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 Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021]

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Messages : 8105
Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] - Page 5 Horlog11Mer 9 Fév 2022 - 6:55

Les six premiers chapitres s'affichent sous les traits des illustrateurs et graphistes Aracely Munoz (chapitre 1), Andrew Swainson (chapitre 2), Liza Shumskaya (chapitre 3), Dorothea Taylor (chapitre 4), Ashraf Omar (chapitre 5) et Doaly (chapitre 6).

Les six artistes avaient déjà réalisé une série d'affiches inspirées de la série avant le début de la diffusion du premier épisode du Livre de Boba Fett.

Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] - Page 5 CHAPTER1

Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] - Page 5 CHAPTER2

Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] - Page 5 CHAPTER3

Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] - Page 5 CHAPTER4

Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] - Page 5 CHAPTER5

Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] - Page 5 CHAPTER6

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] - Page 5 Horlog11Jeu 17 Fév 2022 - 6:10

Selon Deadline, l'épisode final du Livre de Boba Fett a attiré 36% de spectateurs de plus que l'épisode final de la saison 2 du Mandalorian en décembre 2020 !

Citation :
“The momentum and excitement for the first season of The Book of Boba Fett certainly carried through to the finale.

In fact, the 1.5M U.S. households watching the debut season’s finale through the weekend was 36% higher than The Mandalorian’s season two finale.

Disney has done a great job creating strong original content that keeps viewers engaged and coming back for more.”

A ce jour, toutes séries confondues, c'est l'épisode final de Loki qui a recueilli le plus de vues (sur la période des cinq premiers jours de diffusion sur la plateforme).

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] - Page 5 Horlog11Jeu 17 Fév 2022 - 13:59

Sans être fan j’aime bien l’univers Star Wars, cette saison m’a bien plu. Very Happy

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L'Oncle Walt

L'Oncle Walt

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] - Page 5 Horlog11Jeu 17 Fév 2022 - 17:33

Alors que la série s'est achevée il y a une semaine, Temuera Morrison a reçu une sculpture du casque de Boba Fett selon le style Māori, faite par l'artiste néozélandais Graham Hoete.

Interview de Bruno Dubernat, voix française de Morrison dans la saga Star Wars.

Les adultes sont juste des enfants qui ont grandi.

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Âge : 24
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Localisation : A Zootopie, dans le quartier de Tundratown
Inscription : 01/10/2016

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] - Page 5 Horlog11Jeu 17 Fév 2022 - 22:39

Cela fait un peu plus d'une semaine que la série est finie et je n'ai toujours pas partagé mon avis, donc autant le faire maintenant. Mais bon, je n'ai été que moyennement convaincue.
Quand la série avait été annoncée, j'imaginais presque un Game of Thrones à l'échelle des différents syndicats du crime de la galaxie, où on suit les différentes stratégies et les diverses machinations pour que les organisations criminelles puissent gouverner. Mais tout comme je le déplorais déjà un peu dans The Mandalorian, Le Livre de Boba Fett est surtout orientée action, choix qui ne me plaît pas beaucoup.
Mais en plus de cela, je trouve que la série souffre d'un sévère politiquement correct, totalement absurde dans une série traitant d'un tel sujet. Déjà, malgré les nombreux affrontements, il n'y a jamais une goutte de sang. Mais en plus de cela, Boba Fett n'a pratiquement rien à voir avec ce qu'il était dans The Mandalorian, où il était présenté comme quelqu'un de très violent et bourrin. Ici, il est beaucoup trop doux, trop gentil, trop respectueux. Il n'a aucune vraie personnalité et je ne comprends même pas vraiment les motivations qui l'ont poussé à vouloir prendre la place de Jabba.


De manière générale, je ne suis pas intéressée par les personnages, n'ayant jamais été non plus convaincue par le personnage de Fennec, que je trouve sans saveur.
Alors, oui, les 3 derniers épisodes sont beaucoup plus agréables à suivre et bien plus aboutis. Mais ce sont des épisodes dans lesquels Mando vole totalement la vedette à Boba. Ces épisodes n'ont d'ailleurs pas grand-chose à faire ici, ils auraient clairement eu leur place dans la saison 3 de The Mandalorian.


Déjà que Le Livre de Boba Fett ne partait pas avec une identité très forte, mais je trouve qu'elle a totalement renoncé à cette potentielle identité en se transformant en cours de route en saison 3 non-officielle de The Mandalorian.
Donc, je ne suis clairement pas emballée par cette première saison et j'espère être un jour enfin bluffée par une série live action Star Wars.

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] - Page 5 Horlog11Ven 18 Fév 2022 - 9:26


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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] - Page 5 Horlog11Sam 19 Fév 2022 - 20:48

Fini la saison, j'ai adoré les trois premiers épisodes avec les flashbacks, ça pose vraiment le personnage. Boba est un personnage hyper complexe, c'est génial qu'ils aient opté pour ça alors qu'il aurait été tellement plus simple d'en faire un simple chasseur de prime sans foi ni loi.
Et surtout, j'espère que Disney va continuer ce format de saisons courtes, c'est super efficace, pas de remplissage inutile et des épisodes qui qualitativement sont superbes, de vrais petits films.
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Timon Timauvais
Timon Timauvais

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] - Page 5 Horlog11Dim 27 Fév 2022 - 10:13

Tout chaud sur Chronique Disney, le site, retrouvez la critique de Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett (lien en cliquant sur l'image) :
Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] - Page 5 Captu822

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] - Page 5 Horlog11Mer 9 Mar 2022 - 22:29

Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] - Page 5 BB1

Citation :


As the Armorer in The Mandalorian, Emily Swallow portrays a character on par with other great Star Wars peacekeepers, sages, teachers, and wise clan elders. Like Yoda passing on his knowledge of the Force to countless classes of younglings, the Armorer oversees the Mandalorian culture. She forges the armor to protect her covert, teaches followers the Way, and  — when required — springs into action to defend her own.

In the skilled hands of director Bryce Dallas Howard, Swallow and her uniquely masked leader returned with a new lesson on the Darksaber and the history of Mandalore in Chapter 5 of The Book of Boba Fett, “The Return of the Mandalorian.” “Working with Bryce is such a dream for an actor,” Swallow tells “She is that remarkable breed of leader who knows what she wants and makes sure she gets every single shot she wants, but she will always ask you if there is anything you want to try, and she will unfailingly tell you to follow your gut. There is never any doubt that she trusts her actors.”

Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] - Page 5 Bb2

Stepping back into the role after nearly two years took some adjusting, but Swallow enjoys the tranquility that comes with embodying the masked Mandalorian. “I really like living in her space because I am not nearly as grounded and calm in my day-to-day life. I fidget a lot and I use my hands and my face a lot [for expression],” she says with a laugh.

The episode transported viewers and Swallow’s character to the Glavis Ringworld thanks to Stagecraft. “Working on the Volume is a game changer in the best possible way,” Swallow says. “When I first stepped onto the set, it took my breath away. The vastness of the sky and the isolation of this place that the Armorer had staked out really struck me. I got a glimpse of how lonely existence must be for this group of people who have to live in constant hiding.” But while watching the episode with her husband just after its midnight release, Swallow was amazed by the finished look. “As an audience member, I can’t even tell I’m watching something that’s not shot on location. It’s incredible.”

Being a part of the first Star Wars live-action series has allowed the longtime fan to journey among the stars and into corners of the galactic lore she had not previously explored. “I don’t remember a time without Star Wars because I was a child of the ‘80s,” she says. “My first Star Wars memory was playing Ewok Adventures in the backyard — I was all about the Ewoks when I was a little girl. And of course, a huge fan of Princess Leia. But once I got involved with The Mandalorian, I quickly realized there was a lot more to learn. It has been quite an education!”

Finding the Way

Secrecy behind the scenes has been one of the production’s strengths as much as the in-universe Mandalorian coverts’, to the point that Swallow didn’t know exactly what she was getting into when she auditioned for the part. “I knew that I was auditioning for something possibly to do with Star Wars, but everything was so secretive.” The character description was brief, “just that she was the leader of a group of people in hiding and she was masked.” With a background in theater and some mask work during her graduate school program at New York University, Swallow was up for the challenge. “I didn’t go in with a bag over my head or anything,” she jokes, recalling an audition scene similar to a moment in Chapter 3 of the series when the Armorer breaks up a fight amongst her squabbling covert. “I do remember saying ‘This is the Way,’ in my audition scene, but there was no context.”

Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] - Page 5 BB3

Without her expressive face to use for emoting the character’s feelings and intentions, Swallow says she had to pay closer attention to her body language, especially once she landed the part and got on set. “When you can’t look at the face, the eye is drawn to the rest of the body even more, and every small movement becomes magnified. It was really fun those first few episodes, because we were all sort of finding together what the language of movement was and what translated and what didn’t,” Swallow recalls. “Dave [Filoni] and Deborah [Chow] were directing. It was a lot of experimenting. It was a lot of running into each other. We would bonk helmets with each other; I was tripping on things in my forge. I mean, if we had all of the behind-the-scenes footage put together from those episodes, we would have a Three Stooges reel because it was just ridiculous!”

Swallow credits showrunner Jon Favreau and the directors and editors for helping to make her performance look effortlessly confident when the reality was a helmet that, to paraphrase Luke Skywalker, she couldn’t see a thing in. “It was very disorienting, especially because it was already dimly lit in that room. And then you put on, essentially, sunglasses and you have no peripheral vision. If you tilt your head to look down, it’s very distracting. And for a character like that who’s supposed to be very confident and very measured and who definitely does not look down to check where she’s going, I realized I couldn’t do that.” The performance was an exercise in trust with the crew, who ensured her path was clear and the filmmakers and post-production team that cut it together for the screen.

Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] - Page 5 BB4

On longer shooting days, the costume could become cumbersome. While reprising the role with Howard in the director’s chair, Swallow recalls a particularly long day of shooting a blacksmithing sequence. “We were shooting a lot of hammering,” she says. “I hammered high. I hammered low. I hammered medium. I hammered hard. I hammered soft. I hammered like a butterfly. I hammered like an elephant. I hammered from every angle, in every shape and at every conceivable tempo. And you have to picture all of this happening with me in my full armor, wearing my bulky gloves that Jon [Favreau] called my oven mitts, with my rather formidable hammers in the midst of my forge surrounded by that beautiful starry set.” Throughout the entire shoot, Swallow could hear Howard’s voice on a microphone booming from the ether: “‘Ok, we’re going to do it again, and this time swing the hammer 6 inches higher and two beats faster…Now two inches lower and three beats faster.’

“‘Again. Again….Again.’” The somewhat grueling number of takes ensured Howard got just the right shot for the moment. “And since I trust her completely and she manages to be one of the nicest people on the planet, I only slightly cursed her from beneath my helmet,” Swallow jokes.

But concealing her face has given her a sense of freedom with the role, Swallow notes. “You cannot be in this business without being well aware of what you look like and how people receive that,” she says. “It is so liberating to me to play this character who is so beloved and so respected and so inspiring, and for it to have nothing to do with what she looks like. I love that. And it means that I save like an hour and a half when I get to set. I don’t have to go to hair and makeup, and that’s awesome. It’s just really a dream.”

“A kind of euphoria”

Even after Swallow landed the gig and began shooting, she was cautiously optimistic about her character’s involvement and importance. “I thought it was pretty cool that it was Star Wars, but I didn’t get too excited because I just didn’t know if there was anything to get too excited about.” On December 12, 2018, Swallow was announced among a cast of eight, a vote of confidence that her character was someone of note. But the excitement didn’t truly hit her until nearly a year later at the red carpet premiere for the series in November of 2019. Fans and press in attendance were shown the first three episodes in the series, cementing the Armorer’s role as the viewers’ and Din Djarin’s guide to navigating Mandalorian culture. “I just felt a kind of euphoria in the audience,” she recalls. “That’s when I got excited. I felt like I was part of something pretty magical that really captured the heart of those first three movies. And the quality and intelligence of it,  the cleverness of how they were tying in so many things for people that are well versed in the Star Wars universe, but then also making it so accessible to people that know nothing about it, who could just jump in. It still blows my mind that it covers so many bases.”

Swallow, already a part of Supernatural and a witness to the long-running series’ passionate fanbase, soon experienced the love for Star Wars on a whole new level. At conventions after the premiere she began meeting fans of all ages who were inspired by the Armorer. One even handmade an Armorer costume, complete with a tiny hammer, for her Boston Terrier and French bulldog mix Norma Jean. “It’s unreal. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced, and it’s a huge honor to get to represent this character and a huge joy,” Swallow says. “And the thing that just fills me up more than anything else is the way that she gives women and girls strength.”

Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] - Page 5 BB5

Beyond being a total badass at the forge, fighting the Imperial remnant, or relating history lessons and settling disputes over ancient weaponry as we saw most recently in The Book of Boba Fett, Swallow most appreciates her character’s dedication to her people and what they stand for, prepared to defend it at all costs. “One of the things that I personally love about her is that she is this warrior — she makes armor, she makes weapons, — but she is so deliberate about when she chooses to fight. She is the keeper of something sacred. She respects something that is so deeply spiritual, and it is remarkable to have the space for that within this story. It is something that often gets skipped over in our fast-paced world these days.” As a teacher, she’s always pushing Din Djarin to answer questions of faith and commitment for himself. “She’s always trying to say, ‘Why don’t you look at this?’ Like I think great teachers do. Instead of saying, ‘This is what you need to think about this,’ she’s saying, ‘What do you think?’”

Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] - Page 5 BB6

Swallow says she learned the lore of the Darksaber by watching Star Wars animation, but in reprising the role of the Armorer, her character delivers the backstory of Tarre Vizsla, an ancient Mandalorian Jedi who crafted and wielded the blade, to a new audience.

But like Din Djarin, she still has much to learn. “Every time I go to a convention, I feel like I learn something else that I realized I didn’t know from the fans.I love that about it. I love that there are so many layers, and I love that all the fans are so passionate about it and that there’s just something for everyone.” And she continues to be inspired by the creators making The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett as well as the fan community. “I love the people that I work with. Everyone is so, so ridiculously talented and generous and playful and open hearted,” she says. “And I love the fans. The fans amaze me. They are unfailingly generous and talented.” Swallow is in awe of the cosplayers, like the 501st Legion and the Mandalorian Mercs, who not only craft screen-accurate costumes, but spend their free time raising money for charity and doing good while in character. “The fact that this storytelling inspires such genius and giving is absolutely incredible to me,” Swallow says. “It brings out the best in people and it’s beautiful. That’s exactly why I wanted to be a storyteller in the first place because I think that it can inspire us to be the best of ourselves.”
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Âge : 36
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Localisation : Paris
Inscription : 02/07/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] - Page 5 Horlog11Mar 15 Mar 2022 - 9:55

J'ai vu la série ces derniers jours.
J'ai globalement aimé, malgré les baisses de rythme.
Contrairement à d'autres ici, j'ai vu 2 épisodes par 2 épisodes ce qui explique peut-être mon ressenti légèrement différent par rapport à la critique de Chronique Disney, par exemple.
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Âge : 36
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Inscription : 02/07/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] - Page 5 Horlog11Jeu 17 Mar 2022 - 17:08

Un faux raccord de Michel et Michel sur la série.
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Messages : 168
Localisation : Boulogne Billancourt
Inscription : 16/11/2020

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] - Page 5 Horlog11Mar 22 Mar 2022 - 12:59

J'ai vu la série sur le tard, tout a globalement été déjà dit dans ce sujet mais j'en ressort avec une impression mitigée :

- un univers trop proche de The Mandalorian, ce n'est pas pour rien que cette série est qualifiée de saison 2.5 de The Mandalorian

- le caractère Boba Fett qui ne ressemble pas l'idée qu'on s'en faisait dans la trilogie ou dans The Mandalorian

- une absence du personnage principal pendant une partie de la saison

- des scènes sympas avec le mandalorien, Grogu, Luke et Ashoka mais aussi pas mal de fan service

- un début de saison un peu longuet malgré quelques belles scènes (j'ai particulièrement apprécié la scène du rituel d'initiation autour du feu dans le chapitre 2)

Bref, cette série propose des moments sympas mais reste anecdotique pour moi. Elle n'apporte pas grand chose de plus, ça se regarde sans déplaisir mais il n'y a pas de souffle épique, c'est très triste mais Star Wars se banalise.  

J'espère vivement que Disney / Lucasfilms vont se ressaisir pour proposer des choses innovantes dans cet univers. Par pitié, qu'il arrête les facilités scénaristiques en reparlant toujours des mêmes personnages et toujours de la même période. J'ai vu dernièrement la rumeur sur le retour de Mace Windu, j'espère que c'était une blague car sinon c'est catastrophique.
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Docteur Jones86

Docteur Jones86

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] - Page 5 Horlog11Mar 29 Mar 2022 - 9:14

En grand fan de Star Wars et du personnage de Boba Fett, je ne pouvais pas rater cette première saison.
Sincèrement j'ai beaucoup aimé le côté "Parrain" dans l'espace et western galactique. Bien que j'ai préféré les deux premières saisons de The Mandalorian, car plus dynamique, the Book of Baba Fett reste une bonne série bien réalisée et prenante.

Visites DLP:

1996: 1 journée
1997: 1 journée
2015: 1 journée
2016: 2J/1N au Dream Castle
2018: 2J/1N au Cheyenne

Prochaine visite:

Novembre 2022: 3J/2N à l'Explorers
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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] - Page 5 Horlog11Mer 27 Avr 2022 - 19:30

Boba Fett sur Times Square :

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] - Page 5 Horlog11Sam 20 Aoû 2022 - 11:35

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] - Page 5 Horlog11Ven 30 Juin 2023 - 2:54

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Citation :
Axed Boba Fett Movie Was a ‘Borderline R-Rated’ Spaghetti Western That ‘Probably Scared the S— Out of Everyone,’ Says James Mangold

James Mangold is moving on to direct a “Star Wars” tentpole following “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny,” but it’s not his first go-around with the Lucasfilm franchise. Back in 2018, news broke that Mangold had been hired to direct a movie about the bounty hunter Boba Fett. He was also set to co-write the project with Simon Kinberg, best known as a writer and producer on the “X-Men” movies.

Mangold’s Boba Fett movie never got off the ground, and he recently said on the “Happy Sad Confused” podcast that it wasn’t too surprising given the overall tone of the project.

“At the point I was doing it I was probably scaring the shit out of everyone,” Mangold said. “I was making much more of a borderline R-rated, single planet spaghetti Western. They probably would never be able to embrace Baby Yoda if I had made that. It didn’t really belong in the world I was kind of envisioning.”

Mangold’s Baby Yoda reference brings up the more family-friendly tone of “Star Wars” series such as “The Mandalorian” and “The Book of Boba Fett,” which is how Lucasfilm and Disney decided to continue the story of Boba Fett as opposed to Mangold’s standalone movie. Mangold knew his darker approach would probably scare off Lucasfilm executives, but it was the eventual box office failure of “Solo” that put a pin in his Boba Fett movie.

“In a moment of corporate realignment or whatever happened with the Han Solo movie, they just suddenly decided they weren’t making pictures like that, and the opportunities in streaming presented themselves,” Mangold said. “I was just listening to [spaghetti Western composer] Ennio Morricone all day, all night, and typing away. I’m not sure it ever would have happened. I’m not sure it was in anyone’s plans, what I was thinking.”

Mangold is getting a second chance at “Star Wars” with a new movie that will track the origins of The Force. The director has said his new project is inspired by Biblical epics such as “The Ten Commandments.”

“When I mentioned to [Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy] the idea that I had about going backward – really far backward – I was surprised that it excited her and the other wonderful people she works with at Lucasfilm,” the director told io9. “For me, it’s about, I want to be part of the saga, but I also don’t want to be holding so much lore in the air that you can hardly tell a story. And what I really wanted to do, what I told her, was just can we make a kind of the ‘Ten Commandments’ of the Force, you know? A kind of origin story of how the Force came to be known, understood, wielded, and harnessed.”
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Inscription : 29/04/2010

Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021] - Page 5 Horlog11Sam 30 Déc 2023 - 14:00

Temuera Morrison au sujet de la saison 2 de la série Star Wars : The Book of Boba Fett :

Citation :
No word yet. I don't even know if there is going to be a Season 2. I don't know what's going on there. We're coming out of this downtime period, so, I think everyone is just settling back in, and it all goes back to budgets and what they want to do, and how much the thing costs. I really don't know, I really don't know. Judging by the fans I've met, they all want a Season 2 of Boba Fett , but I don't know what's going to happen.
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Star Wars : Le Livre de Boba Fett [Lucasfilm - 2021]
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