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Tag thorragnarok sur Disney Central Plaza Ico_fr18Sujet: Thor : Love and Thunder [Marvel - 2022]

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Rechercher dans: Les Films Live Action   Tag thorragnarok sur Disney Central Plaza Doc12Sujet: Thor : Love and Thunder [Marvel - 2022]    Tag thorragnarok sur Disney Central Plaza Horlog11Ven 12 Aoû 2022 - 20:50
Création du costume de Thor :

Concepts art par Aleksi Briclot :

Tag thorragnarok sur Disney Central Plaza Aleksi10

Tag thorragnarok sur Disney Central Plaza Aleksi11

Aleksi Briclot a écrit:
A concept art for Thor : Love and Thunder. Under @andyparkart lead. On this one I was dealing with two interlaced ideas : referencing the comic-book look from the Walt Simonson run, with this huge scales on the torso and also referencing Cap, ( or “worthy Cap”) using those scales on the armor to create the link. The mighty @ryan_meinerding_art did a terrific job on Cap during all those years and in Endgame he succeed managing some big scales on the chest (like in the Ultimates comics) by making them appear like they were there before but hidden under the external fabric structure (if my notes aren’t clear >>> swipe to the last image of this post!!) And I used those scales and some patterns from Cap’s suit as an homage. Like Thor paying a tribute to Captain America. And for the whole look there was also this “over the top-metal vibe” too.

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Aleksi Briclot a écrit:
Another concept for Thor look for Thor : Love and Thunder directed by @taikawaititi for #marvelstudios. This armor is referring to different things : Captain America scale torso armor as seen in Avengers : Endgame. This armor is brilliantly referring to a specific look from the comic books. Also to the Thor shiny armor from the comic-books run by Walt Simonson. With a blue scales torso and a gold armor. It seems cool to use this one to develop a new and refreshing look in the movies as well as keeping a link to what we’ve seen in the comic-books. And because also Steve Rogers is one of the few (with Jane?) humans to be worthy and being able to handle Mjolnir I’ve kept the structure of Cap armor on the torso (I’ve hidden the star because it would have been too obvious). And for the Helmet, I was referencing Odin’s one. Like the place of the father is now empty and now Thor is at a new step in his life…maybe a father one?

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Aleksi Briclot a écrit:
Finally! I can share some of the concept arts I did for Thor : Love and Thunder, directed by @taikawaititi. I was working also closely with the mighty lead supervisor @andyparkart. So this one is about the Gods butcher : Gorr! It’s a precast version. @christianbale_ hadn’t yet confirmed at this time but knowing an actor of this caliber could join we carefully did some versions in our concept when you could still see some real features of the face of the actor. On this one I was dealing with this idea and of course a mix with the look from the comic-books established by @ribicesad (if I’m right). I get rid of the short nostrils (too much Voldemor like) but was still playing with the long tentacles on the rear of the head. Really clear skin and graphic natural patterns that evolved in some kind of ritual marks in the movie. Some marks of faith in the gods that Gorr painfully removed…but you should see the movie for more! Oh and I had also to think about the necrosword. Here it’s a shy attempt to link it to Hela dark powers and visual vocabulary. I really like the final look in the movie and Bale’s performance! Do you know he and Taiks were referring to the « Comf to daddy » video by Chris Cunningham as a strong inspiration ?

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Aleksi Briclot a écrit:
Another early concer art for Gorr played by #christianbale in Thor : Love and Thunder, a movie directed by #taikawaititi. (And those concept under @andyparkart lead). This one was made not long after Bale was casted for the role. So I was aiming for a blend between the comics features (here the tentacles at the rear of the head) and the actor likeness (the face). Most of the tries we did making the nostrils close to the comics character ended too often with the same comment : “It’s Voldemort!”. And same thing for the really tiny panties from the comics : we’ve chosen to get rid of it as the result was weird or disturbing…Here I’ve kept an overall white value on the body and to avoid a simple naked guy I’ve added a torso armor like some Greek ones, mimicking the anatomy with muscles. Still with light values. Then the black parts were refering to the black shapes and pattern surrounding the character in the comics.
I’ve found Christian Bald performance really impressive! What do you think of it?

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Aleksi Briclot a écrit:
Another concept art for Gorr played by #christianbale in Thor : Love and Thunder, directed by Taika Waititi. This one was made after Bale was casted in the movie so I’ve worked on a mix between his face and some features from the comics (the tentacles on the head…). Adding a pale torso armor mimicking human anatomy was a good way to get rid of the naked style from the comics while keeping a likeness. (I’ve used some black patterns here on the pelvis to slightly refer to the gString from the comic-books : hard to keep this look and making it interesting in a live action movie in 2022). I was also playing with a huge and organic cloak that could morph into shadow and absorb things. In the comics Gorr, his necrosword and his powers are linked to Knull, the god of the symbiotes like Venom. So one of my topic was also to think about it (hope I’ll be able to share more in the future!)

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Aleksi Briclot a écrit:
Concept art for Valkyrie played by Tessa Thompson in Thor : Love and Thunder directed by #taikawaititi for #marvelstudios. I’ve obviously based my version on previous Valkyrie look in #thorragnarok to keep a consistency and a characterization evolution : the previous outfit was mostly dark, this one is much brighter and light (She’s now the King of New Asgard, wisdom and enlightenment…no more booze…) Once again under @andyparkart direction who help me fix the posing.

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Aleksi Briclot a écrit:
Another variation for Valkyrie played by @tessamaethompson in Thor : Love and Thunder (directed by #taikawaititi). I was mainly playing with her look from the previous movie (#thorragnarok) as a basis and mainly making her « brighter ». She seems to be previously dealing with a lot of inner issues and trauma and now as she’s the « king » of new Asgard it appears that she had reach a new step of balance and well being. As Thor’s or Odin’s cloaks are red, I’ve focused on blue like it could be the color of the Valkyrie caste.
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