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MessageSujet: Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Horlog11Dim 24 Juil 2022 - 5:44

Premier film Avengers de la phase 6, Avengers: The Kang Dynasty sortira en salle le 2 mai 2025.

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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Horlog11Dim 24 Juil 2022 - 9:09

Toutes ces annonces me rendent fou ! affraid Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] 795199 cheers
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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Horlog11Dim 24 Juil 2022 - 9:21

J'ai commencé à lire un peu sur l'histoire du personnage de Kang, son destin est très lié au concept de Multivers ainsi qu'aux 4 Fantastiques, cela présage un film à la Avengers : Infinity War dans le ton avant d'enchaîner avec la résolution finale que sera Avengers : Secret Wars.

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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Horlog11Dim 24 Juil 2022 - 10:44

Première fois que deux films Avengers sortent la même année ! affraid
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Jake Sully

Jake Sully

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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Horlog11Lun 25 Juil 2022 - 19:09

On a déjà rencontré Kang dans la saison 1 de Loki. Et on le retrouvera dans Ant-Man et la Guêpe - Quantomania. Kang est le Thanos de la saga multiverselle. Il est fort à parier qu'il détruise notre univers (au moins en partie) lors de ce nouveau film Avengers (et vu le titre du second film lol).

Pour la généalogie, dans les comics Kang est un lointain descendant de Red Richards (Monsieur Fantastique) et de Susan Storm (La Femme Invisible).

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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Horlog11Mar 13 Juin 2023 - 18:51

Le film est repoussé d'un an au 1er mai 2026.

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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Horlog11Jeu 16 Nov 2023 - 2:11

Destin Daniel Cretton ne sera finalement pas le réalisateur du film mais continue de bosser sur la suite de Shang-Chi et la Légende des Dix Anneaux et la série Wonder Man.
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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Horlog11Lun 18 Déc 2023 - 23:30

Jonathan Majors a été reconnu coupable d'agression et harcèlement envers son ex-compagne. Marvel Studios se sépare de l'acteur.

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Variety a écrit:

Marvel Studios has parted ways with Jonathan Majors — the actor cast to play Kang, the central antagonist in the Multiverse Saga of the Marvel Cinematic Universe — after he was convicted on Dec. 18 of two misdemeanor counts of harassment and assault of Grace Jabbari, his ex-girlfriend. A source close to the studio confirmed the decision to Variety.

In the verdict, Majors was also found not guilty of one count of intentional assault in the third degree and one count of aggravated harassment in the second degree.

The actor was arrested on March 25 on assault and harassment charges, after Jabbari accused Majors of assaulting her in the backseat of a private car after she took his phone to read a text message he’d received from another woman. Jabbari alleged that Majors forcefully retrieved his phone from her, causing an “excruciating” injury to her right middle finger, and when she exited the car, Majors hit her on the back of her head and then tried to force her back into the car, causing a cut behind her right ear.

The 34-year-old actor denied that he assaulted Jabbari. His defense team has alleged that she was the aggressor when she took his phone.

During the nearly two-week trial, the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office released a series of disturbing texts between Majors and Jabbari and an audio recording that been used as evidence, including messages in which Majors seemingly attempted to persuade Jabbari against going to the hospital following a head injury and a message in which Majors threatened suicide. In the audio recording, Majors tells Jabbari that she needs to act like Corretta Scott King and Michelle Obama, because he’s “a great man” who is “doing great things, not just for me, but for my culture and the world.”

Since his arrest, Majors has been dropped by his talent manager, Entertainment 360, and his publicity firm, the Lede Company. He’s no longer involved with the Protagonist Pictures film “The Man in My Basement.” The U.S. Army also pulled a major ad campaign featuring Majors, as did the Texas Rangers baseball team. Several other projects involving Majors — including Spike Lee’s “Da Understudy” for Amazon and the Dennis Rodman film “48 Hours in Vegas” for Lionsgate — remain in limbo.

But Marvel’s decision to sever ties with the actor registers as the most high-profile professional consequence of Majors’ arrest to date. He first played a version of the multiverse-hopping villain Kang in the season finale of the 2021 Disney+ series “Loki,” an episode that established the primary storytelling engine for the Marvel Cinematic Universe moving forward and Majors’ character as the pivotal figure at the heart of it.

Marvel established boundless versions of Kang across the multiverse. Majors was meant to embody all of them — a premise that was first explored in Marvel’s February feature release, “Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania.” The actor subsequently played a variant of Kang named Victor Timely in Season 2 of “Loki,” which streamed on Disney+ in the fall. (Production on the series concluded months before his arrest.) Majors was next set to headline the first part of the climactic conclusion to the Multiverse Saga, 2025’s “Avengers: The Kang Dynasty,” which was expected to start shooting in early 2024.

Variety has reported that Marvel executives, led by studio chief Kevin Feige, discussed the possibility of having to pivot away from Kang to focus on another major villain. Now, with Majors’ departure official, Feige and his team have some formidable creative decisions ahead, including whether to recast a new actor as Kang or cancel “The Kang Dynasty” outright and reconfigure the remainder of the Multiverse Saga. The interconnected nature of the Marvel Cinematic Universe means that whatever Marvel decides to do could have some pricey repercussions, at a time when its parent company, Disney, has entered a far more cost-conscious era.

The career fallout for Majors could be even more severe. He began 2023 as one of the most in-demand actors in the industry, co-headlining “Creed III” with Michael B. Jordan and earning wide acclaim out of the Sundance Film Festival for his performance in the bodybuilding drama “Magazine Dreams.” Searchlight Pictures — another Disney subsidiary — picked up the latter film as a prospective awards contender for release in December, but the company quietly pulled the film from its calendar in October. It does not yet have a new release date.

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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Horlog11Ven 22 Déc 2023 - 16:41

A noter que le film a également perdu son titre pour devenir, provisoirement certainement, Avengers 5.



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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Horlog11Mer 21 Fév 2024 - 18:00

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The Hollywood Reporter a écrit:

The studio’s golden box office aura has been dented, but chief architect Kevin Feige isn’t scrapping his years-long cinematic universe plan, just refining it: “They’re not going to give up,” says an insider.

Just over a year ago, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania was set to take Marvel Studios to the next level. A new villain was going to be introduced, setting the stage for several years’ worth of storytelling. And the movie itself was a giant-sizing of a franchise that was previously modest in scope. Instead, the Peyton Reed-directed movie heralded a year’s worth of missteps, box office blunders and PR nightmares. It was all uncharted territory for Marvel, which had steadily been generating box office gold for 15 years.

But the Disney division is in the midst of a pretty darn good February, all things considered, despite the general gloom that surrounds the superhero genre as of late. The Super Bowl trailer for Deadpool & Wolverine became the most watched trailer of all time, with 365 million views in 24 hours. Yes, Disney’s math includes the 123 million people who tuned in for the game, which included just 30 seconds of the trailer, but Super Bowl fudging or not, the clip’s reach was an encouraging number for a studio whose last movie, The Marvels, became the lowest-grossing in the MCU’s 33-film run, hitting just $206 million globally.

Next came the Valentine’s Day unveiling of the cast of Fantastic Four — Pedro Pascal, Vanessa Kirby, Ebon Moss-Bachrach and Joseph Quinn, coupled with retro art teasing a 1960s setting for the movie. (The Fantastic Four are a cornerstone of the Marvel mythos, with writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby introducing the team in 1961’s Fantastic Four No. 1, the comic that would initiate the Marvel Universe, so the symbolic launch of the new team carries a lot of weight for the film division. This will be the third incarnation of the Fantastic Four to hit the big screen, not counting the infamous Roger Corman version.)

A day later, Marvel launched the trailer for X-Men ’97, a revival of the 1990s cartoon that debuts in March. The trailer set an internal Disney record as the biggest launch for an animated series on Disney+, ahead of other Marvel shows such as What If …? and any animated Star Wars series.

These public-facing moves come as studio boss Kevin Feige recalibrates the creative direction behind the scenes. Early in February, the company completed reshoots for Agatha: Darkhold Diaries, the WandaVision spinoff starring Kathryn Hahn that is expected to hit Disney+ this fall. The company usually budgets five days of reshoots into the schedule, but the studio completed the work in just one, fueling a sunny outlook around the show internally, according to sources associated with the series.

The studio also quietly hired Eric Pearson to polish the script for Fantastic Four, which will shoot this summer in London. Pearson is a company stalwart who worked on Thor: Ragnarok and Black Widow and has a reputation for taking projects over the finish line. The stakes for that movie are high, as the studio is still searching for characters and actors who can carry its universe forward after the exits of Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans.

Marvel also hired Joanna Calo, the showrunner of acclaimed FX series The Bear, to work on the script for Thunderbolts, The Hollywood Reporter has learned. The film will begin shooting in March in Atlanta. Her hiring adds a flair of prestige to the project, which stars Florence Pugh and — according to a source who has read previous drafts of the script — centers on villains and antiheroes going on a mission that was supposed to end with their deaths.

Marvel is also cleaning up the creative mess left in the wake of Jonathan Majors, the once-rising actor cast to play the lynchpin villain role in the next Avengers movies but who in December was found guilty of reckless assault in the third degree and harassment in a Manhattan court after a domestic incident with his ex-partner, a movement coach he met while working on Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. Marvel dropped Majors hours after the conviction and is rewriting those movies, which will now either minimize the character or excise him entirely. The first of the new Avengers movies, due out in 2026, was initially titled Avengers: The Kang Dynasty but will be getting a new title to remove the character’s name, though sources say that even before Majors’ conviction, the studio was making moves to minimize the character after Quantumania underperformed, grossing $476 million.

On the TV side, Marvel has been reorganizing its operations to allow for greater control from showrunners, a move made after the critical failure of the expensive Samuel L. Jackson spy series Secret Invasion, which sidelined executive producer Kyle Bradstreet after a year, with various creative factions vying for influence in his wake. The show had about 2.5 billion minutes of viewing over its six-week run, per Nielsen, in the bottom third of Marvel’s live-action Disney+ offerings so far.

“The focus is internal this year,” says one insider of all the tinkering going on behind the scenes.

Execs are not calling it a reboot, not even a soft one, but more of a creative retooling. It’s no secret that since the 2019 Avengers: Endgame, the company was asked to scale up in an unprecedented way to feed its fledgling streaming service, Disney+, then a top priority for Disney, which was in the thick of the streaming wars. First under the direction of Disney CEO Bob Iger and, later, his short-lived successor, Bob Chapek, Marvel expanded into TV series and animation, with the goal of the MCU becoming a place with a seemingly endless procession of year-round releases. It was an ask that proved too unwieldy to sustain.

“Some of our studios lost a little focus. So the first step that we’ve taken is that we’ve reduced volume,” Iger said on a Feb. 7 earnings call. “We’ve reduced output, particularly at Marvel,” in order to ensure “the films you’re making can be even better.”

As the Hollywood strikes ended in November, the studio delayed Captain America: New World Order seven months to Feb. 14, 2025, to give it time to undergo reshoots. Iger touted Captain America 4, starring Anthony Mackie, as among the 2025 Disney releases he was most excited for during the earnings call. He did not mention Blade, leading to speculation it will be moved from its November 2025 date; it’s unlikely Marvel will release four films that year given Iger’s mandate to slim down.

The dual writers and actors strikes, while costly to Hollywood, ironically gave Marvel breathing space. It was able to reschedule its movies so that only Deadpool & Wolverine will be released in 2024. And only two series — Echo and Agatha — are bowing on Disney+ this year. Other movies remain in the script stage, while TV shows (such as Ironheart) have filmed, but have no release date in sight. It is all designed to give creatives some breathing room and give audiences the chance to miss the MCU, just a little bit.

“They’re not going to give up,” says a source who has worked with Marvel over the past year. “They want to make something great.”

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Âge : 31
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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Horlog11Mer 5 Juin 2024 - 21:30

Selon Deadline, Shawn Levy, réalisateur de Deadpool & Wolverine, serait pressenti pour réaliser le prochain Avengers. Le film pourrait comprendre près de 60 personnages issus du MCU.

Deadline Hollywood a écrit:

EXCLUSIVE: As Deadpool & Wolverine tracks huge ahead of its July 26 release and looms as a summer box office savior, we can reveal that director Shawn Levy is the top choice and is having early conversations to direct another Marvel Studios pic — the next Avengers movie.

Deadline hears that Levy has been given the latest script by Michael Waldron, though sources add that he has not given an answer on whether he will take the job, and the studio is still planning to meet with other directors while they wait on a decision from him.

Marvel Studios could not be reached for comment.

We can’t say for sure that Levy will take the job; he expects to be heavily involved as a director and executive producer of the final season of Netflix’s signature series Stranger Things, and there is also a Star Wars film in his future. Still, the prospect of Levy steering the next Avengers makes a helluva lot of sense as Marvel boss Kevin Feige continues to sort out the next iteration of his superhero empire.

There have been four Avengers blockbusters, two directed by Joss Whedon (the $1.5 billion-grossing The Avengers in 2012 and $1.4 billion for the first sequel The Avengers: Age of Ultron) and two by Joe and Anthony Russo (the $2.05 billion-grossing Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame). Endgame‘s $2.8 billion global cume made it the highest-grossing film of all time upon its release in 2019 until rereleases pushed James Cameron’s original Avatar to $2.9 billion.

Even with no director set and the script only recently coming in, Marvel has been working hard in recent months to pull this together so shooting can begin next year on one of Marvel’s largest productions to date. Sources close to both the project say more than 60 MCU characters could reprise their roles, including everyone from Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth and Benedict Cumberbatch to Tom Hiddleston, Simu Liu and Karen Gillian. Unlike the first four films in which there was a core group that consisted of Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Hemsworth and Ruffalo, many of the characters in this film would have equal footing, making it more of an ensemble feature instead of a handful of characters leading the team.

Plot details are unknown, and following Jonathan Majors’ exit from the MCU as Kang following his reckless assault conviction in December, it is unknown who the central villain would be, or if the film could potentially include multiple antagonists.

The Avengers project is another huge swing for Marvel given the projects it will impact going forward. But in Levy they would have a director with an enviable track record of hits, many on a tentpole level, which the MCU demands. Levy’s credits as director range from the Night at the Museum films to The Pink Panther, Big Fat Liar, Date Night, Real Steel, Free Guy, The Adam Project and the Steven Knight-created series All The Light We Cannot See.

As producer at 21 Laps, Levy’s results are even more extensive, including Stranger Things.

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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Horlog11Mer 17 Juil 2024 - 22:10

Les Frères Russo pourraient potentiellement être de retour pour réaliser les 2 prochains Avengers.

The Hollywood Reporter a écrit:

Just when you (and the Russos themselves, quite frankly) thought they were out, Kevin Feige is pulling them back in.

Joe and Anthony Russo are assembling a team — once again.

The Russo Bros. are in early talks to return to Marvel Studios to direct not just one, but the next two Avengers movies, sources tell The Hollywood Reporter.

The hiring ends a months-long, high stakes search by the studio for filmmakers to oversee the fifth and sixth Avengers movies. Multiple names were in contention, including Deadpool & Wolverine director Shawn Levy, who was offered the gig. Sources say the talks are in the early stages.

The move also marks a homecoming for The Russos, who jumped from the world of TV comedy on shows like Arrested Development and Community to blockbuster movies a decade ago, with Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014). In total, they directed four of Marvel’s biggest and best regarded movies, going on to helm Captain America: Civil War (2016), Avengers: Infinity War (2018) and Avengers: Endgame (2019). Combined, their Marvel films grossed $6.681 billion, with Endgame standing as the No. 2 movie of all time globally with $2.79 billion.

In the years since, they have become mega-producers via their AGBO banner, producing best picture winner Everything Everywhere All at Once and pricey titles such as Amazon’s Citadel and Netflix’s Extraction movies. As directors, after becoming box office kings at Marvel, they stuck to streaming titles that did not reach the critical and cultural heights of their Marvel work, directing the Tom Holland crime drama Cherry (2021) for Apple and the big budget action movie The Gray Man (2022) at Netflix. They also directed the upcoming sci-fi adventure The Electric State for Netflix.

The fifth Avengers movie was previously titled Avengers: The Kang Dynasty, and was to star Jonathan Majors as time-traveling villain Kang. But Marvel cut ties with the actor after he was convicted of assault in harassment in December. Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings director Destin Daniel Cretton was once attached to direct Kang Dynasty, but he departed a month before Majors’ conviction. The feature is expected to get a new name and a new focus.

The sixth Avengers film is Secret Wars, which is a storyline the Russos have long talked about wanting to adapt. A pair of 1980s comic book series focused on an all powerful antagonist known as the Beyonder, who in the first installment pitted Marvel’s heroes and villains against each other on a planet known as Battleworld. A 2015 revival served as the climax to writer Jonathan Hickman’s own multiverse saga, which has already had elements referenced in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022). In Hickman’s Secret Wars, all of Marvel’s multiverses are destroyed, with remnants surviving on a single planet ruled by the villain Doctor Doom.

Avengers 5 is set for May 1, 2026 and Secret Wars is set for May 7, 2027.

The Russo Bros. are repped by CAA.

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Âge : 42
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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Horlog11Dim 28 Juil 2024 - 6:26

Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] GTiiH_Mb0AAeh2s-1

Coup de tonnerre avec le retour de Robert Downey Jr... en Dr Doom !!!

Flounder69, Rwo et CrazylaZone aiment ce message

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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Horlog11Dim 28 Juil 2024 - 12:10

Décidément, quelques "retours" ces derniers temps !
On sent un peu ici qu'il fallait frapper fort pour faire oublier Kang. Les Frères Russo sont confirmés à la réalisation.

Marvel Studios a écrit:
Just announced in Hall H:
The Russo Brothers return to direct Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Doomsday, starring Robert Downey Jr. as Doctor Doom. Only in theaters May 2026. #SDCC

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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Horlog11Dim 28 Juil 2024 - 12:19

En fait c'est catastrophique ce qui se passe.

Le choix de casting est uniquement motivé par la com, pas par la volonté d'avoir un bon Fatalis, un bon acteur, ou que sais-je. Incapables d'assumer ou de vouloir créer de l'engouement pour de nouveaux persos, on ramène les anciens acteurs les plus populaires, c'est vraiment un signe d'un cadavre qui se débat plus que d'une saga qui renaît ça.

En plus, c'est probablement pire que ça. Les 4 Fantastiques feront partie d’un autre univers. Donc leur ennemi phare également. Il n’est alors pas du tout impossible que ce soit le Tony Stark de cet univers qui, au lieu d’avoir utilisé son génie pour devenir un héros, l’ai utilisé pour devenir un vilain, son pseudo n’étant plus son nom mais, bien un pseudo (on sait comment le MCU se moque des noms de comics pas subtils, imaginez bien qu’ils n’auraient pas sérieusement nommé un personnage Fatalis ou Doom sans que ce ne soit un pseudo), le Docteur Fatalis, son ego d’être le plus grand génie face à Reed Richards l’emportant du côté obscur. Voilà voilà, super le MCU, continuez comme ça, c’est pas du tout un signe de votre mort.

"Oyez Elfes, vous tous, oyez ! Qu'on ne dise plus jamais des Nains qu'ils sont cupides et désobligeants !" Galadriel.
"La mythologie est langage et le langage est mythologie." John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.

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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Horlog11Dim 28 Juil 2024 - 15:24


Moi qui attend Sherlock Holmes 3 depuis plus de dix ans, cette nouvelle ne m’enchante pas du tout.

J’ai lâché le steak avec Marvel depuis longtemps.
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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Horlog11Dim 28 Juil 2024 - 19:27

Aron a écrit:

Moi qui attend Sherlock Holmes 3 depuis plus de dix ans, cette nouvelle ne m’enchante pas du tout.


Pareil haha ! Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] 153419

Mais il y a un truc que j'attends, enfin attendais depuis toujours, c'est un Dr Doom réussi à l'écran. Autant dire que pour le moment on en est loin. Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] 53119

Attention, je suis fan de Downey Jr, mais cette blague de com qui schlingue le multivers à plein nez douche mes espoirs que cette nouvelle mouture soit envisagée avec sérieux.

Perso les cinéastes concernés ne sont pas non plus un gage de réussite, mais je sais que je serai très minoritaire sur ce point haha.
 Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] 477573

Pour moi, Dr Doom doit être traité ultra sérieusement, par un vrai cinéaste avec une vision tel un Singer choisissant McKellen pour Magneto, Jackman et Stewart notamment. Oui je sais à l'époque de l'annonce il lui était reproché d'avoir choisi un acteur trop vieux pour le rôle, ce que la suite a démenti car il savait ce qu'il faisait.

Là on est clairement en roue libre turbocharged "vite rappelons la machine à cash" façon canard sans tête.

Après, il peut s'agir d'une une solution de type Thanos/Josh Brolin c'est à dire un personnage totalement en 3D. Après tout Dr Doom porte un masque en permanence en tous cas à l'origine, non ? Car même s'ils sont capables de tout, je me dis que même pour eux, balancer RDJr comme ça hop comme si de rien n'était alors qu'il est Iron Man dans le même univers, c'est totalement du foutage de gueule.
Mais la version évoquée par Nain me semble malheureusement fort probable car tellement conforme à leur manière de "penser" leurs films No

Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Sans-t10

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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Horlog11Dim 28 Juil 2024 - 20:19

Oui fin Thanos est un alien avec une tête et un corps d'alien. C'est pas le cas de Fatalis.

Ce qui est d'autant plus inquiétant, c'est que ramener Robert Downey pour ne pas montrer sa tête (et on sait tous à quel point le MCU et les films de super-héros en général détestent masquer les têtes de leurs acteurs) ce serait bizarre. Donc un Fatalis entièrement masqué me semble compliqué, en l'état, davantage encore défiguré.

Sans parler du fait que, si c'est Tony Stark, sera-t-il toujours un sorcier ? Sera-t-il toujours d'ascendance gitane ? Sera-t-il roi de Latvérie ?


"Oyez Elfes, vous tous, oyez ! Qu'on ne dise plus jamais des Nains qu'ils sont cupides et désobligeants !" Galadriel.
"La mythologie est langage et le langage est mythologie." John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.

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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Horlog11Dim 28 Juil 2024 - 20:34

Náin a écrit:
Oui fin Thanos est un alien avec une tête et un corps d'alien. C'est pas le cas de Fatalis.

Oui mais un personnage masqué, en armure, à une époque ou les costumes et capes sont numériques, ça ne me semble pas plus déconnant qu'un alien violet malgré tout très humanoide. C'est la seule idée qui me fait encore tenir vis à vis d'un Dr Doom possible, laisse moi cet espoir  Laughing

Náin a écrit:
Ce qui est d'autant plus inquiétant, c'est que ramener Robert Downey pour ne pas montrer sa tête (et on sait tous à quel point le MCU et les films de super-héros en général détestent masquer les têtes de leurs acteurs) ce serait bizarre. Donc un Fatalis entièrement masqué me semble compliqué, en l'état, davantage encore défiguré.

Ca ne sera donc pas Dr Doom quoi, une fois de plus.  Sad
Mais je suis évidemment d'accord, se payer fort cher (je n'ose imaginer ce qui a été mis sur la table pour le faire revenir  affraid ) pour n'utiliser que sa voix et du motion capture, c'est peut être un peu tiré par les tifs.
Sauf si  justement c'est une manière de le vendre tout en filmant l'ensemble à l'économie en très peu de temps en pyjama à boules sur fond vert haha.   Laughing

Náin a écrit:
Sans parler du fait que, si c'est Tony Stark, sera-t-il toujours un sorcier ? Sera-t-il toujours d'ascendance gitane ? Sera-t-il roi de Latvérie ? Meh.

J'ose un "non" franc et massif Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] 53119 . De toute façon, prendre le même acteur, qui plus est aussi marqué pour incarner 2 personnages aussi emblématiques du même label pose, à mon sens, un problème insoluble de crédibilité. C'est le règne du clin d'oeil permanent au spectateur, c'est à dire se rappeler à chaque instant que tout ce qu'on voit n'existe pas.

J'y pense, pendant qu'on y est ils pouvaient reprendre tout le casting des Avengers pour leur faire jouer les autres rôles, y compris les F4. On rebaptise le MCU en American Marvel Story et basta. albino

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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Horlog11Dim 28 Juil 2024 - 21:17

Bah non puisque comme je te dis la parade qu'ils vont trouver c'est que ce Fatalis sera un Tony Stark alternatif ayant mal tourné, ayant laissé son ego envahissant (et on sait que le personnage, héroïque, était quand même très gris) l'emporter. D'autant plus face à un génie comme Reed Richards (rivalité, haine de Richards plus brillant que lui etc...).

"Oyez Elfes, vous tous, oyez ! Qu'on ne dise plus jamais des Nains qu'ils sont cupides et désobligeants !" Galadriel.
"La mythologie est langage et le langage est mythologie." John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.
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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Horlog11Dim 28 Juil 2024 - 21:52

C'est probable mais pour moi ça ne règlera rien concernant la crédibilité du personnage à l'écran, puisqu'on verra toujours une sorte de Tony Stark alternatif comme tu le dis, qui a mal tourné. D'une certaine manière, Dr Doom n'existera donc jamais vraiment par lui-même, ça me semble impossible avec le visage de RDjr.

Doom est un des villains les plus charismatique et riche, une sorte d'ancêtre de Darth Vader et on va avoir une fois de plus un type normal affublé, à tous les coups, d'une armure profilée technojapanisante pour faire moderne. Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] 287560

Pour peu qu'ils aillent jusqu'au bout du trip "bankable", on risque d'avoir un Doom alternant punchline à la Downey Jr avec de la frappe en 3D. Je piaffe. Laughing
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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Horlog11Dim 28 Juil 2024 - 23:24

En vrai le fait que ce soit le côté très piquant du personnage qui soit en partie responsable de son succès me terrifie pour Fatalis. Parce que lui, c'est pas du tout, du tout, du tout l'esprit.

"Oyez Elfes, vous tous, oyez ! Qu'on ne dise plus jamais des Nains qu'ils sont cupides et désobligeants !" Galadriel.
"La mythologie est langage et le langage est mythologie." John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.
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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Horlog11Dim 28 Juil 2024 - 23:29

Je suis tout à fait d'accord avec vous. Je ne suis pas forcément calé en comics de base mais j'ai toujours adoré les Fantastic 4 (d'ailleurs j'avais bien aimé McMahon en Fatalis...) et là j'ai peur que ça tourne autour du même schéma. Je vois déjà la scène arriver avec Spider-Man tiraillé de devoir se battre avec Fatalis par rapport à Iron Man, tout ça.
Question parallèle néanmoins : qui sera le méchant dans le reboot des Fantastic Four ? Un autre Fatalis ? Quelqu'un d'autre ?
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Inscription : 21/08/2023

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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Horlog11Dim 28 Juil 2024 - 23:36

Galactus. Ca a été confirmé.

Et comme on est plus en 2007 ce sera pas un amas de poussière dégueulasse mais bien le géant de l'espace avec le casque à la figure géométrique improbable typiquement kirbyenne.

Parce que 1 le visuel a été confirmé durant la CC et 2. Qu'on a déjà eu des géants de l'espace méga classes avec les Eternels.

Sinon. Mcmahon (marrant d'ailleurs j'avais jamais fait attention à son nom quand tu l'a sorti j'ai pensé au président moi) en Fatalis était immonde, désolé, même si j'aime le film parce qu'il est très fidèle aux comics (et que j'aime beaucoup les 4 Fantastiques).

"Oyez Elfes, vous tous, oyez ! Qu'on ne dise plus jamais des Nains qu'ils sont cupides et désobligeants !" Galadriel.
"La mythologie est langage et le langage est mythologie." John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.
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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Horlog11Lun 29 Juil 2024 - 12:10

Avengers : Doomsday [Marvel - 2026] Banniz12
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