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Tag practicaleffects sur Disney Central Plaza Ico_fr18Sujet: La Belle et la Bête [Disney - 2017]

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Rechercher dans: Les Films Live Action   Tag practicaleffects sur Disney Central Plaza Doc12Sujet: La Belle et la Bête [Disney - 2017]    Tag practicaleffects sur Disney Central Plaza Horlog11Jeu 6 Avr 2017 - 17:05
Matt Harris, un danseur professionnel qui a été la doublure de la Bête, a partagé quelques photos, sur son compte instagram marris88, de premières phases tests pour la Bête. Et notamment un test de l'apparence de la Bête en version maquillage, avant que le choix ne soit finalement pris d'utiliser la CGI  Smile

marris88 a écrit:
Shot of the early concept #Beast shoes. Dancing #Waltz in these was certainly a challenge! #Disney #beautyandthebeast #BTS #beastdouble

Tag practicaleffects sur Disney Central Plaza 17266210

marris88 a écrit:
Here's a little BTS shot of the practical effect suit that trialled for #beautyandthebeast before switching to VFX. It was so much fun to be walking around as the actual beast, it was a real dream come true. Although being over 7ft made navigating doors quite the challenge! And let's not even discuss goes difficult it was to go to the bathroom!! This was not the final version of this suit/costume, but even then it looked incredible. #beastdouble #practicaleffects #batb #tbt #labelleetlabete

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