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Tag maketasm3 sur Disney Central Plaza Ico_fr18Sujet: Spider-Man : No Way Home [Marvel - 2021]

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Rechercher dans: Les Films Live Action   Tag maketasm3 sur Disney Central Plaza Doc12Sujet: Spider-Man : No Way Home [Marvel - 2021]    Tag maketasm3 sur Disney Central Plaza Horlog11Sam 19 Mar 2022 - 13:10
Quand Sony s'amuse des fans du Spider-Man d'Andrew Garfield :

Il n'en fallait pas plus pour relancer le #MakeTASM3 sur les réseaux sociaux.

Electro n'est d'ailleurs pas le seul personnage des Amazing Spider-Man qui aurait pu avoir une refonte de son apparence dans Spider-Man : No Way Home.
Ian Joyner, superviseur du développement visuel pour Marvel Studios a partagé certains concepts de design pour le Lézard :

Ian Joyner a écrit:
Recently got permission to share some new work I was able to do for #spidermannowayhome and I will start off by showing… really old work! I worked on The Lizard way back in #theamazingspiderman and was able to revisit him for the new film. I will be able to show some of the explorations we did with the character but I thought it made sense to start here! While at legacy I was able to have Stan Lee sign a copy of this for me, one of the few images of my own I have displayed! #mcu #marvel #spiderman #thelizard #comicbookmovies

Tag maketasm3 sur Disney Central Plaza Fnawqc10

Ian Joyner a écrit:
Early round of exploration for #thelizard for #spidermannowayhome was to see him in his lab coat (and purple pants!) plus showing that he has grown more beastly and developed some mass and a snout. Such an honor to be a part of this project. Really fun to think about how he may look as the Lizard took more hold of him but wouldn’t work for the story. #mcu #spiderman #marvel #creaturedesign

Tag maketasm3 sur Disney Central Plaza Fnfyo410

Ian Joyner a écrit:
Another exploration on #thelizard for #spidermannowayhome what an amazing (spectacular!) show too be a small part of. As always super grateful to @marvelstudios and @ryan_meinerding_art for letting me be involved with these films. A real treat to get to revisit the character I worked on back in 2012(which is a shockingly long time ago) and such a great thing to see all those iconic villains again! #mcu #marvelstudios #spiderman #conceptdesign

Tag maketasm3 sur Disney Central Plaza Fnqvg-10

Ian Joyner a écrit:
Action shot of the previous design, watch out #spiderman ! #mcu #spidermannowayhome #thelizard #marvel #comicbookmovies #marvelstudios #conceptart

Tag maketasm3 sur Disney Central Plaza Fn1thr10
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