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 Netflix House : Expériences immersives [Etats-Unis - 2025]

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MessageSujet: Netflix House : Expériences immersives [Etats-Unis - 2025] Netflix House : Expériences immersives [Etats-Unis - 2025]  Horlog11Mer 26 Juin 2024 - 17:57

Les deux premières Netflix House ouvriront à Dallas au Texas et près de Philadelphie en Pennsylvanie !

Des expériences immersives, régulièrement renouvelées, qui vous plongent dans vos films et séries préférées, y compris bars et restaurants qu'on y retrouve et des boutiques vendant des produits dérivés !

Netflix House : Expériences immersives [Etats-Unis - 2025]  Netfix-House

Citation :

Netflix House Will Let You Experience Your Favorite Shows, Movies in Real Life

The first two locations will be in Dallas and King of Prussia, Pennsylvania.

Imagine waltzing with your partner to an orchestral cover of a Taylor Swift song on a replica of the Bridgerton set –– and then walking around the corner to compete in the Glass Bridge challenge from Squid Game. After pretending to fight for your life, you’ve worked up an appetite and want to get a bite. You see a nearby restaurant with food inspired by Netflix shows from around the world; the meal is memorable, but you still want to buy some Stranger Things merch. Luckily, there’s a shop that sells that Hellfire Club T-shirt you’ve always wanted.

That fan fever dream will soon become a reality with the opening of Netflix House, an experiential entertainment venue that will bring some of our most beloved titles to life. Building on previous Netflix live experiences for Bridgerton, Money Heist, Stranger Things, Squid Game, and Netflix Bites, Netflix House will go one step further and create an unforgettable venue to explore your favorite Netflix stories and characters beyond the screen year-round. The first two locations will open at King of Prussia in Pennsylvania and Galleria Dallas in 2025.

“At Netflix House, you can enjoy regularly updated immersive experiences, indulge in retail therapy, and get a taste — literally — of your favorite Netflix series and films through unique food and drink offerings,” says Marian Lee, Netflix’s Chief Marketing Officer. “We’ve launched more than 50 experiences in 25 cities, and Netflix House represents the next generation of our distinctive offerings. The venues will bring our beloved stories to life in new, ever-changing, and unexpected ways.”

Speaking of distinctiveness, Netflix selected the locations because they are part of two of the most popular shopping centers in America, boasting hundreds of retailers, high foot traffic, and proximity to major cities. Both Netflix Houses will occupy former department store locations and span footprints of more than 100,000 square feet. Outside these expansive spaces, fans will be treated to some eye-popping sculptures and a mural mash-up of characters from their favorite Netflix titles.

Until the grand openings, head to for up-to-date details and information.

Netflix - 21 juin 2024

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