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 Trois Hommes et un Bébé - Remake [2022]

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Âge : 43
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Inscription : 01/12/2007

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MessageSujet: Trois Hommes et un Bébé - Remake [2022] Trois Hommes et un Bébé - Remake [2022] Horlog11Ven 4 Juin - 17:08

Après Trois Hommes et un Bébé (la suite de Trois Hommes et un Couffin) et Tels Pères, Telle fille, Disney va mettre en chantier un troisième volet.

En France, Trois Hommes... avait eu une suite intitulée "Vingt Ans Après"

Voici une copie de l'article de Cinematical :

Tom Selleck Confirms 'Three Men and a Bride' in the Works

by Christopher Campbell Jun 3rd 2010 // 2:15PM

Last fall, we heard from Steve Guttenberg that another Three Men and a ... movie is in the works, and it would reunite the actor with Ted Danson and Tom Selleck as the titular trio who suddenly found themselves parents to a little infant girl. After the original, humongous hit, Three Men and a Baby, the guys regrouped for Three Men and a Little Lady, and now 20 years later, they may do Three Men and a Bride. And Selleck is the next to address the idea. Talking with MTV News while promoting The Killers, he confirmed that Disney is indeed developing the project and had approached the mustached actor about reprising his role as architect Peter Mitchell. He also admitted he's hopeful that the sequel will come to fruition:

"I hope it's a good script, and if it is a good script I hope they do it, because it would be really fun to get back with Ted and Steve," he told MTV News. "The strongest of the two movies I think is the first one. It had more heart, and that's what I hope this third one would have if we do it."

And what about Robin Weisman, who played little Mary in the first sequel? Might she take a break from her non-movie-based life to return to the role? It would have been cool for the makers of the first Three Men movies to have anticipated a late follow-up and intermittently shot scenes of the guys with Weisman as she grew up. Of course, nowadays special effects could make it seem like they all got together every few years for what would end up an aging montage. And they'll probably do just that with whatever young actress they get to play Mary instead of Weisman. But will they at least bring back Nancy Travis (spoiler: her and Selleck's characters got married in Little Lady)? And how about nudging Leonard Nimoy out of his just-begun retirement to return to the director's chair?

Hey, if this is a success, we can look forward to Three Men and a Little Dividend, Three Men and a Divorcee, Three Ghosts and an Old Lady and more!
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Âge : 38
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Localisation : Val d'Europe
Inscription : 06/07/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Trois Hommes et un Bébé - Remake [2022] Trois Hommes et un Bébé - Remake [2022] Horlog11Lun 11 Jan - 17:17

Finalement, ce troisième volet n'aura pas lieu en l'état mais prendra la forme d'un remake du premier film avec Zac Efron.
Il sortira directement sur Disney+ l'année prochaine.

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