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 James P. Gorman nommé président du conseil d'administration de la Walt Disney Company

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Messages : 8706
Inscription : 29/04/2010

James P. Gorman nommé président du conseil d'administration de la Walt Disney Company Empty
MessageSujet: Susan Arnold élue présidente du conseil d'administration de la Walt Disney Company James P. Gorman nommé président du conseil d'administration de la Walt Disney Company Horlog11Jeu 2 Déc 2021 - 3:45

Le conseil d'administration de la Walt Disney Company a annoncé avoir élu Susan E. Arnold en tant que présidente du conseil à compter du 31 décembre 2021.

Membre du conseil d'administration de la Walt Disney Company depuis 14 ans et administratrice principale indépendante depuis 2018, Susan Arnold succédera à Robert Iger en tant que présidente du conseil d'administration lorsque ce dernier quittera l'entreprise à la fin de l'année.

Susan Arnold est la première femme à être nommée à ce poste au cours des 98 ans d'histoire de la société de divertissement ayant son siège à Burbank.

James P. Gorman nommé président du conseil d'administration de la Walt Disney Company Susan

Citation :
Susan Arnold Named Chairman of the Board of The Walt Disney Company, Effective December 31

The Walt Disney Company Board of Directors announced that it has elected Susan E. Arnold as Chairman of the Board, effective December 31, 2021. Arnold, a 14-year member of the Disney Board who has served as its independent Lead Director since 2018, will succeed Robert A. Iger as Chairman of the Board when he departs the Company at the end of the year.

“Susan is an incredibly esteemed executive whose wealth of experience, unwavering integrity, and expert judgment have been invaluable to the Company since she first joined the Board in 2007,” said Iger, Executive Chairman and Chairman of the Board. “Having most recently served as independent Lead Director, Susan is the perfect choice for Chairman of the Board, and I am confident the Company is well-positioned for continued success under her guidance and leadership. It has been a distinct honor to work with Susan and our many other talented directors, and I am incredibly grateful for the support and wise counsel they have provided during my tenure.”

“On behalf of the Board, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Bob Iger for his extraordinary leadership over the past decade-and-a-half,” Arnold said. “Bob has led Disney to amazing heights both creatively and financially, with his clear strategic vision for delivering high-quality branded storytelling, embracing cutting-edge technology, and expanding internationally, and he’s left an indelible mark on The Walt Disney Company that will be felt for generations to come. As I step into this new role as Chairman of the Board, I look forward to continuing to serve the long-term interests of Disney’s shareholders and working closely with CEO Bob Chapek as he builds upon the Company’s century-long legacy of creative excellence and innovation.”

Arnold brings to her role extensive public-company board experience and in-depth knowledge of brand management and marketing; environmental sustainability; product and business development; international consumer markets; finance; and executive and risk management. She was formerly an operating executive of the equity investment firm The Carlyle Group, where she served from 2013 to 2021. Previously, she served as President—Global Business Units of Procter & Gamble from 2007 to 2009. Prior to that at Procter & Gamble, Arnold was Vice Chair—Beauty & Health from 2006, Vice Chair—Beauty from 2004, and President—Global Personal Beauty Care & Global Feminine Care from 2002. She was a Director of McDonald’s Corp. from 2008 to 2016, and a Director of NBTY, Inc. from 2013 to 2017.

Iger has served as Chairman of the Board since 2012, and as Disney’s Executive Chairman since 2020, directing the Company’s creative endeavors. From 2005-2020 he led Disney as Chief Executive Officer. During his tenure, Iger built Disney into one of the world’s largest and most admired media and entertainment companies. As CEO, he expanded on Disney’s rich history of unforgettable storytelling with the acquisitions of Pixar (2006), Marvel (2009), Lucasfilm (2012) and 21st Century Fox (2019), as well as the landmark 2016 opening of Disney’s first theme park and resort in Mainland China, Shanghai Disney Resort, and the release of a number of record-setting films including Marvel’s Avengers: Endgame, Disney’s Frozen and Frozen 2, and the groundbreaking movie Marvel’s Black Panther. Always one to embrace new technology, Mr. Iger has made Disney an industry leader through its creative content offerings across multiple platforms, most recently leveraging cutting-edge direct-to-consumer technology with the highly successful launch of the Disney+ streaming service in 2019 and ESPN+ in 2018.

The Walt Disney Company - 1er décembre 2021.

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Âge : 38
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James P. Gorman nommé président du conseil d'administration de la Walt Disney Company Empty
MessageSujet: Re: James P. Gorman nommé président du conseil d'administration de la Walt Disney Company James P. Gorman nommé président du conseil d'administration de la Walt Disney Company Horlog11Sam 4 Déc 2021 - 16:36

Je ne la connais pas du tout, mais pour ceux qui connaissent un peu, est-ce que c'est une bonne nouvelle cette nomination ?
Je veux dire par là que tous les fans Disney ont un peu peur que l'entreprise perde de son âme créative avec la nomination de Bob Chapek as CEO, que ce ne soit plus qu'une question de business, d'argent et de faire plaisir aux actionnaires.
Est-ce une bonne nouvelle, de ce point de vue, que les 2 rôles de Bob Iger soit donnés à 2 personnes différentes, et en particulier que cette personne soit présidente du conseil ?

Orlando (2014, 2017, 2024) / Anaheim (2015, 2022) / Tokyo (2016, 2025 ?) / Hong-Kong (2018) / Shanghai (2024)

Orlando (2014, 2017,  2024) / Hollywood (2015) / Osaka (2016, 2025 ?) / Singapour (2017) / Pékin (2024)
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Messages : 8706
Inscription : 29/04/2010

James P. Gorman nommé président du conseil d'administration de la Walt Disney Company Empty
MessageSujet: Re: James P. Gorman nommé président du conseil d'administration de la Walt Disney Company James P. Gorman nommé président du conseil d'administration de la Walt Disney Company Horlog11Sam 4 Déc 2021 - 17:10

C'est clairement une femme d'affaire et une gestionnaire.

Citation :
“As I step into this new role as Chairman of the Board, I look forward to continuing to serve the long-term interests of Disney’s shareholders and working closely with CEO Bob Chapek as he builds upon the Company’s century-long legacy of creative excellence and innovation,” said Arnold.

Citation :
Arnold brings to her role extensive public-company board experience and in-depth knowledge of brand management and marketing; environmental sustainability; product and business development; international consumer markets; finance; and executive and risk management.

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Susan is known for her strong business intuition, laser focus on delighting consumers, decisive leadership and commitment to diversity in the workplace

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Her leadership in these fast-growing, high-margin businesses was a critical component in overall growth for a decade.
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Messages : 8706
Inscription : 29/04/2010

James P. Gorman nommé président du conseil d'administration de la Walt Disney Company Empty
MessageSujet: Mark Parker nommé président du conseil d'administration de la Walt Disney Company James P. Gorman nommé président du conseil d'administration de la Walt Disney Company Horlog11Jeu 12 Jan 2023 - 5:01

James P. Gorman nommé président du conseil d'administration de la Walt Disney Company Screen12

Mark Parker, membre du conseil d'administration de The Walt Disney Company depuis sept ans, succédera à Susan E. Arnold au poste de Président du conseil d'administration de l'entreprise. Il prendra ses nouvelles fonctions le 9 mars, date à laquelle se tiendra l'assemblée annuelle des actionnaires.

Citation :
Mark Parker to Be Named Chairman of The Walt Disney Company

Parker, a Disney director since 2016 and Executive Chairman of NIKE, will succeed Susan Arnold as independent Chairman following Annual Meeting of Shareholders

The Walt Disney Company Board of Directors announced that it has elected independent director Mark G. Parker as Chairman of the Board, effective following the Annual Meeting of Shareholders.  Mr. Parker, a seven-year member of the Disney Board and Executive Chairman of NIKE, Inc., will succeed Susan E. Arnold, who will not stand for re-election pursuant to the 15-year term limit under Disney’s Board Tenure Policy.  As a result, the size of the Board will be reduced to 11 members.

“Mark Parker is an incredibly well-respected leader who over seven years as a Disney director has helped the Company effectively navigate through a time of unprecedented change,” Ms. Arnold said. “During his four decades at NIKE, Mark has led one of the world’s most recognized consumer brands through various market evolutions and a successful CEO transition, and he is uniquely positioned to chair the Disney Board during this period of transformation.”

“Mark Parker’s vision, incredible depth of experience and wise counsel have been invaluable to Disney, and I look forward to continuing working with him in his new role, along with our other directors, as we chart the future course for this amazing company,” said Robert A. Iger, Chief Executive Officer, The Walt Disney Company. “On behalf of my fellow Board members and the entire Disney management team, I also want to thank Susan for her superb leadership as Chairman and for her tireless work over the past 15 years as an exemplary steward of the Disney brand.”

Said Mr. Parker: “I am honored to have the opportunity to serve as Disney’s Chairman, and I look forward to working closely with Bob and his management team on a strategy of growth that balances investment with profitability, while preserving Disney’s core mission of creative excellence, to deliver shareholder value. At the same time, it is the top priority of mine and the Board’s to identify and prepare a successful CEO successor, and that process has already begun.”

Mr. Parker will also chair a newly created Succession Planning Committee of the Board, which will advise the Board on CEO succession planning, including review of internal and external candidates. Mr. Parker served as NIKE’s Chairman and CEO until 2020, when he became Executive Chairman.

The Walt Disney Company Board has continued to evolve to ensure it has the right combination of backgrounds, skill sets and perspectives to guide the Company into the future. Today, Disney’s directors bring experience across a relevant range of disciplines, including brand, marketing and retail, direct-to-consumer expertise, and technology and innovation.

The Board is nominating for re-election at the Company’s Annual Meeting incumbent directors Mary T. Barra, Safra A. Catz, Amy L. Chang, Francis A. deSouza, Carolyn Everson, Michael B.G. Froman, Robert A. Iger, Maria Elena Lagomasino, Calvin R. McDonald, Mark G. Parker and Derica W. Rice.
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Messages : 8706
Inscription : 29/04/2010

James P. Gorman nommé président du conseil d'administration de la Walt Disney Company Empty
MessageSujet: James P. Gorman nommé président du conseil d'administration de la Walt Disney Company James P. Gorman nommé président du conseil d'administration de la Walt Disney Company Horlog11Jeu 24 Oct 2024 - 3:00

James P. Gorman nommé président du conseil d'administration de la Walt Disney Company Capture-d-cran-2024-10-24-024736

Le conseil d'administration de la Walt Disney Company a annoncé avoir nommé James P. Gorman président du conseil à compter du 2 janvier 2025.

James P. Gorman succèdera à Mark G. Parker, qui quittera le Conseil d'administration le 2 janvier prochain après neuf ans de service, dont les deux dernières au poste de président du conseil d'Administration de l'entreprise.

James P. Gorman, toujours président exécutif de la banque Morgan Stanley, quittera ses fonctions à Wall Street et Manhattan le 31 décembre 2024.

James P. Gorman est actuellement président du comité de planification de la succession du conseil d'administration de Disney, qui travaille à identifier et à préparer le prochain PDG de The Walt Disney Company.

Citation :
The Walt Disney Company Board Names James P. Gorman as Chairman, Effective January 2, 2025

The Walt Disney Company Board of Directors (the “Board”) has named James P. Gorman as Chairman of the Board, effective January 2, 2025. He will succeed Mark G. Parker, who is departing the Disney Board on January 2 after nine years of service.

Gorman is Executive Chairman of Morgan Stanley and, as previously announced, will be stepping down from that role on December 31, 2024. He is currently Chair of the Disney Board’s Succession Planning Committee, which is working to identify and prepare the next chief executive officer of The Walt Disney Company.

“James Gorman is an esteemed leader who has become an invaluable voice on the Disney Board since joining earlier this year, and I am extremely pleased that he has agreed to assume the role of Chairman upon my departure. Drawing on his vast experience, James is expertly guiding the extensive search process for a new CEO, which remains a top priority for the Board,” said Parker, who is Executive Chairman of NIKE, Inc. “As I prepare to leave the Board to focus on other areas of my work, I am proud of Disney’s renewed position of strength and excited for the company’s future, and I want to thank my fellow directors, Bob Iger and his exemplary management team for their continued strong leadership and dedication.”

“The Disney Board has benefited tremendously from James Gorman’s expertise and guidance, and we are lucky to have him as our next Chairman – particularly as the Board continues to move forward with the succession process,” Iger said. “I’m extremely grateful to Mark Parker for his many years of Board service and leadership, which have been so valuable to this company and its shareholders, and to me as CEO.”

“I am honored and humbled to have the opportunity to serve as Disney’s Chairman at this important moment in the company’s history,” Gorman said. “In the short time I have had the opportunity to work with Mark, I have come to appreciate and deeply respect his authentic leadership, humility and intelligence. I know all Directors join me in saying we have been honored to serve with him as the Chairman of the Board.”

“A critical priority before us is to appoint a new CEO, which we now expect to announce in early 2026. This timing reflects the progress the Succession Planning Committee and the Board are making, and will allow ample time for a successful transition before the conclusion of Bob Iger’s contract in December 2026,” Gorman said.
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James P. Gorman nommé président du conseil d'administration de la Walt Disney Company
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