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 Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021]

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021] StarWarsVisions - Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021]   - Page 2 Horlog11Dim 3 Oct 2021 - 17:51

La suite des affiches des épisodes :

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021] StarWarsVisions - Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021]   - Page 2 Horlog11Mer 6 Oct 2021 - 22:52

De nouvelles images conceptuelles :

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Par ailleurs, l'éditeur américain Dark Horse Comics publiera au printemps de l'année prochaine The Art of Star Wars : Visions, un ouvrage entièrement consacré à l'art de l'anthologie animée japonaise Star Wars : Visions.

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021] StarWarsVisions - Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021]   - Page 2 Horlog11Sam 23 Oct 2021 - 15:15

La chanson Galactic Dreamer dans sa version anglaise (je suis assez surpris de découvrir que c'est Joseph Gordon-Levitt qui prête sa voix à Jay dans cette version):

Et voici la version japonaise :

Ainsi que la version instrumentale :

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021] StarWarsVisions - Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021]   - Page 2 Horlog11Dim 24 Oct 2021 - 16:56

J'ai tout regardé en VO, merci pour la VA même si pour ce cas ci, je préfère la VO
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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021] StarWarsVisions - Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021]   - Page 2 Horlog11Sam 6 Nov 2021 - 18:06

Les épisodes sont inégaux, ce n'est pas terrible finalement.
Le 9e jedi est le mieux, mais appelle une suite.

GreG de l'ouest de Lyon

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021] StarWarsVisions - Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021]   - Page 2 Horlog11Ven 12 Nov 2021 - 18:09

L'idée globale de la série est excellente, ça donne un air frais et totalement différent pour l'univers Star Wars, après comme il s'agit de la création de différents studios d'animations qui ont une vision et un design propre, chaque épisode est vraiment totalement différent, du coup effectivement très inégaux, ce qui est intéressant c'est que selon les sensibilités de chacun chaque épisode va être perçu différemment.

J'avoue avoir plutôt aimer le 1er épisode mais aussi l'épisode du groupe musical, très sympa. les épisodes 5 et 8 étaient bien aussi Smile

"La chose la plus importante pour un réalisateur est de savoir ce qu'il veut. C'est la raison pour laquelle j'adore Disney: je pense que l'animation est à l'origine du cinéma en prises de vue réelles, car les animateurs doivent avoir une image claire dans leur esprit. ils doivent utiliser leur imaginaire afin de peindre les choses, en tenant compte de tous les aspects, jusqu'au mouvement du vent. Tous les réalisateur devraient être avant tout des animateurs, car il s'agit de transformer l'imaginaire en quelque chose de tangible." Steven Spielberg

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021] StarWarsVisions - Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021]   - Page 2 Horlog11Mar 11 Jan 2022 - 8:59

Tout chaud sur Chronique Disney, le site, découvrez notre critique de la saison 1 (lien en cliquant sur l'image) :
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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021] StarWarsVisions - Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021]   - Page 2 Horlog11Dim 29 Mai 2022 - 23:53

Star Wars : Visions revient au printemps 2023 pour une seconde saison !

Cette seconde série d'épisodes s'internationalise avec des court-métrages produits par des studios éparpillés au Japon, Chili, Royaume-Unis, France, Afrique du Sud, Corée du Sud, Inde, Irlande et Espagne !  

Chaque pays a sa propre culture d'animation et le résultat promet d'être très différent d'un épisode à l'autre ce qui rend le tout plutot intéressant !

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021] StarWarsVisions - Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021]   - Page 2 Horlog11Mar 31 Mai 2022 - 16:29

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Lucasfilm brought some surprises to Star Wars Celebration Anaheim 2022, as they revisited the making of Star Wars: Visions. The nine-episode Star Wars anime anthology series on Disney+ took the galaxy far, far away to a whole new place in 2021.

The team was brought together to talk about the experience in the “A Look Back at Star Wars: Visions” panel. Host Chastity Vicencio chatted with Lucasfilm’s James Waugh, Josh Rimes, Jacqui Lopez, and Quibic Pictures’ Justin Leach about the origins of the project and what’s in store in the future. Here are just some of the highlights.

1. Star Wars: Visions Volume 2 is coming Spring 2023! While there’s not much to reveal yet, the second volume will bring together new stories from creative teams in Japan, India, UK, Ireland, Spain, Chile, France, South Africa, and California in the United States. “It’s going to be a celebration of the incredible animation happening all around the globe,” James Waugh said.

2. Disney+ is the reason unique new projects are possible. While it’s well-known that Lucasfilm luminaries like George Lucas, Kathleen Kennedy, and Dave Filoni are anime fans, there wasn’t an opportunity to work on an animated project of this scope until the launch of Disney+. “We realized we could do new things with Star Wars — things we never expected,” said Waugh.

3. Developed during the pandemic, the Japanese creative teams behind Star Wars: Visions’ first episodes only met with Lucasfilm over video calls. Like most teams working together during lockdown, collaborating long-distance was a new hurdle to overcome — but everything came together with their combined hard work, Rimes said. “We did all this work through script and design through Zoom,”Jacqui Lopez added. “At the end of this project, some of the studios wanted to mix at Skywalker Sound. So we did a real-time connection with them… Designers at Skywalker Sound were just as excited to work in anime as the anime creatives were to work with Skywalker Sound.”

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4. The English cast of Star Wars: Visions took the stage to share memories from their time on the project. Andrew Kishino (“The Ninth Jedi”), Hiromi Dames (“Lop and Ochō”), Keone Young (“Akakiri”), Christopher Sean (“The Village Bride”), Bobby Moynihan (“Tatooine Rhapsody”), and Brian Tee (“The Duel”) talked about what it was like to take on the incredible roles. Brian Tee, who plays the stone-faced warrior in “The Duel,” remembered the offer. “I got a phone call and they said, ‘Star Wars.’ Then they said, ‘Ronin.’ And then I said, ‘Yes.’”

5. His Star Wars: Visions role meant a lot to Keone Young. Growing up, Young said, sentiment toward postwar Japan was scornful. He was happy to have the opportunity now to show the richness and positivity toward his culture in this collaborative project. “The voices that you hear me do are my ancestors,” he said. “When you see Japanese animation combined with Star Wars, I thank you for accepting the goodness and the positive sides of my people.”

6. The Japanese anime studios sent their well wishes and thanks to the Star Wars Celebration audience. The teams from Kamikaze Douga, Production I.G, TRIGGER, and more filmed special thanks for the fans at the show. From coordinated cheers to a real-life ronin (in black and white, no less!), the video captured the heartfelt appreciation from the Star Wars: Visions creative teams.
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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021] StarWarsVisions - Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021]   - Page 2 Horlog11Jeu 2 Fév 2023 - 15:33

Star Wars : Visions Volume 2 à partir du 4 mai, date symbolique pour Star Wars, sur la plateforme de streaming Disney+ !  

Cette nouvelle vague de courts-métrages sera composée de neuf épisodes réalisés par les studios d'animation El Guiri (Espagne), Cartoon Saloon (Irelande), Punkrobot (Chili), Aardman (Royaume-Uni), Studio Mir (Corée du Sud) Studio La Cachette (France), 88 Pictures (Inde), D'art Shtajio (Japon, en collaboration avec Lucasfilm Ltd., Etats-Unis) et Triggerfish (Afrique du Sud).

Citation :
Star Wars: Visions Volume 2 Release Date, Studios Revealed

Find out all the details on the return of the critically-acclaimed series of animated shorts.

Today, Disney+ and Lucasfilm announced that the second volume of the animated anthology series will premiere May 4, 2023, a.k.a. Star Wars Day, exclusively on Disney+. Volume 2, building on the Emmy Award-nominated first run of Star Wars: Visions in 2021, will feature nine new shorts from nine studios from around the globe; the shorts promise to feature unique animation styles from a variety of countries and cultures, depicting each filmmaker’s specific vision of the Star Wars galaxy.

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The shorts included in Star Wars: Visions Volume 2 were created by the following international animation studios: El Guiri (Spain), Cartoon Saloon (Ireland), Punkrobot (Chile), Aardman (United Kingdom), Studio Mir (South Korea) Studio La Cachette (France), 88 Pictures (India), D'art Shtajio (Japan), and Triggerfish (South Africa). D’Art Shtajio’s short was created in collaboration with Lucasfilm Ltd. (United States).

“The reaction to the first volume of Star Wars: Visions blew us away. We were delighted that this project inspired and resonated with so many people,” says James Waugh, Star Wars: Visions executive producer and senior vice president, Franchise Content & Strategy, at Lucasfilm. “We always saw Star Wars: Visions as a framework for celebratory expressions of the franchise from some of the best creators working today. Animation is in a global renaissance, and we’re constantly staggered by the amount of creativity pushing the medium forward. With Volume 1, the imaginative minds of Japan’s anime industry were on full display. With Volume 2, we expanded our canvas to take audiences on a global tour of some of the most talented creators from around the world. We’re so proud to be able to reveal the line-up of studios we’ve assembled. Every short is incredible, full of heart, scope, imagination, and the values that make stories distinctly Star Wars — all while opening up bold new ways of seeing what a Star Wars story can be.”

Waugh serves as executive producer on Star Wars: Visions Volume 2 along with Jacqui Lopez and Josh Rimes. Check out details on each short and filmmaker below :

Title: “Sith”

Studio: El Guiri

Writer-director: Rodrigo Blaas

Rodrigo Blaas is an Emmy Award-winning director who has spent more than 20 years in animation. After co-founding Stromboli Animation in 1997, Blaas joined Blue Sky Studios in 2000, working on the feature film Ice Age, before transitioning to Pixar Animation Studios. There, he worked on such projects as Finding Nemo (2003), The Incredibles (2004), Ratatouille (2007), and WALL·E (2008) and on the Oscar-nominated short film La Luna (2011). More recently, Blaas partnered with Guillermo del Toro to develop the award-winning series Trollhunters, served as creative director for Mikros Animation Paris and, in 2021, created El Guiri Studios in Madrid with his partner, Cecile Hokes. He also wrote and directed 2009’s award-winning short film Alma.

Title: “Screecher’s Reach”

Studio: Cartoon Saloon

Director: Paul Young

Paul Young is a co-founder of Cartoon Saloon, an IFTA winner and Oscar, and BAFTA nominee. He produced the animated features My Father’s Dragon, WolfWalkers, The Secret of Kells, Song of the Sea, and The Breadwinner as well as award-winning TV series including Puffin Rock, Dorg Van Dango, and Viking Skool.

Title: “In the Stars”

Studio: Punkrobot

Writer-director: Gabriel Osorio

Gabriel Osorio majored in Fine Arts at Universidad de Chile, later specializing in 3D animation. After working in commercials, movies and television series, he founded Punkrobot Studio. Since 2008, he has directed projects for children’s television including Flipos, Muelin y Perlita, Soccer Girls, and television spots. In 2016, his short film Bear Story became the first Latin American project to win an Oscar in the animated short category.

Title: “I Am Your Mother”

Studio: Aardman

Director: Magdalena Osinska

Magdalena Osinska is an award-winning director who has been with Aardman for eight years. She has directed stop-motion, CGI, 2D and live-action commercials including Wallace & Gromit’s “The Great Sofa Caper” and “Share the Orange.” Osinska directed development of the children’s series Joyets and has also directed films including Spirits of the Piano and Zbigniev’s Cupboard. A graduate of the National Film and Television School in Beaconsfield, UK, as well as the Polish Film School in Lodz and Art College in Warsaw, Osinska is currently developing the feature film Jasia, based on her grandmother’s memories of WWII Poland.

Title: “Journey to the Dark Head”

Studio: Studio Mir

Director: Hyeong Geun Park

Rising star Hyeong Geun Park had already made a name for himself when he entered the Korean animation industry in 2017, thanks to his strong drawing and animation sensibilities. He has directed animation for dozens of cinematic game trailers and has since expanded into animated series, working on projects including Dota: Dragon’s Blood: Book 3 (2022) and Lookism (2022). Journey to the Dark Head is the first title he has executive produced from start to finish.

Title: “The Spy Dancer”

Studio: Studio La Cachette

Writer-director: Julien Chheng

Julien Chheng is CEO of Studio La Cachette, an Emmy Award-winning French animation studio he co-founded in 2014 with fellow Gobelins school’s alumni Oussama Bouacheria and Ulysse Malassagne. Chheng was trained in visual development at Disney and has worked as a character animator on acclaimed 2D animated features The Rabbi’s Cat, Mune, and the Academy Award-nominated Ernest and Celestine. In 2021, he won an Emmy Award as animation executive producer of Genndy Tartakovsky’s Primal, for which he also served as animation supervisor. In 2022, Chheng directed with Jean-Christophe Roger the Cesar-nominated feature Ernest and Celestine: A Trip to Gibberitia.

Title: “The Bandits of Golak”

Studio: 88 Pictures

Director: Ishan Shukla

Ishan Shukla started his career as a CG artist in Singapore. For more than a decade, he spearheaded projects ranging from TV commercials to series and music videos. His 2016 animated short, "Schirkoa," was long listed for the Academy Awards after receiving dozens of awards and playing at 120 international festivals, including SIGGRAPH Asia where it was named Best in Show. He then set up his own animation studio to work on adult-oriented animated feature films including a feature-length version of Schirkoa, set to hit festivals in summer 2023.

Title: “The Pit”

Studios: D’art Shtajio and Lucasfilm Ltd.

Writer-director-executive producer: LeAndre Thomas

Co-director: Justin Ridge

LeAndre Thomas is an award-winning writer and director from Oakland, Calif., whose most recent film won Best Director at the Pasadena International Film Festival. In addition to his independent films, Thomas is a part of the franchise studio team at Lucasfilm Ltd. where he has worked for more than 11 years being credited on recent titles such as Light & Magic, The Mandalorian, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi, and many more.

Justin Ridge executive produced the Emmy-nominated series Star Wars Resistance. His credits also include Star Wars Rebels, Storks, The Cleveland Show, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Title: “Aau’s Song”

Studio: Triggerfish

Writer-directors: Nadia Darries and Daniel Clarke

Nadia Darries is a director, animator and co-founder of Goon Valley Animation, with an avocation for songwriting. Born in the Cape Flats in South Africa, Darries has worked on high-end animated film and motion design as an animator, project manager, creative director and director since 2015. Her experience includes animating at Triggerfish Animation Studios on the award-winning BBC films Stick Man, Revolting Rhymes, and Highway Rat.

Daniel Clarke is a Cape Town-based director and artist working in animation, film and illustration. He started his career in animation in 2008 at Triggerfish Animation Studios, where he has served as production designer, art director and director on projects such as the feature film Khumba, BBC’s Stick Man, and The Snail and the Whale. In 2018, along with James Clarke and Daniel Snaddon, he completed the graphic novel Kariba.

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021] StarWarsVisions - Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021]   - Page 2 Horlog11Jeu 2 Fév 2023 - 18:42

Je suis si excitée à l’annonce de ces studios! Voir Cartoon Saloon nous proposer un court-métrage Star Wars, quel bonheur! Je ne m’attendais absolument pas à voir Aardman participer, c’est très surprenant, mais je suis très hypée!

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021] StarWarsVisions - Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021]   - Page 2 Horlog11Lun 10 Avr 2023 - 19:25

Star Wars: Visions Volume 2 ! Le 4 mai 2023 sur Disney+.

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021] StarWarsVisions - Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021]   - Page 2 Horlog11Lun 10 Avr 2023 - 19:45

Cette nouvelle saison semble énormément varier les styles d'animation! On a de l'animation traditionnelle, de la CGI, de la stop motion... et tous ces styles d'animation semblent avoir été énormément pensés en profondeur pour correspondre avec l'identité de Star Wars. ^^
Je sens que ça va être une pépite!

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021] StarWarsVisions - Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021]   - Page 2 Horlog11Lun 24 Avr 2023 - 19:42

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El Guiri Studios presents “Sith,” a new animated short from #StarWarsVisions Volume 2, arriving May 4 on Disney+.

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021] StarWarsVisions - Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021]   - Page 2 Horlog11Lun 24 Avr 2023 - 19:48

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Take a look at this exclusive image from the Aardman animated short, “I Am Your Mother”, part of #StarWarsVIsions Volume 2 streaming May 4 on Disney+ .

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021] StarWarsVisions - Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021]   - Page 2 Horlog11Mar 25 Avr 2023 - 19:40

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Cartoon Saloon presents “Screecher’s Reach,” a new animated short from #StarWarsVisions Volume 2, arriving May 4 on Disney+.

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021] StarWarsVisions - Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021]   - Page 2 Horlog11Mer 26 Avr 2023 - 19:14

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Punkrobot Estudio Audiovisual presents “In The Stars,” a new animated short from #StarWarsVisions Volume 2, arriving May 4 on Disney+.

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021] StarWarsVisions - Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021]   - Page 2 Horlog11Ven 28 Avr 2023 - 21:18

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Studio Mir presents “Journey to the Dark Head,” a new animated short from #StarWarsVisions Volume 2, arriving May 4 on Disney+.

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021] StarWarsVisions - Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021]   - Page 2 Horlog11Ven 28 Avr 2023 - 21:28

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Triggerfish Animation presents “Aau’s Song,” a new animated short from #StarWarsVisions Volume 2, arriving in one week on Disney+

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021] StarWarsVisions - Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021]   - Page 2 Horlog11Lun 1 Mai 2023 - 21:18

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Studio La Cachette presents “The Spy Dancer,” a new animated short from #StarWarsVisions Volume 2, arriving Thursday on Disney+.

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021] StarWarsVisions - Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021]   - Page 2 Horlog11Mar 2 Mai 2023 - 21:48

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88 Pictures presents “The Bandits of Golak,” a new animated short from #StarWarsVisions Volume 2, arriving Thursday on Disney+

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021] StarWarsVisions - Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021]   - Page 2 Horlog11Mer 3 Mai 2023 - 23:48

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Citation :
Lucasfilm and D'ART Shtajio present “The Pit,” a new animated short from #StarWarsVisions Volume 2, arriving tomorrow on Disney+.

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021] StarWarsVisions - Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021]   - Page 2 Horlog11Jeu 4 Mai 2023 - 22:39

StarWarsVisions - Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021]   - Page 2 1sw-visions-10

Citation :
Aardman presents “I Am Your Mother,” a new animated short from #StarWarsVisions Volume 2, now available on Disney+.

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MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021] StarWarsVisions - Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021]   - Page 2 Horlog11Jeu 4 Mai 2023 - 22:45

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StarWarsVisions - Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021]   - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021] StarWarsVisions - Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021]   - Page 2 Horlog11Lun 8 Mai 2023 - 9:17

J'ai pour l'instant regarder 5 épisodes de cette deuxième saison. Les styles et les influences sont très différents , toutefois un thème commun se dégage : l'Art exprimé d'une manière ou d'une autre.

A part "The Bandits of Golak" qui m'a laissé indifférente et dont je n'ai pas accroché au style graphique, les 4 autres " Sith", "Journey to the Dark Head", "The Sky Dancer" et " In The Stars" sont exceptionnels de part l'ambiance qu'ils dégagent.
"Sith" est littéralement fascinant à tout point de vu, c'est mon préféré.

Edit : j'ai vu tous les épisodes et j'ai une nette préférence pour cette saison 2 placée sous le signe de l'art et de la poésie, c'était très original à tout point de vue.

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Star Wars : Visions [Lucasfilm - 2021]
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