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 Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019]

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Jake Sully

Jake Sully

Âge : 35
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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] 4 - Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] - Page 12 Horlog11Jeu 3 Déc 2020 - 21:36

Le problème, c'est que vous vous basez sur un personnage d'anim pour juger sa version en live action. Or, que ce soit dans The Clone Wars ou Rebels, le design des personnages n'a jamais été réaliste, et toujours très "cartoon" (surtout dans TCW d'ailleurs, où l'on voit le plus Ahsoka), et où les mouvements et actions ont toujours été exagérée par rapport aux films.

Après oui, je peux comprendre que l'histoire des lekkus soit gênant (moi aussi ça m'a un peu dérangé au début), mais le reste franchement, c'est du chipotage. Puis si vous voulez que le personnage ait la même voix entre l'anim et le live-action, regardez la VF plutôt que la VO.

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L'Oncle Walt

L'Oncle Walt

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] 4 - Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] - Page 12 Horlog11Jeu 3 Déc 2020 - 22:23

4 - Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] - Page 12 EoVw1xeXEAEeZDL?format=jpg&name=large

Les adultes sont juste des enfants qui ont grandi.

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] 4 - Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] - Page 12 Horlog11Ven 4 Déc 2020 - 9:35

Le truc assez excitant, c'est que l'on a maintenant vu tout les episodes dont les images des trailers étaient tirées, a partir de l'episode d'aujourd'hui on va etre pleinement en découverte.

- There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow ! -
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Jake Sully

Jake Sully

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] 4 - Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] - Page 12 Horlog11Ven 4 Déc 2020 - 14:13

Depuis la semaine dernière (et l'épisode Ahsoka) en fait on est sur de l'inédit par rapport à la bande annonce de la saison 2.

Sinon, Boba is back, et finalement tout s'enchaîne rapidement pour cette seconde partie de saison (même si bon, je sens bien que la semaine prochaine, on sera plutôt sur une quête annexe avant le grand final dans 15 jours).

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] 4 - Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] - Page 12 Horlog11Ven 4 Déc 2020 - 14:59

Ça envoie du lourd depuis quelques épisodes.
Ils attendent quoi pour confier la direction de Lucasfilm à Favreau et Filoni ?   Laughing

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Captain Mickey

Captain Mickey

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] 4 - Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] - Page 12 Horlog11Ven 4 Déc 2020 - 17:54

Ellie_ a écrit:
Rassure toi en tout cas tu n'es pas le seul à être déçu de ce choix.

Ça fait plaisir de voir quelqu’un qui pense la même chose. J'espère en tout cas que Lucasfilm améliorera au moins le costume d’Ashoka lors de ses éventuelles prochaines apparitions.

Jake Sully a écrit:
Le problème, c'est que vous vous basez sur un personnage d'anim pour juger sa version en live action. Or, que ce soit dans The Clone Wars ou Rebels, le design des personnages n'a jamais été réaliste, et toujours très "cartoon" (surtout dans TCW d'ailleurs, où l'on voit le plus Ahsoka), et où les mouvements et actions ont toujours été exagérée par rapport aux films.

Il est vrai que les personnages de Clone Wars (particulièrement les premières saisons) sont caractérisés par cet aspect cartoon. Mais faire cette affirmation c’est mettre la saison 7 de côté qui cherche d’une part à se rapprocher au plus de l'esthétique de Revenge of the Siths mais aussi de trouver un juste milieu entre l'esthétique d’Ashoka de Clone Wars et de Rebels.  

Pour ce qui est des mouvements on peut certes les trouver plus exagérés que dans les films, mais réduire des mouvements impressionnant à l’animation, c’est oublier la qualité des combats qu’on peut trouver dans la prélogie. Que cela soit la rapidité des mouvements ou les acrobaties. C’est aussi oublier que pour le duel Maul/Ashoka de la saison 7, les équipes de Clone Wars ont utilisé le procédé de motion capture pour mettre en avant les mouvements de Ray Park. Ce combat étant l’un des plus réussi et agréable à voir pour un fan de Star Wars, cela prouve bien que l’animation n’est pas la seule composante qui permet de proposer des combats dignes de ce nom.
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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] 4 - Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] - Page 12 Horlog11Sam 5 Déc 2020 - 1:03

Sinon, je trouve la BO de Ludwig Göransson excellentissime ! 4 - Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] - Page 12 425715
Chaque thème de chaque perso est excellent et correspond merveilleusement bien aux personnages.
Et le petit nouveau de cette semaine (boba)... polala tellement badass 4 - Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] - Page 12 425715

La BO des épisodes 1 à 4
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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] 4 - Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] - Page 12 Horlog11Sam 5 Déc 2020 - 5:11

Très bon épisode ce soir.

Une minute avant de me poser sur Disney +, je me fais la réflexion : "Bon si Boba ne débarque pas maintenant, ils auront raté une occasion de faire un vrai quelque chose dans cette saison 2"

Bon bah j'ai été servi. Et là encore il y a de l'idée :
Boba n'est plus le simple fumier de chasseur de prime qu'il était ... Enfin pour le moment, jusqu'a ce que Laughing
Mais allez qui sait ? Peut etre s'est il racheté une conduite. Temuera Morrison fait toujours le taff, mais j'avais pas de crainte. Encore un peu plus de reprise des evenements laissé en suspens saison 1 et épisodes précédents de la saison 2.

Et dieu merci, enfin un peu de réflexion, de suspens et de bouleversement dans cet épisode à la place de la traditionnel rencontre du perso local qui a besoin d'aide en échange d'indices.

Episode, court mais riche et qui évidemment trace une voie vers le final. A mon avis sur les deux derniers épisodes, meme procédé que la saison 1. ça sent l'exfiltration de Grogu à bord du croiseur impérial, et allez je me fais un film : je dis qu'avant ça, ils vont chercher Bo Katan et ses deux potes pour créer une vrai team de sauvetage et qu'elle puisse choper le sabre noir de Gideon.

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] 4 - Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] - Page 12 Horlog11Sam 5 Déc 2020 - 5:38

Ce qui est intéressant c'est de voir que même les épisodes "fillers" de la saison 1, à savoir les chapitres 5 et 6, ont quand même fait avancer l'intrigue principale finalement.

Décidément, Dave Filoni et John Favreau ne laissent rien au hasard. Ils savent vraiment ce qu'ils font et où ils vont.
On est loin de la Postlogie où il n'y n'avait aucune vision globale et où ils se permettaient d'improviser au fur et à mesure.

C'est ce qui fait la différence entre un échec et un succès.

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] 4 - Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] - Page 12 Horlog11Sam 5 Déc 2020 - 10:45

Tres bon épisode...mais deçu par les dark troopers...un peu trop "iron manisés" à mon sens...

Par contre...Grogu basculerait il facilement du coté obscure? Je trouvais qu'il avait tendance à "jouer" avec ses 2 gardes à la fin de l'épisode....
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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] 4 - Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] - Page 12 Horlog11Sam 5 Déc 2020 - 14:36

Encore un super épisode cette semaine , depuis plusieurs épisode tout avance vite pour arriver au final.

A venir :
 4 - Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] - Page 12 Push_h10

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] 4 - Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] - Page 12 Horlog11Sam 5 Déc 2020 - 16:45

Solib75 a écrit:
Par contre...Grogu basculerait il facilement du coté obscure? Je trouvais qu'il avait tendance à "jouer" avec ses 2 gardes à la fin de l'épisode....

Je me suis fait la même réflexion, avec en prime dans ses yeux l'expression de quelqu'un de très triste témoignant d'un profond attachement envers le mandalorien à qui on l'a arraché, ce qui rejoindrait ce qu'Ahsoka a dit dans l'épisode précédent.

Un épisode excellent, quelle série de qualité c'est juste dingue, je suis de plus en plus amoureuse du travail de Favreau et Filoni.

Séjour au NPBC du 10/05/17 au 12/05/17
Séjour au Tokyo Disneyland Hôtel du 18/08/19 au 19/08/19

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Âge : 37
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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] 4 - Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] - Page 12 Horlog11Sam 5 Déc 2020 - 22:16

La photographie de cette série est assez phénoménale. Et les deux persos principaux sacrément attachants. Moi qui ne courais pas du tout après l’univers star Wars. The Mandalorian m’a donné envie de de découvrir plus. Sacrée série !!!

ILoveDisney<3 aime ce message

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L'Oncle Walt

L'Oncle Walt

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] 4 - Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] - Page 12 Horlog11Lun 7 Déc 2020 - 16:17

4 - Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] - Page 12 EomuiQfUwAEEF0V?format=jpg&name=large

Les adultes sont juste des enfants qui ont grandi.

Vinc et Brozen aiment ce message

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] 4 - Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] - Page 12 Horlog11Lun 7 Déc 2020 - 17:19

Victou a écrit:
La photographie de cette série est assez phénoménale. Et les deux persos principaux sacrément attachants. Moi qui ne courais pas du tout après l’univers star Wars. The Mandalorian m’a donné envie de de découvrir plus. Sacrée série !!!

C'est pareil pour moi. Twisted Evil
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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] 4 - Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] - Page 12 Horlog11Lun 7 Déc 2020 - 17:55

Après un début de deuxième saison très bancal (et c'est mon humble avis hein), j'ai trouvé les épisodes de ces deux dernières semaines très sympas et plus aboutis. La mise en scène, le lien avec le reste de la saga à travers les personnages introduits sont un vrai plus. La musique est toujours le gros point fort de la série ; le travail de Ludwig Göransson est flamboyant, moderne et profondément nouveau.

Je reste plus réservé sur l'écriture en général. On sent qu'ils ont une vision d'ensemble mais je trouve que les rappels en début d'épisodes qui remontent parfois à la première saison sont très lourds et montrent une écriture bancale. À cela s'ajoute les épisodes de "remplissages" qui ne font pas avancer l'histoire, si ce n'est servir une action toujours très bien maitrisée et qui dénotent avec les épisodes axés sur la narration et sur le fil conducteur de la série, trop souvent noyée dans des missions annexes.

Le personnage de l'Enfant prend enfin du relief et ça c'est génial. J'ai hâte de voir la suite!

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] 4 - Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] - Page 12 Horlog11Lun 7 Déc 2020 - 19:26

Totalement d’accord pour Grogu ! Il était déjà attachant mais alors là s’ils nous font une storyline aussi solide avec lui je vais pas tenir longtemps. Ils ont quand même réussi à tisser un lien très fort entre un mec en armure et un animatronic. C’est quand même enormissime ! Je les adore tous les 2 !
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L'Oncle Walt

L'Oncle Walt

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] 4 - Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] - Page 12 Horlog11Mar 8 Déc 2020 - 0:15

Après Katee Sackhoff et Rosario Dawson, c'est au tour de Temuera Morrison de parler de son grand retour dans l'univers Star Wars.

Citation :
How long have you been awaiting your opportunity to return to the “Star Wars” series?

There was a lot of stuff online about a possible “Star Wars” bounty-hunter film, and then I was watching all the new “Star Wars” movies coming out, wondering if they were ever going to do anything with Jango Fett. My agent and I had a number of discussions — when are they going to call me? But then I kept forgetting about it. In this day and age, they have a number of options. They could have called other people to play the part. They can go with a fresh face. They could have called the Rock. I felt so grateful that after all this time, something came to be.

What happened when you finally got the call that the series creator Jon Favreau and executive producer Dave Filoni wanted to meet with you?

I wasn’t even quite sure what “The Mandalorian” was about, but I kind of knew that Jango and Boba had their own Mandalorian history. At the time, I was in Los Angeles, meeting on another film, so I was pleasantly surprised to get the call. I actually got to the meeting quite early — I was so excited I got there about two hours early — and there were conceptual drawings on the wall. I saw an image that looked like me, and I said, I’m sure that’s me. But even then, I didn’t want to get too excited.

What did you discuss with them in that meeting?

I was just listening — I wasn’t discussing anything. I’m just nodding, going, yes, yes. Obviously they had their ideas about what they wanted to do, and they must have told me that they wanted me to play the role again. But I was so nervous that some of it was just going straight over my head. I was just going: “Wow! This is great.” It wasn’t until I got back in the car after the meeting that I went, “Is this actually going to happen?” But as you saw, it happened, all right.

Did they talk about his being a different, more seasoned Boba Fett than we saw in the early “Star Wars” films?

Yes. When we find Boba, he’s well-worn, and he’s been through a lot. He’s a survivor, and he’s weathered. Now it was time to find out more about what makes Boba tick. Is he more than just a simple man, trying to make his way through the galaxy? Is he tired of all the fighting? Is he tired of all the killing?

The one thing I can relate to is, I’m quite a mature man now and things always change. Sometimes you’re in Hollywood, in all the magazines and newspapers. And sometimes you end up in the fish and chip shop in New Zealand, where all the old magazines and papers go. You’re old news. [Laughs.]

Did your makeup and costume also help you find the character?

I was doing that kind of background work — what’s this guy going to look like? What’s he going to sound like? — and while they’re applying makeup, I’m going, well, here he is. We did quite a number of makeup tests and I worked closely with the makeup artist Brian Sipe. When I saw some of the scars on my face, I thought, well, maybe he does talk a little bit gravelly. Maybe his vocal cords have been affected as well. Then you put the costume on and it gives you a sense of power. The costume makes you feel like Superman. When I put the armor on for the first time, it just felt right.

How did you want to incorporate your cultural background into the role?

I come from the Maori nation of New Zealand, the Indigenous people — we’re the Down Under Polynesians — and I wanted to bring that kind of spirit and energy, which we call wairua. I’ve been trained in my cultural dance, which we call the haka. I’ve also been trained in some of our weapons, so that’s how I was able to manipulate some of the weapons in my fight scenes and work with the gaffi stick, which my character has.

How were you originally cast in the “Star Wars” prequels?

I give praise to George [Lucas] who made me Jango Fett in the first place. We filmed in Sydney, so he used quite a few actors from New Zealand and Australia. It wasn’t long after “Once Were Warriors” that I met with the casting people of “Star Wars,” and I feel that’s the movie that launched me in Hollywood. It wasn’t a big box-office movie here in America, but people in the industry saw it, and that opened a few more doors for me, that’s for sure.

What do you remember about your time on the set of “Attack of the Clones”?

I just had so much fun. I think I might have been killing George because I’d be singing on set, playing around with the weapons and wearing the outfits. I think I had too much fun. But I thought, man, if I get another opportunity to do this, I’m going to really get into it and do the best job that I can.

Did George Lucas explain to you that you would end up playing all these other characters who were cloned from Jango Fett?

Even when I finished the filming process, there was still quite a bit of work to do — I would keep getting calls from George: “OK, I just need you in the studio to voice some more stuff.” One moment I’m the voice of this, and then another guy, and then Commander Cody, and then a whole elite strike force. Things just kept going and going and going, but I didn’t mind.

Do you often hear from “Star Wars” fans who felt that Jango Fett suffered an unexpectedly abrupt death?

Yes, well, I know the feeling. I ended up watching “Attack of the Clones” in Dallas, and I was so excited to watch it with this new Dolby sound at the theater. I was just starting to enjoy myself when I got killed. “Wow, this is good. There I am.” [pause] “But anyway.” My journey in “Attack of the Clones” was pretty short-lived. But that was a long time ago. Now I’m back again.

I’m sorry that you’re going to get this question a lot, but “The Tragedy” doesn’t address how Boba Fett survived his encounter with the Sarlacc. Has that been explained to you? And do you know how the character stayed alive?

Ah, no, I don’t. There’s quite a bit of loose ends, and I’m not one of those guys that knows too much about the actual history. The fans of “Star Wars,” they have better knowledge of, What’s happened? How can he still be alive? I thought he was stuck in this place? I can find out more on the internet.

Has there been any talk of your returning as Boba Fett, whether on “The Mandalorian” or other “Star Wars” projects — even a series of his own?

I’m just going to have to wait and see. I think a lot of it depends on how things go with this season, but I don’t really know. I wanted to bring everything I had to that [episode] and give them a glimmer of what I can offer. There’s room for this to go someplace. I hope I’m going to be included.

Are you hoping to team up with Baby Yoda at some point?

Baby Yoda’s probably the biggest actor in Hollywood at the moment, but I never got to work with him very closely or with the people who move him around. I was using him in a not-so-good way, as bait. But hopefully I’ll get to meet him and we can have a little bonding session.

Les adultes sont juste des enfants qui ont grandi.
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L'Oncle Walt

L'Oncle Walt

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] 4 - Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] - Page 12 Horlog11Mar 8 Déc 2020 - 10:27

Les adultes sont juste des enfants qui ont grandi.
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Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] 4 - Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] - Page 12 Horlog11Mer 9 Déc 2020 - 21:57

4 - Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] - Page 12 Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz20

Citation :


When Temuera Morrison first suited up as Boba Fett for The Mandalorian, it was a long time coming for the actor.

“There were moments when I put the armor on and I was looking at [executive producers] Dave [Filoni] and Jon [Favreau], and the expression on their faces just said it all,” he tells “It felt good. It felt right. It felt like, ‘Yes, I should be wearing this costume.’ And it gave me this sense of, ‘I’m back.’”

Morrison, of course, played bounty hunter Jango Fett in 2002’s Star Wars: Attack of the Clones; as the story goes, Jango served as the genetic blueprint for the clone army of the Republic, and he requested one unaltered clone to raise as a son: Boba, who would go on to become a bounty hunter like his father before him. So even though Jango perished in Episode II — there’s little coming back from the way Jedi Master Mace Windu dispatched the character — there was still a chance for Morrison to return to Star Wars as either a clone or the younger Fett.

Morrison had, in fact, wanted to revisit the galaxy far, far away for a long time. He had heard, like the rest of us, rumors about projects involving Boba Fett, but when nothing came to fruition he “kind of lost hope.” It wasn’t until Favreau and Filoni invited him over in August 2019 and Morrison saw himself, literally, in Star Wars once again, that he believed.

“I went to have a meeting at their office, and I was put in a room to wait. I got there quite early because I was excited, I didn’t want to be late,” Morrison says. “While I was waiting, I was looking at some of the conceptual drawings on the wall, and I suddenly saw an image of a guy that looked like me. I said, ‘Jeez, I’m sure that’s me there.’ But I didn’t want to get too excited.”

Once Favreau and Filoni showed up, however, there was reason to be excited. They wanted Morrison to play Boba Fett, starting the journey that resulted in Chapter 14 of The Mandalorian, “The Tragedy,” streaming now on Disney+. And as evidenced by the high-octane episode, Morrison and Boba are back in a big way.

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Boba strikes back

Boba Fett is one of the true Star Wars icons, a character who instantly connected with fans thanks to his undeniably cool look and badassery, and whose mystique only grew through the years. The bounty hunter’s big-screen debut was in 1980’s Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, in which he tracks down the Millennium Falcon for Darth Vader, and later delivers Han Solo, frozen in carbonite, to Jabba the Hutt. Last we chronologically saw Fett, however, he was hurtling down a sand dune in 1983’s Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, seemingly swallowed up by a waiting sarlacc pit. For years, fans have wished for the character to come back; though we don’t know the details, Fett survived the encounter. At the start, Morrison and the show’s creators looked to figure out who Fett is now as a person. “We had many discussions,” Morrison says. “They had to outline where they were at, really, and what they were thinking.”

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Though he had a cameo in the season premiere of The Mandalorian and his return was teased in Season 1, Boba makes his full comeback in “The Tragedy.” Directed by Robert Rodriguez, the episode finds Boba and Ming-Na Wen’s Fennec Shand tracking the Mandalorian to the planet Tython, where Fett demands the return of his armor. Though he first appears cloaked, Fett soon reveals a scarred face. It’s not a pretty sight, and speaks volumes about where he’s been and what he’s been through to get here.

“I did rely a lot on the makeup,” Morrison says of defining Fett. “I worked with Brian Sipe. When we started to work once things got underway, and we decided I would play Boba Fett and we got over all the excitement, we actually had to sit in the chair and start doing the actual work and the creating, and look at where he’s been and his past. So I spent a lot of the time sitting in the makeup chair, watching what was being applied, and then things just started to happen organically.” Part of that organic evolution of the character would be Fett’s voice, with a gravelly and coarse tone that’s decidedly different than Morrison’s take on Jango.

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“It was a conscious choice,” Morrison says. “I thought, every now and then he hit some tonal qualities where, hey, he has been scarred. He has been affected internally, as well. So without sounding too false I wanted to bring a little gravel in there to give it a bit of timbre.” And there was another influence on Fett’s voice and Morrison’s performance.

The actor recalls that when growing up in New Zealand, his father loved Westerns. There would be midnight showings on TV, and Dad would wake the kids to come watch. “We were allowed to get up in the middle of the night and share these cowboy movies from Hollywood with him,” he says. “With The Mandalorian, I guess I’m getting at the fact that it has this cowboy feel. A Western feel. A gunslinger feel.” And in working with Morrison, Favreau and Filoni often referenced classic Western actors like Lee Van Cleef, Richard Harrison, and Clint Eastwood as touch points. “You’ve got all these great actors from the cowboy days, which I could relate to in a way, from growing up with my dad loving cowboy films. So we’re bringing that Western feel to the character, as well.”

Before every shoot, Morrison would meet with Favreau and Filoni, diving deep into Boba’s motivations, with Filoni in particular offering valuable backstory. Indeed, Filoni and George Lucas told several tales about young Boba in the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, particularly his first steps into the underworld after the death of his father. “It’s just a wonderful process and it’s so rewarding. And they include me, as well, if I’ve got ideas and suggestions,” Morrison says. “I got as much information as I could, especially from Dave Filoni, in terms of Boba’s relationship with other characters and some of the history, which he all has in his mind. He’s like a walking encyclopedia, that guy.”

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In “The Tragedy,” Fett and Shand end up joining forces with the Mandalorian to battle stormtroopers in a stylistically energized, visceral, and often brutal sequence. (It is, indeed, an unmistakably Robert Rodriguez episode through and through.) Morrison’s Fett, in particular, is all clenched teeth and anger. Part of this feel stems from Morrison’s own culture. “I come from a warrior background in New Zealand,” he says. “I’m a Maori and I’ve been trained. It gives me something to draw on. I was trained as a young boy back in New Zealand in the art of our haka [warrior dance]. ‘Ha’ is the breath, and ‘ka’ is the fire. I’m using my warrior background as a source of energy and as a source of confidence.”

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Morrison connected with Rodriguez on the shoot — even sharing guitar chords on down time — and worked together to fully realize Boba as a force to be reckoned with. “Within Boba, if he decided to erupt, he’s like a small volcano,” Morrison says. “And Robert was drawing a little bit of that out of me, as well. So when we do those fight sequences, there is a bit of rawness there, there is a bit of brutality there.” Fett’s weapon of choice in “The Tragedy” is a staff, which he uses to greatly satisfying effect in smashing stormtrooper helmets. If you were wondering, that is, in fact, Morrison wielding it, as he’s fluent in the Maori art of stick fighting. “I was able to bring that into this production. Robert could see that I could use the weapon and swing the stick around. In our own culture, we have a staff that’s called a taiaha. I’d been trained in that as a young boy, as well,” he says. “I’m trying to push it into a nice place. You don’t want to get this guy upset. He’ll rip you to pieces.”

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Still, as dangerous and deadly as Boba Fett is in “The Tragedy,” he also emerges as something else: sympathetic and honorable. While bounty hunters aren’t necessarily villains, the Fett of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi was definitely an antagonist. Here, Favreau, Filoni, Rodriguez, and Morrison accomplish a great feat in giving us more of Boba’s background — his father was indeed a Mandalorian, and that armor is rightly his — while showing that he has a code. When Fett gets his armor back, he doesn’t run away. He continues to help the Mandalorian, promising to fulfill his debt that the Child, abducted by dark troopers, will be returned safely. In these moments, Fett becomes less a volcano, more a cowboy hero. “I think that’s where I come into it,” Morrison says. “In bringing that humanity and keeping it kind of simple. Giving him values.”

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A welcome return

When speaks with Morrison, it’s the morning after “The Tragedy” is released. Morrison hasn’t seen the episode yet, and he’s curious about the fan reaction. When I tell him I loved it and that online chatter seems very, very positive, he’s overjoyed. “It gives me a lot of encouragement,” he says.

But this return to Star Wars has also given the actor a moment to reflect. “I count my blessings and I’m very grateful. Grateful to George, in fact, for giving me Jango Fett. And that’s how this whole thing has come about,” he says. “Just very grateful for being involved in this wonderful production.”

That little boy in New Zealand watching cowboy movies — and his dad — would be proud.

Star - 9 décembre 2020.
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Âge : 23
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Inscription : 11/01/2017

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] 4 - Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] - Page 12 Horlog11Sam 12 Déc 2020 - 12:01

Épisode vraiment fun avec de beaux décors. Plutôt bien écrit aussi notamment le dialogue entre le détenu et l'officier de l'Empire: pour la première fois, on à des dires tangibles sur l'impact de l'Empire sur les populations et tout l'émotion que cela suscite chez le détenu.


J'ai trouvé le monologue final de Mando très touchant également. Avec cette fin et la volonté de récupérer Grogu, j'ai cependant le sentiment que cela finir sur un cliffhanger...

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] 4 - Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] - Page 12 Horlog11Sam 12 Déc 2020 - 12:56

J'ai beaucoup aimé cet épisode avec son soupçon de Salaire de la peur. J'ai trouvé les différents dialogues intéressants sur la situation politique, sur la manière dont les populations sont toujours perdantes que ce soit Empire ou République.
Déjà le dernier épisode la semaine prochaine, ça passe trop vite.
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Âge : 53
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Inscription : 04/06/2017

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] 4 - Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] - Page 12 Horlog11Dim 13 Déc 2020 - 17:53

Je ne sais pas pour vous mais moi je kiffe le générique de fin, entre la musique que je trouve terrible et les images façon lithographie c'est un régal chaque fois.
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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] 4 - Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] - Page 12 Horlog11Dim 13 Déc 2020 - 18:08

Ah mais la même. Je reste jusqu’à la toute fin tout y est magnifique. Les concept art et la musique.
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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] 4 - Star Wars : The Mandalorian [Lucasfilm - 2019] - Page 12 Horlog11Lun 14 Déc 2020 - 3:12

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