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 The Walt Disney Studios and World War II (2021) - La Nouvelle-Orléans du 17 mars au 24 septembre 2023.

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Inscription : 29/04/2010

The Walt Disney Studios and World War II (2021) - La Nouvelle-Orléans du 17 mars au 24 septembre 2023. Empty
MessageSujet: The Walt Disney Studios and World War II (2021) - La Nouvelle-Orléans du 17 mars au 24 septembre 2023. The Walt Disney Studios and World War II (2021) - La Nouvelle-Orléans du 17 mars au 24 septembre 2023. Horlog1112/4/2023, 02:28

The Walt Disney Studios and World War II (2021) - La Nouvelle-Orléans du 17 mars au 24 septembre 2023. 1wds-ww2

Présentée initialement au Walt Disney Family Museum du 18 mars 2021 au 9 janvier 2022 et ensuite au Museum of Flight de Seattle du 9 juillet 2022 au 5 février 2023, l'exposition The Walt Disney Studios and World War II est maintenant proposée au National World War II Museum de la Nouvelle-Orléans du 17 mars au 24 septembre 2023 dans le bâtiment "Hall of Democracy" du Museum Campus.

The National World War II Museum : 945 Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA 70130. Ouvert de 9h00 à 17h00.

Citation :
Organized by The Walt Disney Family Museum in San Francisco, California, The Walt Disney Studios and World War II will be on display in The National WWII Museum’s Senator John Alario, Jr. Special Exhibition Hall from March 17, 2023, through September 24, 2023. This family-friendly exhibit explores how one of America’s most beloved entertainment companies helped achieve Allied victory.

After the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the United States’ subsequent entry into World War II, Disney’s studio lot in Burbank was requisitioned as an Army anti-aircraft base. In response, Walt Disney and his staff pledged their unfaltering support to the war effort. The studio devoted over 90 percent of its wartime output to producing training, propaganda, entertainment, and public-service films, as well as publicity and print campaigns—and all without profit. The Walt Disney Studios even deployed a group of artists, including Walt Disney himself, to Latin America on a Goodwill Tour.

Through a collection of over 500 rare historical objects and film clips, this traveling exhibit will showcase collections such as “Films and Print for Training, Propaganda, and Entertainment” and “Insignia and Morale.” Not only does the exhibit include profiles of Disney employees who left their studios to join the Armed Forces, but it also highlights the remarkable American minorities who paved the way for future generations.

Access to The Walt Disney Studios and World War II is included with Museum admission.

The Walt Disney Studios and World War II (2021) - La Nouvelle-Orléans du 17 mars au 24 septembre 2023. 1wds-ww2-B
(Courtesy of Kent Ramsey © Disney)

The Walt Disney Studios and World War II (2021) - La Nouvelle-Orléans du 17 mars au 24 septembre 2023. 1wds-ww2-C
(Courtesy of the Walt Disney Archives © Disney)

The Walt Disney Studios and World War II (2021) - La Nouvelle-Orléans du 17 mars au 24 septembre 2023. 1wds-ww2-G
(Courtesy of the Walt Disney Archives © Disney)

The Walt Disney Studios and World War II (2021) - La Nouvelle-Orléans du 17 mars au 24 septembre 2023. 1wds-ww2-D
(Courtesy of the National Museum of American History © Disney)

The Walt Disney Studios and World War II (2021) - La Nouvelle-Orléans du 17 mars au 24 septembre 2023. 1wds-ww2-E
(Courtesy of the Walt Disney Family Foundation © Disney)

The Walt Disney Studios and World War II (2021) - La Nouvelle-Orléans du 17 mars au 24 septembre 2023. 1wds-ww2-F
(Courtesy of Kent Ramsey © Disney)

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