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 The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025]

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Âge : 31
Messages : 11078
Localisation : France
Inscription : 06/10/2012

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MessageSujet: The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] Horlog11Mar 19 Déc - 17:00

The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] 41231510

Disney Parks a écrit:

New ‘The Little Mermaid’ Show Coming to Disney’s Hollywood Studios

How many wonders can one cavern hold? What’s a fire and why does it burn? When will a stage show return to the Animation Courtyard theater at Disney’s Hollywood Studios? All valid questions – one of which I can’t wait to dive into!

“The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure,” a fully reimagined theatrical production inspired by the Walt Disney Animation Studios classic “The Little Mermaid,” will debut in the newly refreshed Animation Courtyard theater in fall 2024.

As part of our continued investment in the Parks experience, Disney Live Entertainment has been dreaming up innovative ways to bring new life to the beloved story of Ariel’s journey to be part of the human world. When it opens, the show will feature stunning new set pieces, cutting-edge effects, and a bold new design that captures Ariel’s imagination and emotions through her unique view of the world around her.

The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] I248ug10

“The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure” will have guests flipping their fins to musical numbers inspired by the film including “Part of Your World,” “Poor Unfortunate Souls,” and more. Check out this beautiful concept artwork of the show’s “Kiss the Girl” scene – an all-new addition that captures the magic of this fresh production.

With construction inside the theater well underway, we can’t wait to share more in the coming months as the show comes together. Be sure to swim back to the Disney Parks Blog for updates.

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Messages : 17924
Inscription : 05/07/2007

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MessageSujet: The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] Horlog11Mar 19 Déc - 21:03

excellente nouvelle. cette zone du parc semblait laissée à l'abandon depuis le covid. ça va lui redonner vie (et faire un show en plus)
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Messages : 708
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Inscription : 09/06/2019

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MessageSujet: Re: The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] Horlog11Mer 20 Déc - 7:02

Cela devrait être tout juste de retour pour mes quelques à jour à Walt Disney World fin Octobre.
Par contre, j'ai peut que ce soit inaccessible.

Mais pour un fan de spectacle comme moi, quelle bonne nouvelle.

Big fan de l'univers des canards , de l'oncle Carl et du génialissime  Keno Don Rosa

1995, 1997, 1999, 2002 - Une journée au parc
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Du 27 au 30 Décembre 2021 : Séjour au Newport Bay Club en Compass Club pour mes 40 ans
Du 12 au 16 Septembre 2022 : Séjour au Séquoia Lodge

Du 21 au 28 Mai 2022 : Notre 1ère Disney Cruise Line en Méditerranée
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Âge : 38
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Inscription : 06/07/2007

The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] Horlog11Ven 22 Déc - 0:53

Si j'ai réussi à voir Fantasmic! le jour-même de son retour l'an dernier, je pense que tu devrais t'en sortir pour ce show, à condition de bien te renseigner et de prendre l'avance que te conseilleront les Cast Member sur place.

C'est une bonne nouvelle que cette salle soit réutilisée mais j'aurais aimé autre chose qu'un show sur La Petite Sirène, sachant que c'était déjà sur ce thème auparavant.
M'enfin, ce sera sûrement très bien quand même, d'autant que ce Resort a besoin de shows sur scène.
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Messages : 17592
Localisation : Au royaume enchanté
Inscription : 15/02/2008

The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] Horlog11Sam 23 Déc - 10:24

Excellente nouvelle, j'ai tellement regretté que l'ancien spectacle ne soit plus là lors de mon séjour découverte de Walt Disney World. J'avais l'impression d'une zone à l'abandon, c'était assez triste. Je suis ravie, j'aurai l'occasion de découvrir ce nouveau spectacle en 2025 et cerise sur le gâteau, ça reste sur la même thématique. Tout pour me plaire.

The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] Banniere-chronique-disney
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Messages : 17924
Inscription : 05/07/2007

The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] Horlog11Sam 23 Déc - 15:30

je pense que miser sur La petite sirène, c'est la bonne chose à faire. ça reste un classique indémodable et moderniser le show original (qui hormis la séquence "Sous l'océan" en lumière noire avait vachement vieilli) est une excellente idée.
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Âge : 31
Messages : 11078
Localisation : France
Inscription : 06/10/2012

The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] Horlog11Mer 7 Fév - 17:00

Walt Disney World est à la recherche d'acteurs/chanteurs et de marionnettistes.

The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] 42496310

The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] 42520910

The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] 42538610

The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] 42512910

The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] Banniz12
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Âge : 31
Messages : 11078
Localisation : France
Inscription : 06/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] Horlog11Lun 10 Juin - 18:10

The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] 44819610

The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] 44819710

The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] 44817710

The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] 44814310

Disney Parks a écrit:

Inside New “The Little Mermaid” Show Coming to Disney’s Hollywood Studios

Grab your snorkel, because today we’re diving in with the Disney Live Entertainment creative team working “behind-the-seas” on “The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure” – an all-new theatrical production coming to Disney’s Hollywood Studios this fall.  

And when I say all-new, I do mean all-new! In a brand-new reimagining of the Walt Disney Animation Studios classic “The Little Mermaid,” the show features all-new physical sets, cast of puppets, live performers, and stunning visuals.

“We thought about what Ariel’s room may look like and came up with this collage style that you’ll see woven throughout the production,” said Sarah Schmidt, Creative Concept Artist & Illustrator for Disney Live Entertainment. “This new look really informed every design decision – from scenic, to the puppets, even the custom digital content being created for the show.”

To pull off this artful blend of practical and projected scenic design, of real and digital puppetry, the team is pairing some tried and true methods (the blacklight puppets are back!) with state-of-the-art technology.

“We’re using some really cutting-edge tools like motion capture technology, which you may have seen used in blockbuster films,” said James Silson, Show Director.  “Basically, we have a live performer in a suit covered in sensors, and the data captured from their performance helps us create a digital animation of the character, which our animators then use to bring them to life on stage.”

This cutting-edge digital imagery will be used throughout the show to accent what is happening on stage, bringing to life characters like King Triton, Ursula, and even Ariel’s sisters, who kick the production off with an all-new “Daughters of Triton” number.  

“We’re really blending the line between real and digital in ways we’ve never done before to completely fill the stage for these show-stopping scenes,” said James. “You’re going to see these large new physical set pieces we’ve created blend seamlessly with a digital environment in a way that really fills the stage. You’ll see digital puppets transform into real ones right before your eyes. You’ll even see animated characters performing in the same space as real actors. It’s going to feel like magic!”

Keep an eye on the Disney Parks Blog as we share more sneak peeks in the coming months.

The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] Banniz12
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Âge : 31
Messages : 11078
Localisation : France
Inscription : 06/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] Horlog11Lun 14 Oct - 21:10

The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure est repoussé à l'été 2025.

Disney Parks a écrit:
Update on “The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure”
As we continue to look forward to “The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure,” at Disney’s Hollywood Studios we are taking the next steps and filing permits for an all-new marquee. Work on the exterior of the building will begin soon, in preparation for the premiere of this fully reimagined show in summer 2025. We look forward to sharing more details on this exciting new experience soon.

The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] Banniz12
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Messages : 155
Inscription : 29/03/2023

The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] Horlog11Mar 15 Oct - 6:35

snifffff The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] 287560
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Messages : 17592
Localisation : Au royaume enchanté
Inscription : 15/02/2008

The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] Horlog11Dim 20 Oct - 20:09

Arf, j'espère que ce sera pour le début de l'été 2025.

The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] Banniere-chronique-disney
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Âge : 31
Messages : 11078
Localisation : France
Inscription : 06/10/2012

The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] Horlog11Sam 18 Jan - 18:10

The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] 2024-w12

Disney Parks a écrit:

“The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure”

Grab your dinglehoppers and get ready, because it’s time to shell-ebrate with “The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure.” This summer, we’ll all be part of Ariel’s world as the Walt Disney Animation Studios classic “The Little Mermaid” comes to life on stage! We’re talking all-new sets, a vibrant cast of puppets, live performers, and stunning visuals coming together to take us under the sea.

Remember the days when we’d pop in that favorite VHS tape and sing along to our favorite tunes? Fans of the movie can relive that nostalgic joy with plenty of nods to the brilliant animation style from the film. Even the youngest kiddos will sing along with beloved songs including “Under the Sea” and “Part of Your World,” plus two new-to-this-theater musical numbers, “Daughters of Triton” and “Kiss the Girl.”

The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] Banniz12
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Âge : 31
Messages : 11078
Localisation : France
Inscription : 06/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] Horlog11Aujourd'hui à 20:10

Disney Live Entertainment a écrit:
Go behind the scenes of the exciting new experiences coming to Walt Disney World this summer! From the creative process to the detailed work, here is just glimpse of what is happening backstage. Want to learn more? Check out the Disney Parks Blog for more info! 🌟

The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] 17375713

The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] 17375714

The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] 17375715

The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025] Banniz12
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The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure [Disney’s Hollywood Studios - 2025]
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