeah, we have that. I mean, I don’t know if any are as long as that one [in Nomadland], but we definitely linger with the camera, both in action sequences and if it’s someone walking through a village or in space with the Celestials. We always try to see how long we can hold before we have to cut. When you have unlimited tools, it was very important to set limitations. So for us, we set the language up and then we follow it strictly. And part of that for us is to try to linger in every type of scene as much as possible for a film like this.

Fandango: I always like to ask directors about their cinematic inspirations. Did you have the cast watch any movies while preparing for their roles? Did you watch any movies while you were preparing to take this on? What were some of the things that you drew from for inspiration?

Chloé Zhao: I would say I pay tribute to many films and filmmakers that had great influence on me in this movie. It becomes fanfare for me [laughs]…I try to let them inspire me in different parts of the movie because the film is so diverse, visually. I could do a lot of different things.

Particularly with the team at Marvel — our visual effects team, the action units, the design teams — we watched [Terrence] Malick films, particularly The Tree of Life and The New World. We watched The Revenant a lot, and Interstellar a lot. We watched Blade Runner 2049 and a film called Samsara. We watched that a lot. Obviously 2001: A Space Odyssey was very important, too. So, these were the films we had on repeat, and of course, there’s many other things in my life that I’ve watched that snuck into it.

Fandango: In this new featurette, we learn that five of the Eternals are thinkers and five are fighters. How do the thinkers help the fighters, and vice versa?

Chloé Zhao: I’m so glad you picked up on that because that was one thing I really geeked out about. The idea came about from how human society was structured back then. So, if you think about it, there were fighters, generals, warriors and gladiators, but there were also philosophers, inventors, priests and healers. In a way, the Celestials planned it really well. Half the team will protect the humans from the Deviants and will protect the gate so they have a safe environment to develop. The other half will nudge them so they can advance and become strong enough to protect themselves one day. When that happens, they can go into the shadows all together.

Fandango: What can you say about the Warlord Kro? What makes him a unique villain in the MCU?

Chloé Zhao: I think the only thing I can say…he’s very unique. I think in a way I would say he is an accident in evolution, and there is great debate around the right for someone like him to exist.

Fandango: Do you have a personal favorite character that you connected with the most?

Chloé Zhao: I can't answer that — it’s like asking you to pick your favorite children! No, but what I'll say is that the Eternals really represent different characteristics of humanity, each of them. I think there's a bit of all of them in each other.

Fandango: Where we are in the MCU right now, there's a lot of multiverse stuff going on, both on TV and on the big screen. Does Eternals help push the multiverse narrative forward or is this film separate from that?

Chloé Zhao: The film completely stands alone. If you know half the universe disappeared and it came back, that's all you need to know to watch this film. But what happens in this film will have huge implications on the future.

Fandango: Something we always have to ask…should audiences stick around for something special in the credits?

Chloé Zhao: Yes! Don’t just stay for the first one — also stay for the second one, too. They are equally as important in weight, and both have big surprises for you.

Fandango: Considering the length of this film, is there a lot you left on the cutting room floor? Will we get to see it in a home entertainment release perhaps?

Chloé Zhao: You get to see some, yes.

Fandango: Finally, what are you most excited for audiences to experience with this film?

Chloé Zhao: Well, there are three things I'm most excited for. I'm most excited for them to go on this epic journey through time and space, and just have a great time with our wonderful characters. Then, I'm excited for them to learn new MCU mythologies, and to push the Marvel Cinematic Universe forward for the fans. Also, I'm excited for audiences to explore some of the existential questions that we as humans have pondered since the dawn of time.

Fandango: Thanks so much, Chloé — good luck with the film!

Chloé Zhao: Thank you! See it in IMAX!

Eternals arrives in theaters on November 5

Le film devrait durer donc près de deux heures et demie, et avec deux scènes au générique.

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Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Banniere-chronique-disney

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Âge : 31
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Inscription : 06/10/2012

Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Horlog11Lun 11 Oct 2021 - 18:28

Les affiches IMAX, Dolby Cinema et Real 3D ont également été dévoilées :

Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Fbbcya10

Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Fbbgp_10

Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Fba45710

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Âge : 31
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Localisation : France
Inscription : 06/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Horlog11Lun 11 Oct 2021 - 18:33

Return, nouveau spot VO  :

Et le spot Protect en VF :

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Âge : 31
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Inscription : 06/10/2012

Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Horlog11Mar 12 Oct 2021 - 0:58

Affiche pour les salles 4DX :

Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Fbbmxz10

Et affiches personnages :

Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Eterna14

Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Eterna15

Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Eterna16

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Messages : 13537
Inscription : 27/08/2011

Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Horlog11Mar 12 Oct 2021 - 16:51

On parlerait de deux scènes post-génériques.
Va pas falloir quitter son siège trop tôt au cinéma. Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 1531205339

fauna aime ce message

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Âge : 59
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MessageSujet: Re: Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Horlog11Mar 12 Oct 2021 - 18:01

1er commandement Marvel :

"Jusqu'à la fin du générique tu resteras"



Mes visites : DLP régulièrement depuis 1992, Disneyland Resort (1x), Walt Disney World (4x), Universal
A venir : Tokyo Disney Resort & Universal Japan ==> septembre/octobre 2024 Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 425715

fauna, *choupinette*, Thumper et Globoss aiment ce message

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Âge : 31
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Inscription : 06/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Horlog11Mar 19 Oct 2021 - 17:10

L'avant-première des Eternels a eu lieu à Hollywood :

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Âge : 31
Messages : 10105
Localisation : France
Inscription : 06/10/2012

Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Horlog11Jeu 21 Oct 2021 - 15:00

Reportages VO , “Introducing The Eternals” et “Visionary” :

Autres spots (VO) :

Et les premiers extraits du film (VO toujours) :

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Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Banniere-chronique-disney
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Âge : 31
Messages : 10105
Localisation : France
Inscription : 06/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021] - Page 2 Horlog11Ven 29 Oct 2021 - 19:31

Les acteurs dans la Ville Éternelle :

Les Eternels en 60 Secondes :

Deux spots (VO) :

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Les Éternels [Marvel - 2021]
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