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 Adventures by Disney

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Fondateur & Mister DCP 2008

Âge : 44
Messages : 8608
Inscription : 03/07/2007

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MessageSujet: Adventures by Disney Adventures by Disney Horlog11Dim 3 Aoû - 15:10

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Connaissez-vous ce nouveau programme de visites guidées à travers le monde proposé par Disney depuis 2005? De deux itinéraires à ses débuts, le succès en a fait pousser 21 autres depuis. De la Chine à Hollywood, de l'Italie à la Grande Barrière de Corail, il y en a pour tous les goûts. C'est du Disney dans le service, l'organisation, l'art de raconter des histoires et faire vivre des aventures fabuleuses à toute la famille, mais dans des environnements réels et sans mettre des personnages à toutes les sauces.

Le site officiel:

Le NYTimes propose à ce titre un article récent vraiment intéressant, qui revient sur les raisons de ce succès et le programme en lui-même, ainsi que ses quelques changement depuis trois ans.

Disney Ventures Far From the Parks

Adventures by Disney 03journeys600

WHEN Karen Gammiere heard that the Walt Disney Company had started offering guided tours to places like Peru and China, the San Diego mother of two was skeptical. She didn’t want to arrive at the Great Wall of China to find Winnie the Pooh shaking her hand. “Shudder,” she said.
Still, Ms. Gammiere decided to risk it after reading glowing online reports, booking a nine-day Disney tour called Viva Italia that would take the family to Rome, Florence and Venice. The verdict: “We loved everything about it and so did the kids,” she gushed, citing adults-only wine tastings and first-class Eurostar train seats. “And I never once saw a costumed character,” she said.

Restraint and sophistication are not words that you would typically use to describe a Disney vacation. In fact, the company has built its $10.6 billion theme park, hotel and cruise empire around the opposite. Pass through the gates of the Happiest Place on Earth and you’re encouraged to eat fudge, hug Goofy and wear mouse ears. Stay for the parade and you’ll be picking confetti out of your hair for a week.
All that sweetness is great — an estimated 117 million customers lapped it up at Disney resorts last year — but the company realized a few years ago that it was missing a vast pool of potential customers.

Jay Rasulo, the chairman of Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, says the idea is to “take the magic on the road.” In other words, apply some of the company’s hallmarks — exceptionalcustomer service, an emphasis on storytelling and safety — to the guided tour market.

Evolving with the traveling public has always been part of Disney’s approach to the vacation business. In the 1950s, Disneyland tapped the nuclear family going on vacation in their new cars. Florida’s Walt Disney World, built in the 1970s and 1980s, was about the flying vacation. Then came the hugely popular Disney Cruise Line in the 1990s.

Now, with participatory vacations booming and the Internet making international travel less daunting, the company is trying to expand again. Adventures by Disney is designed to take families to places they might be too timid to visit on their own — without loading on the schmaltz. Hiking Machu Picchu with an 8-year-old would be daunting for most travelers. With Disney promising to handle everything, it might seem doable.

Linda and Steve Heck of Alpine, Calif., recently booked a Disney tour to Italy for just that reason. They wanted to treat their granddaughter, age 13, to a summer vacation but worried they wouldn’t know how to entertain her for nine days in a foreign country. “My husband and I don’t want to get to Italy with a 13-year-old and be looking at each other and thinking, “‘Great, now what do we do?’” Ms. Heck said.

The strong response to Adventures by Disney has caught the company by surprise because it has relied mainly on word-of-mouth marketing. The company dipped its toe in the business in 2005 with two itineraries. In 2008, it booked 17 itineraries in 13 countries, with a total of 370 scheduled tours of up to 40 people each. For 2009, Disney will add eight tours, including one to Africa. Age requirements vary, but most tours accept travelers age 4 to 94.

The push is risky for Disney because its vacation business has always turned on fantasy and on maintaining utter control. But guided tours are about reality. Moreover, the Mouseketeers for the first time have to rely on outside vendors. (The project’s code name was O.P.I., for Other People’s Infrastructure.) This is a company whose reputation relies on its family friendliness, after all. What happens if the bus happens to drive by a nude beach?
The company, which has long endured criticism about pushing itself on other cultures, could also set its international efforts back if it comes across as disrespectful.
“It quickly went from a brainstorming session to an oh-my-god-what-have-we-gotten-ourselves-into moment,” said Bruce Vaughn, chief creative executive at Walt Disney Imagineering, the company’s research and development arm.

Family adventure travel is nothing new, but Disney thinks it can compete by drawing on its resources to provide unique excursions. For instance, a tour of California stops in Hollywood for an exploration of Jim Henson’s studio, home to “The Muppets” and otherwise off limits to the public. In London, guests go backstage at the West End production of “The Lion King.”
Travel agents say the company is also bringing a degree of comfort and attention to detail that is missing from most family tours. Each day, guides surreptitiously take photos of families enjoying activities and slide copies under their hotel room doors during the night. Ice is carted around in Europe to make up for restaurants that lack it. After river rafting in Peru, guides surprise guests with hot chocolate and a warm towel.
“What I liked is that I didn’t have to be the mom on this trip,” Ms. Gammiere said, citing an evening where the kids watched a movie and the adults went to a wine tasting.

As you might imagine, little is left to chance. Each itinerary is tested three times by guides and then Disney stages “dress rehearsals” using employees as guinea pigs. Heather Killingbeck, director of trip and program development, said trial runs are used to teach local contractors that Disney standards are not flexible. “Sometimes they don’t understand that 45 minutes means 45 minutes,” she said.

While Disney characters do not populate the tours, the company relies heavily on what it calls “local storytellers.” For instance, in Venice the Disney tour guide might say, “Some people believe that you can even see the ghost of Marco Polo wandering these streets.” Around the next corner, Marco Polo, a local actor in historical garb, awaits.
There are still kinks. One media executive who took his family on the China trip called it “Mao’s long march,” complaining that it covered too much ground. Disney, which has since tweaked the China itinerary, has also learned not to over-promise in brochures. “The opportunity to wander a vast glacier frozen in time” on the Canadian Rockies tour, turned out to be, in one customer’s words, “more like the chance to look at a dirty patch of snow.” The tour has since been canceled.

Karolee Glassman said she sought out the tours because the family was outgrowing Disney’s theme parks. “We would go as each grandchild hit 3 or 4, but we haven’t gone as much in recent years,” she said.
The company certainly has her business back: Mrs. Glassman, 70, and her husband Sandy, 85, have booked upcoming tours for their extended family to Italy and Ireland. In March, the New Jersey couple went on a Disney tour to Costa Rica, where they painted gourds with local artists, soaked in volcanic hot springs and soared through the rain forest on a zip line.
“Nothing screamed Disney but the service,” Mrs. Glassman said, “which was marvelous.”

For information on Adventures by Disney, visit or call (877) 728-7282. Prices for the tours include accommodations and most meals but not airfare or guide tips (suggested tips are $180 to $288 per guide for a family of four).
Among the itineraries are:

Once Upon a Fairytale, a nine-day tour of the medieval towns and castles dotting southern Germany. Highlights include spots that inspired “Sleeping Beauty” and “Rapunzel,” and a workshop at the Steiff Bear factory. Adults: $3,399 peak (July); $3,199 standard (June, early August and September) and $2,899 value (May, mid- and late August and October); children younger than 12: $2,609 to $3,059.

Sacred Valleys and Incan Cities, also a nine-day trip, visiting Machu Picchu and other ruins, and including a river rafting trip (Class 1 and 2 rapids), as well as a visit to Peruvian textile and cooking workshops. Adults: $2,699 to $3,299; children: $2,429 to $2,969.

Adventures by Disney Signat10
WDW : 2001, 2003 x 5, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2018
DLR : 2003 x 2, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2019
TDR : 2007, 2014 x 2, 2018 | HKDL : 2014, 2017 | SDL : 2017
DCL : 2005, 2009 | Aulani : 2015
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Âge : 38
Messages : 73
Localisation : Belgique
Inscription : 12/08/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Adventures by Disney Adventures by Disney Horlog11Sam 9 Aoû - 13:27

Une véritable petite merveille à première vue, personnellement c'est une découverte. Je n'en n'avait encore jamais entendu parlé.
Ce genre devisite semble intéressant surtout avec le service et l'organisation Disney. J'aimerais assez visiter l'Italie au goût disney en ce qui concerne leur art de conter les histoire. En plus les lieux de visites sont assez bien variés, je me laisserai bien tenté, unjour peut être qui sait.
En tout je trouve que c'est une très bonne initiative de la société, ça permet également d'élargir le public me semble t'il.
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Âge : 37
Messages : 23351
Localisation : Val d'Europe
Inscription : 06/07/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Adventures by Disney Adventures by Disney Horlog11Sam 9 Aoû - 14:03

Je connais, j'ai même déjà discuté avec des visiteurs de Disneyland Resort Paris qui venait avec Provence & Paris Family Vacation: Flavors of France. Ils trouvaient ça génial et avaient des étoiles plein les yeux.
La combinaison de deux passions, le service Disney et la découverte du monde qui nous entoure, ça ne peut que m'enthousiasmer.

Voilà une vidéo qui vous donnera une idée des programmes Adventures by Disney : Adventures by Disney Videos.
Il existe une brochure avec DVD qui est commandable mais seulement depuis les Etats-Unis et le Canada.

Et voici la liste des Adventures by Disney :
Asia, Africa & Australia
Australia Family Vacation: Discovery Down Under
China Family Vacation: Enchanted China
South Africa Family Vacation: Safara to South Africa
Central & South America
Costa Rica Family Vacation: Path to Pura Vida
Ecuador & Galapagos Islands Family Vacation: Gateway to the Galapagos
Peru Family Vacation: Sacred Valleys and Incan Cities
Czech Republic & Austria Family Vacation: Storybook Kingdoms
England & France Family Vacation: Cities of Knights ang Lights
Germany Family Vacation: Once Upon a Fairytale
Ireland Family Vacation: The Emerald Isle
Italy Family Vacation: Viva Italia
Central Italy Family Vacation: Bella Italia
Provence & Paris Family Vacation: Flavors of France
Spain Family Vacation: Treasures of Spain
Alpine Family Vacation: Alpine Magic
North America
Alaska Family Vacation: Taming the Last Frontier
American Southwest Family Vacation: Southwest Splendors
Boston & NYC Family Vacation: Beantown & the Big Apple
Glacier National Park & Canadian Rockies Family Vacation: Rocky Trails and Mountie Tales
Hollywood Family Vacation: Backstage Magic
Mid-Atlantic Family Vacation: Spirit of America
Nothern California Family Vacation: Golden Path to Yosemite
Wyoming Family Vacation: Quest for the West

Adventures by Disney Banniere-chronique-disney Adventures by Disney Tumblr10
Disneyland Paris : déc. 1997/avr. 1998/juil. 1999/avr. 2005/aoû. 2005/oct. 2005/fév. 2006/avr. 2006 - Cast Member 2006-2011 - visites régulières jusqu'à aujourd'hui
Walt Disney World Resort : nov. 2008/mai 2011/fév.-mars 2018/sep. 2019/oct. 2022
Disneyland Resort : sep. 2009/mai 2013/nov. 2015/août 2019/déc. 2023
Tokyo Disney Resort : juin 2015/avr. 2016
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort : mars 2016
Shanghai Disney Resort : mai 2016 / juin 2016 / juil. 2016
Disney Cruise Line : mars 2018 (Disney Dream) / sep. 2019 (Disney Fantasy) / oct. 2022 (Disney Wish) / nov. 2023 (Disney Magic) / sep. 2024 (Disney Wonder)
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Âge : 39
Messages : 8016
Localisation : Wonderland
Inscription : 04/07/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Adventures by Disney Adventures by Disney Horlog11Dim 10 Aoû - 14:29

Je ne connaissais pas non plus, il faut dire que c'est encore une fois un service qui n'est proposé qu'aux américains et aux canadiens. C'est une opportunité pour eux d'aller dans des endroits où la Disney Cruise Line ne pourrait les amener, c'est une bonne chose je trouve. Après quels sont les services exclusifs à Disney qui y sont propposés (désolé si c'est dans l'article en anglais, mais bon...)?

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Thierry le Disneyen

Âge : 51
Messages : 11016
Localisation : secteur Carcassonne
Inscription : 04/07/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Adventures by Disney Adventures by Disney Horlog11Lun 11 Aoû - 5:28

Je connaissais cette filiale et c'est vrai que je n'avais fait que la citer dans Disney de A à Z ou presque sans la développer.
Brefs merci Grandmath pour ce sujet Very Happy Very Happy .
j'avoue que j'adore cette combinaion de découverte associé à l'esprit Disney (la touche de magie en plus comme on dit).
Utiliser le savoir faire et l'experience Disney appliqué aux resorts et à la cruise line entre autre dans ces séjours touristiques est une merveilleuse initiative qui je l'espère durera très très longtemps pour le plus grand bonheur des guests.

je profite également de ce sujet voyages pour dire que le gouvernement américain avait également sollicité les services de Disney au sein des aéroports pour adoucir l'atmosphère lors des contraintes (fouilles, passage à la douane etc).
A ce jour je ne sais , par contre, ou en est ce projet (si quelqu'un en sait plus il est le bienvenue) Adventures by Disney 892973
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Fondateur & Mister DCP 2008

Âge : 44
Messages : 8608
Inscription : 03/07/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Adventures by Disney Adventures by Disney Horlog11Jeu 14 Aoû - 8:10

Cobain a écrit:
Je ne connaissais pas non plus, il faut dire que c'est encore une fois un service qui n'est proposé qu'aux américains et aux canadiens.

Adventures by Disney est ouvert à tous, pas qu'aux américains et canadiens. Mais les visites sont bien évidemment en anglais.

Adventures by Disney Signat10
WDW : 2001, 2003 x 5, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2018
DLR : 2003 x 2, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2019
TDR : 2007, 2014 x 2, 2018 | HKDL : 2014, 2017 | SDL : 2017
DCL : 2005, 2009 | Aulani : 2015
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Âge : 47
Messages : 290
Inscription : 04/07/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Adventures by Disney Adventures by Disney Horlog11Mer 31 Aoû - 3:02

Un nouveau tour guidé arrive au catalogue de Adventures by Disney : "The esprit de France Vacation".
Il propose de découvrir le Jardin de Claude Monet à Giverny ; d'explorer le mont St Michel ; de se balader en vélo et de découvrir les vins dans la Vallée de la Loire ; de visiter les musés parisiens et de profiter d'un dîner privé au Louvre ; d'être guidé sur les traces de l'histoire américaine en France en allant à Omaha Beach et en bénéficiant d'une visite guidée du cimetière américain.
Le tarif m'a impressionné (5000$) mais il faut voir les hôtels choisis, que des 4 étoiles ! Si je ne me trompe pas :
Trianon Palace

Adventures by Disney Trianon-palace

Royal Barriere

Adventures by Disney 500x240_0020-60_dea_ryl31594[img][/img]

Domaine de la Tortinière
Adventures by Disney Photo-hotel.php?&

Hôtel Napoléon
Adventures by Disney PROP0-20090122-082408-287
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Anton Ego

Anton Ego

Messages : 1582
Localisation : Belgique
Inscription : 07/01/2011

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MessageSujet: Re: Adventures by Disney Adventures by Disney Horlog11Mer 31 Aoû - 4:32

sur_une_ile_deserte a écrit:

Royal Barriere

Adventures by Disney 500x240_0020-60_dea_ryl31594

J'adore le Royal Barrière à Deauville Smile .Il a la qualification 5 étoiles Wink .

C'est bien que Disney fasse ce genre de programme.
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Messages : 8303
Inscription : 28/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Adventures by Disney Adventures by Disney Horlog11Ven 11 Avr - 16:05

Adventures by Disney offre désormais la possibilité de visiter Lucasfilm situé au Présidio de San Fransisco.

Malheureusement, ce programme de quatre jours est exclusivement réservé aux membres du Disney Vacation Club (et leurs invités les accompagnant).

Adventures by Disney 745525lf1

Feel the ‘Force’ with Adventures by Disney

Have you and your family been passing around the idea of trying a different type of vacation this year? Well the Adventures by Disney trip to San Francisco*, open exclusively to Disney Vacation Club Members and their Guests, just became more exciting with a new experience added to the itinerary: a visit to Lucasfilm!

Located in the Historic Presidio of San Francisco, Members and Guests will now have the opportunity to visit the Letterman Digital Arts Center, stroll through Lucasfilm’s 23-acre campus, marvel at some of the greatest minds in filmmaking and technology and take photos in front of the iconic Yoda Fountain. You will be welcomed in Lucasfilm’s lobby by life size replicas of Darth Vader and Boba Fett in addition to other artifacts from the Star Wars Saga. You will also have the chance to see the state of the art Premier Theatre as well as a sampling of George Lucas’s extensive collection of vintage foreign movie posters.

This new highlight is just one of the great activities you will find on the trip. Others include a guided tour of the Bay, a private tour of the Walt Disney Family Museum and a visit to the gorgeous vineyards of Napa Valley!trip-at-a-glance
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Messages : 8303
Inscription : 28/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Adventures by Disney Adventures by Disney Horlog11Mer 21 Mai - 14:31

Quelques nouveaux programmes de voyages pour 2015 : Adventures by Disney Reveals New Destinations for 2015 Itineraries

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