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 The Society of Explorers and Adventurers [Hyperion - 2022]

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Messages : 8151
Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: The Society of Explorers and Adventurers [Hyperion - 2022] The Society of Explorers and Adventurers [Hyperion - 2022]  Horlog11Lun 20 Déc 2021 - 17:38

The Society of Explorers and Adventurers [Hyperion - 2022]  Sea

Le premier roman dont les aventures s'inscrivent dans le lore de la Société des Explorateurs et Aventuriers développé à travers les parcs à thèmes et aquatiques, les complexes hôteliers, la Disney Cruise Line et les espaces commerciaux des resorts Disney sortira en avril prochain.

Edité par la maison d'édition Hyperion, une filiale de la Walt Disney Company, le roman s'addresse aux middle-grade soit aux enfants de huit à douze ans.

On retrouve au coeur de l'histoire la Hightower Corporation, un nom familier auprès des habitués du parc Tokyo DisneySea !

Shinji Takahashi and the Mark of the Coatl de Julie Kagawa (Hyperion, 2022).

The Society of Explorers and Adventurers [Hyperion - 2022]  Julie-kagawa

Citation :
The first book in a globe-trotting middle-grade adventure, Shinji Takahashi and the Mark of the Coatl combines high-tech wizardry, old-world legends and a little bit of magic from the internationally renowned best-selling author, Julie Kagawa.

Shinji Takahashi is just an ordinary kid. An ordinary homeschooled smart-alecky orphan kid being raised by his globe-trotting aunt Yui. But when a magical guardian decides to use him as a conduit to awaken its power, Shinji’s life takes a turn for the anything-but-ordinary. Captured by the menacing Hightower Corporation, which is bent on using the guardian’s magic for its own nefarious purposes, Shinji must team up with a brilliant young tech whiz named Lucy and her robot mouse, Tinker, in order to escape.

Together the two turn to the venerable Society of Explorers and Adventurers and its ragtag cast of spelunkers, hackers, mapmakers, pilots, and mythology experts (among other things) to return the guardian to its rightful home and release Shinji from its magic―which seems to be draining his life force. Time is ticking, the Hightower Corporation is hot on their tail, and success or failure might depend on one small thing―Shinji finally coming around to the belief that he is anything but ordinary.

Based on the Society of Explorers and Adventurers lore that exist across the Walt Disney Parks, Shinji Takahashi and the Mark of the Coatl is the first book in an all-new action-adventure series that brings S.E.A. into the twenty-first century through a blend of science and magic, and a focus on two young characters on an epic journey through time and place.

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Âge : 39
Messages : 3930
Localisation : Ankara (Turquie)
Inscription : 10/09/2013

The Society of Explorers and Adventurers [Hyperion - 2022]  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Society of Explorers and Adventurers [Hyperion - 2022] The Society of Explorers and Adventurers [Hyperion - 2022]  Horlog11Mar 21 Déc 2021 - 8:31

Excellent! Vivement de lire ce livre.

The Society of Explorers and Adventurers [Hyperion - 2022]  K-vb-511The Society of Explorers and Adventurers [Hyperion - 2022]  Letter133 X Anaheim (2014-2018-2022)
1 X Hong Kong (2019)
1 X Shanghai (2019)
1 X Tokyo (2016)
5 X Walt Disney World (2013-2015-2016-2020-2022-2024)

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Messages : 8151
Inscription : 29/04/2010

The Society of Explorers and Adventurers [Hyperion - 2022]  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Society of Explorers and Adventurers [Hyperion - 2022] The Society of Explorers and Adventurers [Hyperion - 2022]  Horlog11Dim 11 Sep 2022 - 0:32

Le deuxième roman s'intitule Shinji Takahashi Into the Heart of the Storm et sortira le 18 avril 2023 chez Hyperion.

The Society of Explorers and Adventurers [Hyperion - 2022]  1-EXPLORER1

Citation :
High-tech wizardry, old world legends and a little bit of Disney magic all shine through in Shinji Takahashi: Into the Heart of the Storm, the second book in the Society of Explorers and Adventurers series from renowned best-selling author, Julie Kagawa.

As Shinji struggles to understand and control his new guardian magic, the members of S.E.A. learn that a sunken ship belonging to the long extinct Natia people has been found on the floor of the Pacific Ocean. Shinji, Lucy and Tinker, along with Oliver Ocean and Phoebe Mystic, a quirky, enthusiastic magic expert who has been called in to help Shinji, head off to check out the wreckage, hoping to get there before the Hightower Corporation can plunder the site, and picking up a young stowaway by the name of Roux along the way.

But nothing goes as planned, and when Shinji accidentally awakens a guardian who's been hidden on a mysterious island and trapped inside a volcano for a century, he causes a volcanic eruption and releases a massive hurricane that threatens the entire coast of California. Now Shinji must learn to control his powers and best his fears so that he can stop the destruction and regain the trust of S.E.A before it's too late.
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