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2 résultats trouvés pour Gorr

Tag gorr sur Disney Central Plaza Ico_fr18Sujet: Thor : Love and Thunder [Marvel - 2022]

Réponses: 108
Vues: 20042

Rechercher dans: Les Films Live Action   Tag gorr sur Disney Central Plaza Doc12Sujet: Thor : Love and Thunder [Marvel - 2022]    Tag gorr sur Disney Central Plaza Horlog11Mar 24 Oct 2023 - 20:00
D'autres concepts de Gorr, par Justin Sweet :

Tag gorr sur Disney Central Plaza Imag1396

Justin Sweet a écrit:
Concept art from “Thor: Love and Thunder” This was an illustration of Gorr at the burial site of his daughter (cropped). #thorloveandthunder #thor #marvel #gorr #conceptart

Tag gorr sur Disney Central Plaza Imag1397

Justin Sweet a écrit:
There was a period of time while on "Thor-Love and Thunder" where I was asked to take drawings that the director and one of the lead actors children had done and translate them into real creatures. It was a fun task and I did several of these. This one was a combo of 3 of the drawings. (Edit: the director’s child and an actors child, Taika didn’t draw)
#thorloveandthunder #marvel #marvel #thor #taika #conceptart
Tag gorr sur Disney Central Plaza Ico_fr18Sujet: Thor : Love and Thunder [Marvel - 2022]

Réponses: 108
Vues: 20042

Rechercher dans: Les Films Live Action   Tag gorr sur Disney Central Plaza Doc12Sujet: Thor : Love and Thunder [Marvel - 2022]    Tag gorr sur Disney Central Plaza Horlog11Dim 14 Aoû 2022 - 10:55
Un autre concept art de Gorr, par Justin Sweet :

Tag gorr sur Disney Central Plaza 29922911

Justin Sweet a écrit:
Worked quite a bit on Gorr for Marvel's "Thor, Love and Thunder". Here's one of my earliest designs before casting. Had a lot of fun exploring this character. #Gorr #thorloveandthunder #Marvel #ChristianBale #Conceptart #characterdesign
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