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 VPN et catalogues internationaux

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Âge : 30
Messages : 9659
Localisation : France
Inscription : 06/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: VPN et catalogues internationaux inspire2022 - VPN et catalogues internationaux - Page 12 Horlog11Jeu 3 Juin 2021 - 18:30

Le programme de l'été de la plateforme US :

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MessageSujet: Re: VPN et catalogues internationaux inspire2022 - VPN et catalogues internationaux - Page 12 Horlog11Dim 20 Juin 2021 - 10:54

Quelqu'un a essayé ce que donne le VPN gratuit du navigateur Opera ? Je viens à peine de découvrir que ça existait. C'est pratique, mais un peu limité car on n'a pas vraiment le choix précis de l'endroit où on veut être localisé. Juste 3 zones (Amériques, Europe, Asie). Mais ça donne quoi avec Disney+ ? On peut avoir accès aux catalogues Québecois, Suisses et Belges ? Ou c'est au petit bonheur la chance ? Les VPN sont peu chers, mais uniquement si on s'abonne sur de longues durées. Quand on prend qu'un mois comme moi, c'est une autre paire de manches.
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MessageSujet: Re: VPN et catalogues internationaux inspire2022 - VPN et catalogues internationaux - Page 12 Horlog11Dim 20 Juin 2021 - 12:27

Les VPN payants ne garantissent pas un accès à tous les catalogues de la plateforme.

La Belgique par exemple, ne fait pas partie de cette liste. Ce qui est bien dommage quand on constate la quantité et la qualité du catalogue.

Conclusion, même si un VPN te permet de te connecter sur n’importe quel serveur, tu n’auras pas forcément accès au catalogue du pays en question.
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Âge : 37
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Localisation : Val d'Europe
Inscription : 06/07/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: VPN et catalogues internationaux inspire2022 - VPN et catalogues internationaux - Page 12 Horlog11Dim 20 Juin 2021 - 12:53

La Belgique étant un pays de l'Union européenne, ce n'est pas une question de VPN mais de domiciliation du compte.
Un compte français conservera le catalogue français quelque soit le pays européen dans lequel il se trouve, c'est la loi. Donc un VPN ne changera rien à cela.

Pour pouvoir accéder au catalogue belge en France, il n'y a que deux solutions :
1. Avoir un compte belge (mais vous n'aurez donc jamais accès au catalogue français) ;
2. Avoir un compte hors UE (canadien ou étasunien par exemple) et utiliser un VPN permettant de se situer virtuellement en Belgique.

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Disneyland Paris : déc. 1997/avr. 1998/juil. 1999/avr. 2005/aoû. 2005/oct. 2005/fév. 2006/avr. 2006 - Cast Member 2006-2011 - visites régulières jusqu'à aujourd'hui
Walt Disney World Resort : nov. 2008/mai 2011/fév.-mars 2018/sep. 2019/oct. 2022
Disneyland Resort : sep. 2009/mai 2013/nov. 2015/août 2019/déc. 2023
Tokyo Disney Resort : juin 2015/avr. 2016
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort : mars 2016
Shanghai Disney Resort : mai 2016 / juin 2016 / juil. 2016
Disney Cruise Line : mars 2018 (Disney Dream) / sep. 2019 (Disney Fantasy) / oct. 2022 (Disney Wish) / nov. 2023 (Disney Magic) / sep. 2024 (Disney Wonder)
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Âge : 33
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Localisation : 28
Inscription : 04/11/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: VPN et catalogues internationaux inspire2022 - VPN et catalogues internationaux - Page 12 Horlog11Dim 20 Juin 2021 - 13:16

J’ai pris nordvpn et ça marche très bien par contre comme le dit Dash quand on a un compte d’un pays de l’UE on n’a pas accès aux catalogues des pays de l’UE mais Suisse, Québec etc… il n’y a aucun problème.

J’ai mon compte français et j’ai accès au catalogue de n’importe quel pays tant que c’est hors UE (et cela vaut pour netflix et prime video aussi).

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MessageSujet: Re: VPN et catalogues internationaux inspire2022 - VPN et catalogues internationaux - Page 12 Horlog11Dim 20 Juin 2021 - 13:46

Je sais ce qu'est le VPN, je les ai déjà utilisés. Les payants ont justement l'avantage de pouvoir décider de la localisation du serveur. Ce que ne semble pas offrir Opera, ou alors, j'ai pas bien compris comment ça se configure.

Ce que je demande surtout des retours d'expériences sur Disney+ avec le VNP gratuit d'Opéra. On a accès à quoi ? Europe, j'ai pigé, c'est mort, si je choisis cette zone, ce sera forcément le Disney+ français (tout du moins le Disney+ du pays européen où on s'est abonné). Mais les autres ? On a accès à Disney US par exemple ou ça marche pas ?
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MessageSujet: Re: VPN et catalogues internationaux inspire2022 - VPN et catalogues internationaux - Page 12 Horlog11Lun 21 Juin 2021 - 9:39

On est souvent mieux servi par soi-même. Donc, résultat des courses, on a bien accès au Disney US exclusivement. L'attribution de l'adresse IP est aléatoire, mais ne dépasse pas les frontières des États-Unis. Pour accéder au catalogue québécois et leurs VFQ, il vaut donc mieux avoir un VPN payant. A noter un autre argument en sa défaveur, le débit est très médiocre. En résumé, Opéra VPN c'est bien pour contourner les restrictions des opérateurs français sans rien débourser et très facilement, mais c'est à peu près tout.
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Âge : 27
Messages : 598
Localisation : Longjumeau
Inscription : 24/03/2018

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MessageSujet: Re: VPN et catalogues internationaux inspire2022 - VPN et catalogues internationaux - Page 12 Horlog11Lun 19 Juil 2021 - 17:22

Je ne m'étais pas encore posé la question mais pour avoir accès à l'acces premium depuis la France, je me doute qu'il faut un VPN mais faut-il aussi un moyen de paiement basé à l'étranger ?

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Âge : 37
Messages : 23288
Localisation : Val d'Europe
Inscription : 06/07/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: VPN et catalogues internationaux inspire2022 - VPN et catalogues internationaux - Page 12 Horlog11Lun 19 Juil 2021 - 18:35

Oui, il le faut. Après, ça se contourne en créant un compte PayPal domicilié dans un autre pays ou alors en s'arrangeant avec un ami vivant dans le pays en question. Smile

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Disneyland Paris : déc. 1997/avr. 1998/juil. 1999/avr. 2005/aoû. 2005/oct. 2005/fév. 2006/avr. 2006 - Cast Member 2006-2011 - visites régulières jusqu'à aujourd'hui
Walt Disney World Resort : nov. 2008/mai 2011/fév.-mars 2018/sep. 2019/oct. 2022
Disneyland Resort : sep. 2009/mai 2013/nov. 2015/août 2019/déc. 2023
Tokyo Disney Resort : juin 2015/avr. 2016
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort : mars 2016
Shanghai Disney Resort : mai 2016 / juin 2016 / juil. 2016
Disney Cruise Line : mars 2018 (Disney Dream) / sep. 2019 (Disney Fantasy) / oct. 2022 (Disney Wish) / nov. 2023 (Disney Magic) / sep. 2024 (Disney Wonder)

MD35 aime ce message

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Âge : 27
Messages : 598
Localisation : Longjumeau
Inscription : 24/03/2018

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MessageSujet: Re: VPN et catalogues internationaux inspire2022 - VPN et catalogues internationaux - Page 12 Horlog11Lun 19 Juil 2021 - 20:53

Dash a écrit:
Oui, il le faut. Après, ça se contourne en créant un compte PayPal domicilié dans un autre pays ou alors en s'arrangeant avec un ami vivant dans le pays en question. Smile

C'est bien ce qui me semblait mais merci pour la confirmation.
Soit dit en passant on dirait que les films sont disponibles plus rapidement au Brésil. Cruella est déjà disponible sans surcout et en français inspire2022 - VPN et catalogues internationaux - Page 12 904185. Et Black Widow sera disponible normalement le 25 août alors que pour les autres pays il faut attendre le 6 octobre (sauf évidemment chez les fromages qui puent).
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Messages : 8120
Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: VPN et catalogues internationaux inspire2022 - VPN et catalogues internationaux - Page 12 Horlog11Ven 13 Aoû 2021 - 0:09

La plateforme de streaming Disney+ a dépassé les 116 millions d'abonnements payants en juillet, soit une hausse de 12,4 millions d'abonnements en un trimestre.

Ce qui représente près de 13 millions d'abonnements supplémentaires par rapport au trimestre précédent.

ESPN+ enregistre maintenant 14,9 millions d'abonnements, tandis que Hulu en compte dorénavant 42,8 millions.

Aujourd'hui, les plateformes Disney+, ESPN+ et Hulu totalisent ensemble près de 174 millions d'abonnements.

La plateforme Disney+, qui fêtera son deuxième anniversaire en novembre prochain, continue son développement à l'international, quoique avec un peu de retard sur ses plans initiaux.

Les prochains marchés a accueillir le service de streaming seront le Japon (octobre 2021), Taiwan (novembre 2021), Hong Kong (novembre 2021), la Corée du Sud (novembre 2021), l'Europe Centrale et de l'Est (été 2022), le Moyen-Orient (été 2022) et l'Afrique du Sud  (été 2022).

Bob Chapek s'est félicité des résultats des plateformes de streaming qui ont dépassé les attentes au cours du trimestre écoulé alors que de nombreux nouveaux contenus sont sur le point d’être diffusés.

La résurgence de la COVID-19 avec le variant indien Delta aura un impact significatif sur le marché concernant les sorties de films au cinéma et/ou sur Disney+.

Quand les salles de cinéma ont rouvert, on a constaté une immense réticence du public à revenir, à reprendre le chemin des salles, la direction de la Walt Disney Company a choisi de privilégier la flexibilité, pour être capable d'atteindre le consommateur où qu’il aille, où qu'il se trouve.

Bob Chapek a défendu la façon dont Disney avait livré ses films au public et a déclaré que la société utiliserait toutes les options disponibles à l'avenir.

"Notre activité de direct-to-consumer (vente directe aux consommateurs) est la priorité absolue de l'entreprise" a déclaré Bob Chapek.

La division Parcs, expériences et produits dérivés a réalisé pour la première fois depuis le début de la pandémie des bénéfices au cours du troisième trimestre de l'exercice fiscal en cours, combiné à la progression des plateformes de streaming, ces excellentes nouvelles permettent au titre de clôturer la journée boursière avec une appréciation de 5% à la satisfaction des investisseurs !

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Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: VPN et catalogues internationaux inspire2022 - VPN et catalogues internationaux - Page 12 Horlog11Mer 1 Sep 2021 - 19:04

Disney est actuellement en voie de produire plus de soixante séries originales européennes d'ici 2024, en hausse par rapport à l'objectif précédent de cinquante séries.

Citation :
Jan Koeppen, president of The Walt Disney Company Europe, the Middle East and Africa is bullish about production of originals in the region, noted that Disney is currently on track to produce 60 European original series by 2024, up from the previous target of 50.

“While The Walt Disney Company has a long heritage of producing content in Europe for our channels business, as well as producing some of our big blockbuster movies like ‘Cruella’ or ‘Star Wars: Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker’ here – it is the launch of Disney Plus that has allowed us to put an afterburner on our European productions and to create a whole new slate of local originals,” Koeppen said. “We have already announced 16 local original Disney Plus series for Europe, and had previously announced our plan to grow this to 50 European series by 2024 – so we are leaning in. Given the reception we have received by the creative communities across Europe, I’m pleased to report that we are currently on track to exceed 60 originals in that same timeframe.”

“Disney Plus can showcase local content to global audiences – creating a positive fly-wheel effect for European content by helping creators make their stories resonate with our fans around the world. It really is a time like no other to be creating diverse stories,” Koeppen said.

“We believe that it is important that people see themselves reflected in our stories, whether it’s the lead cast of France’s ‘Oussekine’ being entirely of North African heritage, or the sharp humor from the super-talented Turkish-German women that wrote ‘Sultan City’ in Germany,” Koeppen added. “As far as I can see, there has never been a more exciting time to be in European production. The opportunities are boundless, creating a win for the producers and creators and for an industry that is thriving. And if this were not enough, we are also adding a meaningful dimension of cultural diversity on a global scale.”

L'article de Variety :
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Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: VPN et catalogues internationaux inspire2022 - VPN et catalogues internationaux - Page 12 Horlog11Mer 1 Sep 2021 - 19:22

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Disney prévoit de supprimer la plateforme Hotstar aux Etats-Unis d'ici la fin de l'année prochaine.

Les programmes sportifs et de divertissements de la plateforme américaine Hotstar seront progressivement transférés sur les plateformes ESPN+ et Hulu.

Dès ce mois-ci, ESPN+ accueillera ainsi dorénavant les événements de cricket en direct.  

De son côté Hulu ajoutera au fur et à mesure plusieurs milliers d'émissions spéciales Hotstar, de films et de séries populaires de Bollywood et d'Asie du Sud.

Disney n'a pas encore communiqué sur l'avenir de la plateforme Hotstar au Canada et au Royaume Unis.

En Asie, Hotstar est commercialisé à Singapour et sous la forme Disney+ Hotstar en Inde, Indonésie, Malaisie et Thailande (et prochainement aux Philippines).

Citation :
“The move from Hotstar, a premium brand for South Asian content, to ESPN Plus and Hulu in the U.S. expands upon the rich and diverse catalog of live events and stories delivered across the Disney Bundle and provides a platform for South Asian content to reach broader audiences,” the company said in a statement

The Disney Bundle in the U.S. will include all the Hotstar content that will be migrated over, plus access to everything currently available on Disney Plus, ESPN Plus and Hulu — a collection of more than 100,000 movie titles, TV episodes, original shows and sporting events. The three-service bundle is regularly priced at $13.99/month; Hotstar in the U.S. has cost $49.99/year.

Cricket matches are Hotstar’s most-viewed content. With the programming migration, beginning Sept. 1, ESPN Plus will be the new U.S. streaming home for live cricket events from the VIVO IPL, the International Cricket Council (ICC) Men’s T20 World Cup, and BCCI home tours for the India national team. In 2022, all 62 matches of the IPL season will stream live on ESPN Plus, beginning in March. That will augment the cricket lineup on ESPN Plus, which includes more than 100 Cricket New Zealand matches over the next six years and 100-plus West Indies Cricket matches over the next five years.

Hulu, meanwhile, will add several thousand Hotstar specials and popular Bollywood/South Asian movies and series on a rolling basis. Series now available to all Hulu subscribers include the Indian adaptation of “The Office,” “Hostages,” “Out of Love” (based on BBC series “Dr. Foster”), “City of Dreams,” “Live Telecast” and “OK Computer.”

L'article de Variety :

Citation :
VIVO Indian Premier League, ICC Men’s T20 World Cup, And BCCI Cricket Coming Soon To ESPN+, Hotstar Specials Available On Hulu Beginning Sept. 1

IPL to resume its 14th season live on ESPN+ in the U.S. beginning Sunday, Sept. 19

Thousands of Bollywood hits, including blockbuster films and fan-favorite shows, coming to Hulu

Beginning Sept. 1, ESPN+ will serve as the new U.S. streaming home for live cricket events from the VIVO IPL, ICC Men’s T20 World Cup, and BCCI home tours for the India national team. Hotstar Specials and select Bollywood content will also be available on Hulu beginning Sept. 1, with thousands of additional movies and series episodes to be added in the future. The move from Hotstar, a premium brand for South Asian content, to ESPN+ and Hulu in the U.S. expands upon the rich and diverse catalog of live events and stories delivered across The Disney Bundle and provides a platform for South Asian content to reach broader audiences.

VIVO IPL 2021, the world’s most popular T20 cricket league, will resume its 14th season on Sunday, Sept. 19, on ESPN+ in the U.S. when the Chennai Super Kings and Mumbai Indians meet in Dubai. The match will be the first of the remaining IPL matches (more than 30) in the 2021 schedule, all available on ESPN+. In addition to the league stage, ESPN+ will stream live the 1st Qualifier, Eliminator and Qualifier 2 matches, as well as the VIVO IPL 2021 Final on Friday, Oct. 15, in Dubai. In 2022, all 62 matches of the IPL season will stream live on ESPN+ beginning in March.

ESPN+ will also deliver all matches (a total of 48) of the entire ICC Men’s T20 World Cup 2021 tournament beginning Sunday, Oct. 17, live from Oman and the United Arab Emirates. Additionally, BCCI home tours for the India national team will include the upcoming tours by South Africa and New Zealand later this year. Together, these events add to the growing cricket lineup on ESPN+, including 100+ Cricket New Zealand matches over the next six years and 100+ West Indies Cricket matches over the next five years against top teams like India, England, and others.

Additionally, thousands of the biggest Bollywood blockbusters and shows will be made available on Hulu. Beginning Sept. 1, this includes popular Hotstar Specials including:

* “The Empire” – a fiction saga mounted on an unrivaled scale that brings together India’s finest talent, spectacular visuals, and a gripping narrative, based on “Empire of the Moghul: Raiders from the North” by Alex Rutherford

* “City of Dreams” – a political drama starring Atul Kulkarni, Priya Bapat, Eijaz Khan, and Sachin Pilgaonkar

* “The Legend of Hanuman” – a 13-episode live animation series with voice by Actor Sharad Kelkar

* “Aarya” – a powerful series featuring a story of crime, family and survival that stars former Miss Universe and actress Sushmita Sen

* “Special Ops” – the story of a 19-year hunt for the terrorist behind the biggest attacks in India featuring an ensemble series cast including Kay Kay Menon, Divya Dutta, Vinay Pathak, Karan Tacker, Sajjad Delafrooze, Sana Khaan, Saiyami Kher, Meher Vij, Vipul Gupta, and Muzammil Ibrahim, amongst others

* “The Office” – set in Faridabad (India), the show is the official Indian adaptation of the international hit comedy series that chronicles the 9-to-5 lives of the employees at Wilkins Chawla as they navigate through their mundane routine that invariably gives rise to comical situations

Other series that will be made available to all Hulu subscribers include “November Story,” “OK Computer,” “Live Telecast,” “Hostages,” “Out of Love” (based on award-winning BBC series “Dr. Foster”), and more.

Collectively, the addition of VIVO IPL, the ICC World Cup events and BCCI home tours, as well as select Hotstar Specials, films and television shows, delivers greater value to subscribers of The Disney Bundle through a comprehensive, one-stop streaming offer for one of the largest collections of live and on-demand entertainment and sports content from some of the biggest brands and franchises in the world.

Disney M & E D - 31 août 2021.
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Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: VPN et catalogues internationaux inspire2022 - VPN et catalogues internationaux - Page 12 Horlog11Mer 1 Sep 2021 - 19:58

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Au Japon, Star va compléter l'offre de la plateforme Disney+ le 27 octobre prochain.

Plus de 16.000 références vont ainsi enrichir l'offre actuelle avec des films et des séries télévisées de Disney Television Studios (ABC Signature et 20th Television), FX Productions, 20th Century Studios, Searchlight Pictures etc, ainsi que des programmes originaux y compris des productions japonaises.

Citation :
Disney+ Japan Expands General Entertainment Content With The Launch Of Star On October 27

Star joins Disney’s iconic brands – Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, and National Geographic - offering over 16,000 titles from the latest movies to brand new originals and Japanese content

Consumers in Japan can look forward to award-winning titles including Nomadland, Deadpool and The Walking Dead.

The Walt Disney Company (Japan) Ltd. announced today that Disney+ will expand its general entertainment content with the introduction of the Star brand starting October 27, 2021. With the addition of Star to the current line-up of content from Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, and National Geographic, Disney+ Japan will now feature over 16,000 titles from the latest movies to originals and Japanese content.

The Star brand features thousands of hours of general entertainment, including movies and shows produced by Disney Television Studios (ABC Signature and 20th Television), FX Productions, 20th Century Studios, Searchlight Pictures and more. In addition to a wide range of content genres such as comedies, dramas and thrillers to fulfil everyone and every mood, the brand will also feature exclusive originals and locally produced content tailored for the Japanese market.

“I am thrilled that we are expanding the Disney+ entertainment experience to Japanese consumers with the addition of the Star brand. Japan was the first market to launch Disney+ in North Asia and continues to be a high priority market for Disney,” said Carol Choi, President and Representative Director, The Walt Disney Company (Japan) Ltd. “Together with NTT DOCOMO INC., Disney+ has been received very well by Japanese consumers. The addition of Star on Disney+ adds unprecedented breadth and depth to our general entertainment line-up and will allow us to collaborate with top creators to introduce the best of Japanese storytelling to our consumers.”

The wide range of Star content that will be made available for streaming exclusively on Disney+ includes new movie releases including the Academy Award-winning Nomadland; movie hits like Pretty Woman, Titanic, The Devil Wears Prada and Deadpool; widely anticipated Star originals Only Murders in the Building, starring Selena Gomez and popular movie spin-off Love, Victor; exciting new productions such as the first television series based on one of the greatest science-fiction horror classics ever made: Alien; and one of the most sweeping, sophisticated adult series — a retelling of James Clavell’s beloved epic saga, Shōgun. Star will also feature popular overseas dramas Glee, 24, The Walking Dead and 9-1-1: LONE STAR.

Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars and National Geographic brands will continue with its full line-up of exclusive Disney+ Originals content and specials available for unlimited viewing including Monsters at Work, Loki, Star Wars: Visions (streaming from September 22), and Secrets of the Whales. In November, Marvel Studio’s newest drama Hawkeye and an all-new Home Alone adventure comedy, Home Sweet Home Alone, will join the service and The Book of Boba Fett, a new Star Wars series will premiere in December.

To coincide with the introduction of Star, Disney+ will also add new features and compatibility across a wide range of mobile and connected TV devices, including gaming consoles, streaming media players, and smart TVs. Added features include 4K UHD picture quality, 5.1 channel sound, support for Dolby Atmos-compatible audio equipment for greater enjoyment of content, GroupWatch for watching content together with up to seven people whether in the same room or apart, and stronger parental controls such as Kids Profile and Profile PINs to ensure the service remains suitable for audiences of all ages.

Disney+ will be expanding its subscription channels to offer greater convenience to consumers. Consumers can subscribe to Disney+ at current docomo Shops and My docomo; via credit card or PayPal through the Disney+ official website; or via Apple App Store, Google Play Store and Amazon Appstore. Disney+ will be available at a fixed monthly subscription price of ¥990 (including tax), or a subscription from the Apple App store at ¥1,000 per month (including tax). For those who subscribe through docomo Shops and My docomo, the new price of ¥990 per month (including tax) will be applied from November 1, 2021.

Disney M & E D - 1er septembre 2021.
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Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: VPN et catalogues internationaux inspire2022 - VPN et catalogues internationaux - Page 12 Horlog11Mer 1 Sep 2021 - 20:38

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Disney a lancé hier sa plateforme Star+ dans dix-huit pays d'Amérique latine.

Le nouveau service de streaming est indépendant de la plateforme Disney+ et propose ainsi à la fois des contenus sportifs provenant de ESPN+, des séries télévisées et des films de Disney Television Studios, ABC, FX, 20th Century Studios, Searchlight Pictures, National Geographic etc, et des productions originales y compris latino-américaines.

Citation :
Star+ Arrives In Latin America

The general entertainment and sports streaming service launched today in the region with original productions created in and for Latin America, ESPN’s live sports content, fan-favorite animated comedies and series, and classic films and recent movie premieres from all genres

Audiences can choose between a Star+ monthly or annual subscription, or access the most robust and varied collection in the streaming market through Combo+, a bundled offering for Star+ and Disney+

Star+, The Walt Disney Company’s new general entertainment and sports streaming service for adults, was launched today in Latin America. The service includes fiction and non-fiction productions fully created in Latin America, a broad offering of live sports from ESPN, new international original productions, the full collection of animated comedies from 20th Television, exclusive movie premieres, and more. Star+ is available as a standalone service, or as part of Combo+, a bundled offering with access to Disney+.

“Starting today, Latin American audiences have access to an entertainment experience never before seen in the region. Star+ confirms our commitment to generate relevant and varied offerings by providing our audiences with access to fully personalized content tailored to their tastes,” said Diego Lerner, President, The Walt Disney Company Latin America. “Also starting today, Combo+ will be available: this unrivaled offering includes all the Star+ and Disney+ content for one appealing price and provides access to the largest high-quality streaming content in the Latin American market,” he concluded.

Latin American Originals

Star+ subscribers can enjoy new original content created in and for Latin America with incredible talent from across the region, both on camera and behind the scenes. The regionally produced Originals begin rolling out today and address themes related to Latin American popular culture in both fiction and non-fiction formats through the most diverse genres: drama, with titles such as Santa Evita, No Fue Mi Culpa, and a new season of Impuros; comedy, with series such as El galán. La TV cambió, él no and Los protectores; dramedy, with productions such as Terapia alternativa and El encargado; thriller, with titles such as Insania and Horario estelar; biopic, with series such as Ringo and Pancho Villa. El centauro del norte; and docu-style reality shows, with productions such as the new season of the renowned documentary series Bios. Vidas que cambiaron la tuya.

ESPN and Live Sports (rights vary by region)

Star+ establishes a unique moment for sports content from Latin America with ESPN’s arrival to the streaming world in the region. Its launch will be supported by a broad collection of live shows and events from the great European soccer leagues, such as France’s Ligue 1 with its many stars led by Messi and Neymar; UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League, UEFA Conference League, Spain’s LaLiga and Copa del Rey, England’s Premier League and FA Cup, Italy’s Serie A and Coppa, Portugal’s Liga Portugal Bwin, Germany’s Bundesliga and DFB Pokal cup, and The Netherlands’ Eredivisie. It will also feature some of America’s top competitions like CONMEBOL Libertadores, Copa do Nordeste, CONCACAF League, Copa de Oro CONCACAF, CONCACAF Champions League, CONCACAF Qualifiers Qatar 2022, Liga MX, Liga MX Femenil, BBVA Expansión MX league, Argentina’s LPF, and MLS.

The sports offering also includes the tennis Grand Slam (Australian Open, Roland Garros, Wimbledon, US Open), as well as the ATP, WTA, and Abierto Mexicano tournaments; rugby with Los Pumas, URBA, Sanzaar, Seis Naciones, SLAR, and The Rugby Championship; NBA and NCAA basketball; motorsports with Formula 1 and MotoGP; boxing, UFC, and Bellator MMA; golf competitions like the PGA Tour, The Masters, The Open, PGA Championship, and Ryder Cup; cycling competition Tour de France; NFL football and NFL Red Zone; extreme sports with X Games; surfing from the WSL; LMB and MLB baseball; and hockey from the NHL.

In turn, Star+ will feature local versions of ESPN classics like SportsCenter with marquee and celebrity talent, as well as original productions created in Latin America, such as ESPN Knockout, ESPN Equipo F, and so much more.

Exclusive International Original Productions

The platform also includes new Star+ exclusive international original productions, with star-studded casts and renowned figures behind the scenes. Some of the much-anticipated titles include comedy thriller Only Murders in the Building, starring Steve Martin, Martin Short, and Selena Gómez; Love, Victor, Big Sky, and A Teacher. Original series that are global hits are also available, such as all seasons of This Is Us and The Walking Dead, including the double-episode finale that premieres today. Biographical drama Pam & Tommy, starring Lily James and Sebastian Stan, and Y: The Last Man, the new FX drama series based on the graphic novel by Brian K. Vaughan and Pia Guerra will also be included in the platform at a later time.

Fan-Favorite Animated Comedies

Finally, for animated comedies, the collection includes all 20th Television productions, such as the iconic multiple award-winning series The Simpsons, with all seasons available in one single platform for the first time. Fans can also watch titles such as Family Guy, Futurama, Bob’s Burgers, all available now, and Solar Opposites premiering in late September.

Subscribers can watch Star+ on a wide selection of supported mobile and connected TV devices, enjoying high-quality content on up to four devices at the same time, up to 25 on-demand downloads across 10 devices, customized recommendations, the ability to set up seven different profiles, and robust parental controls. For more information on the platform’s features, go to

About Star+

Star+ is a standalone general entertainment and sports streaming service in Latin America. It is complementary to, but independent from Disney+ in the region. The service is the home for exclusive premieres of general entertainment TV series and movies from The Walt Disney Company’s content studios, including Disney Television Studios, FX, 20th Century Studios, Star Original Productions, National Geographic Original Productions and more, and the streaming service for live sports from ESPN, the most respected and renowned brand for sports fans in the region that delivers live events from Serie A, Ligue 1, ATP Tennis, NBA, NFL, MLS and more. From dramas to comedies, including all seasons of The Simpsons, and thrillers for adults, Star+ also features exclusive original programming from the Star general entertainment brand, along with a collection of regional original productions from Latin America. To learn more, visit:

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MessageSujet: Re: VPN et catalogues internationaux inspire2022 - VPN et catalogues internationaux - Page 12 Horlog11Jeu 23 Sep 2021 - 13:35

Le PDG de The Walt Disney COmpany, Bob Chapek, a pris la parole lors d'une session virtuelle de questions-réponses lors de la 30e conférence annuelle Communacopia de Goldman Sachs et a fourni un peu plus d'informations sur la situation actuelle :

Sur la progression de la plateforme Disney+ sur de nouveaux marchés :

Citation :
Disney+ will make its debut in South Korea and Taiwan on November 12th and in Hong Kong on November 16th

Sur le retard qu'engendre toujours la pandémie de Covid-19 sur la production de contenus :

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That’s actually impacting us across the globe and that’s the impact of COVID-induced production delays, which then is a kink in the supply chain from new content coming to the service. Now, this is very short-term. In fact, it’s so short-term that right now, our studio alone has 61 new movies in production, and they’ve got 17 different episodic programs that are in production. Our TV group has hundreds of new programs in production, and we’ve got 200 local productions across the globe in production

Sur la croissance du nombre d'abonnements à la plateforme Disney+ :

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The thing I think that’s really important about sort of taking a more global approach to our direct-to-consumer business, and this is one thing that I think we are not exactly aligned with the street on is the quarter-to-quarter business is not linear. I think people looked at our projections last December and said, they want to get to 230, 260 or whatever the numbers are and they divided by the number of quarters, say they need to add X per quarter.

What we are finding out as you’ve seen from our last several quarters in terms of our earnings is that these numbers are tend to be a lot noisier than a straight line. They are not a straight line relationship quarter-to-quarter-to-quarter, and indeed we’ve seen some of that this current quarter. We are very confident about our long-term sub growth as we have been.

In Q4, I think what you can expect to see is that our global paid subs will increase by low single-digit millions of subscribers versus Q3. But importantly, our core market sub growth will continue both domestically and internationally.

in Q4, but we hit some headwinds. Two of the headwinds I already talked about. Latin America, again, trying to mobilize the partners, get that thing going just like we saw with Disney+. In India, the IPL (cricket) shift and the fact that you have got to go back and reclaim all your subscribers all over again, which we are confident we can do, but obviously, it’s sort of a day-by-day, it’s a clawback, if you will.

Sur la possible introduction de la publicité sur d'autres plateformes que la plateforme Hulu (pour laquelle il existe aujourd'hui deux tarifications : abonnement avec ou sans publicité) :

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I think what’s driving it is that combination of great content that draws a lot of eyeballs and draws a lot of interest and a lot of viewership. But at the same time, really sophisticated modeling and technology that we have that enables our advertisers to target exactly who they want, when they want and how they want. Now, in terms of this extendibility to our other platforms, I think it’s important to realize the different target audiences of the platforms.

And for example, Disney+ has a lot of kids that watch it, and the taste for us to consider advertising on something like Disney+ would be completely different than it might be on a Hulu. So then again, you take that individual, no one size fits all type approach that we are looking at across the world. And you say where do we have that opportunity? Where do we not have that opportunity? And then how does that change over time as we look at combining things or keeping things separate à la carte? And so all this is malleable. Again, it’s soft clay right now. And we are very pleased with what we are seeing with addressable advertising on Hulu.

And I would say that does that lead us to think big thoughts about what could happen in other markets across the world? Certainly, it does. But for right now, again, really happy with sort of the à la carte mode that we have with this bundling opportunity and keeping things the way they are, but that doesn’t say that in the future, we might not look at different opportunities for an increased level of addressable advertising across our platforms.

Sur l'éventuel regroupement des diverses plateformes (Disney+, Hulu, ESPN+) sous une même bannière :

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Well, we really do it on a market-by-market basis depending on consumer preferences, what assets we have, whether we have sports rights. And what we are finding is that consumer choice is the lowest common denominator, if you will, in terms of what drives our decision. We want to be able to give consumers the ability to à la carte if they choose to à la carte, but if they want to bundle, we have plenty of bundling options, but those look completely different in each market, again, because of how important general entertainment is to the mix, how important family entertainment is to the mix, how important sports maybe to the mix and really sort of customize.

The other thing it does, it gives us a lot of testbeds around the world, so that if we want to make changes going forward, we have some experience with how to do that and what the relative value is when you add the second platform or the third platform and how that might affect the price value relationship with consumers. So I think we are really happy with our propositions, how we go-to-market in each of the countries. But that doesn’t mean that there’s not opportunities in the future to change as the situation changes, as the environment changes or as the consumer changes. So we are learning.

Keep in mind, we are only in the first year and a half of this wonderful experience of our direct-to-consumer business and we’re in inning one of this thing. And we’ve got a lot to learn, but we are really pleased with the way it’s gone and how we have gone to market in each of those individual markets.
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MessageSujet: Re: VPN et catalogues internationaux inspire2022 - VPN et catalogues internationaux - Page 12 Horlog11Jeu 14 Oct 2021 - 13:32

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A un mois du lancement de la plateforme Disney+ à Hong Kong, Taiwan et en Corée du Sud, The Walt Disney Company Asia-Pacific a présenté sa stratégie pour les marchés de la région Asie-Pacifique qui comprend la production de contenu locaux de thèmes variés (drame, comédie, fantasy, romance, science-fiction, crime, horreur, documentaires et animés produits au Japon, en Corée du Sud, en Indonésie, en Chine, à Taiwan, en Malaisie et en Australie).

Une vingtaine de projets sont déjà en développement (diffusion envisagée dès l'année prochaine) et l'objectif est de donner le feu vert à une cinquantaine de projets supplémentaires d'ici 2023.

Parmi les créations attendues en 2022 sur Disney+ dans la zone Asie-Pacifique (certains contenus devraient être diffusés internationalement comme la série japonaise Tokyo MER) :

Citation :

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Director: Oh Yoon-dong, Jung Su-yee

Starring: Jisoo, Jennie, Rosé and Lisa

Summary: A film specially created to celebrate the chart-topping Korean pop group BLACKPINK’s fifth anniversary. BLACKPINK: The Movie includes never-seen-before interviews and over 10 sets of live performances including BLACKPINK’s recent concerts “The Show” in 2021 and “In Your Area” in 2018.



Director: Park In-je

Writer: Kang Full

Starring: Ryu Seung-ryong, Han Hyo-joo and Zo In-sung

Summary: Moving is the ultimate tent-pole show based on the webtoon that has generated over 200 million views. An action hero thriller, Moving is a great story of three teenagers concealing their superpowers and their parents who have lived with painful secrets facing great danger over generations.

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Director: Kim Byung-soo

Writer: Lee Ha-na

Starring: Kang Daniel and Chae Soo-bin

Summary: A coming-of-age, romantic series set in Korea’s elite police academy, Rookies is full of stories with love and challenges that we all root for. This is K-pop idol Kang Daniel’s drama debut. Watch how a team of first-year police recruits come together to pursue their dreams as they learn what it takes to serve and protect the community.

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Director: Jo Hyun-tak
Writer: Yoo Hyun-mi

Starring: Jung Hae In and Jisoo

Top Korean actor Jung Have-in and BLACKPINK’s Jisoo team up on this Korean hit series, told by the creators behind the 2019 K-drama mega-hit Skycastle. Snowdrop is a romantic melodrama series and a heartwarming story of a young couple set in Seoul in the late 1980s. The two fall in love, and find themselves caught in a tangled web of intrigue and upheaval.

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Director: Lee Khan
Writer: Lee Su-yeon

Starring: Seo Kang-jun, Kim A-joong and Si-young

Summary: Following the highly acclaimed series Stranger, award-winning writer Lee Su-yeon has a new tentpole series, Grid. A mysterious being, who saved mankind from a crisis suddenly reappears and helps a murderer. This mystery thriller follows a government official and a detective who tenaciously delve into many secrets and find the truth.

Kiss Sixth Sense


Director: Nam Ki-hoon

Writer: Jun You-lee
Starring: Kim Yoon-Kye-sang; Seo Ji-hye and Kim Ji-seok
A woman with the ability to see the future with a kiss, accidentally sees he future and that of her boss, whose she despised. This lighthearted and witty romantic drama has been adapted from a popular original web novel of the same title.

Outrun by Running Man

Variety Show

Starring: Kim Jon-kook, HAHA and Jee Seok-jin

Branded-new missions, more fun and relentless challenges! The original members who have been together for 11 years — Kim Kim Jon-kook, HAHA and Jee Seok-jin — take on the first official spin-off of SBS’s Running Man, one of the region’s most popular and long-loved variety shows.


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Tokyo Mer Mobile Emergency Room


Director: Aya Matsuki

Writer: Tsutomu Kuroiwa

Starring: Ryohei Suzuki, Kento Kaku and Ayami Nakajyo
Set against the backdrop of a newly created MER unit, two doctors with opposing ideologies and beliefs find themselves unwittingly taking part in a much larger political game while saving their patients lives.

Lost Man Found


Director: Tsuyoshi Inoue

Writer: Shin Adachi

Starring: Taiga Nakano, Tsuyoshi Kusanagi and Sairi Ito
Based on a bestseller from publishing house Bungei Shunju, Lost Man Found is a real-life story of a popular sidekick actor in a hilarious yet true-to-life comedy, where we witness his struggles to achieve fame and meet the love of his life.



Starring: Yuya Yagira

A dark, modern-day horror set in the rural parts of Japan. A policeman, who has a wife and daughter, becomes Chuzai (residential police chief) at the Kyokamura village after the previous Chuzai goes missing. He slowly unravels a horrid rumor about cannibalism taking place in the village.

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Black Rock Shooter Downfall


Writer: Makoto Fukami

Black Rock Shooter is a media franchise based on an illustration by huke, a world-famous Japanese illustrator, that has spawned music, action figures and a video game. In this animation, Black Rock Shooter has been reborn as a completely new anime, with scriptwriter Makoto Fukami, best known for his work with Psycho-Pass and Resident Evil: Vendetta.

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Summer Time Rendering


Based on a hit Japanese manga written and illustrated by Yasuki Tanaka. This suspense manga is one of the top performing titles on Jump+ with a viewership of more than 130 million. Something is brewing on the secluded summer island in Hyogashima — what mystery awaits Shinpei? You’ve got to find out.

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Yojohan Time Machine Blues


A new animated series based on award-winning writer Tomohiko Morimi’s sequel to The Tatami Galaxy. It’s a mystery and a romantic comedy, set on a sweltering midsummer day where you get to travel back in time.

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A planned anime adaptation of Twisted-Wonderland, Disney’s highly popular mobile game on Aniplex.


Susan Sinyal – The Series


Director: Bene Dion Rajagukguk

Starring: Asri Welas, Abdur Arsyad, Arie Kriting, Kevin Julio and Kiky Saputri

From the hit movie with the same title produced by Starvision, a comedic drama series about a group of hotel employees suddenly having to manage a classy resort hotel in West Java.

Virgin — The Series


Director: Monty Tiwa

From Starvision, a spinoff of the 2004 hit movie of the same name. This teen thriller-drama tells the story of a group of high-schoolers making an investigative documentary in the hopes of solving the mystery behind the death of a popular girl from school.

Wedding Agreement — The Series


Writer: Archie Hekagery
This series is based on the best-selling novel that was adapted into a movie by Starvision in 2019. The series revolves around Bian and Tara, following their arranged marriage.

Jurnal Risa


Creator: Risa Saraswati

Director: Ahi Suryadi

Risa and her cousins take something from an abandoned house which leads them to be haunted by something dangerous. Now they have to race against the clock to save themselves before it’s too late.

Teluh Darah


Director: Kimo Stamboel

From Rapi Films and the incredible mind of Kimo Stamboel comes this horror series about black magic. What would you do to protect your family against black magic, even when you discover deep dark secrets that will test your very soul.

Keluarga Camera — The Series


Director: Ismail Basbeth

A spinoff from the same TV series everyone knows from 1996 and the hit movie adaptation of 2019. A heartwarming show about a family from Jakarta now living in a small town in Indonesia. There will be lots of conflicts and lessons but the show ultimately shows how love from our friends and family makes us reach our full potential.


Series Creator: Joko Anwar

The frist series developed from a Disney partnership with Bumilangit, a leading character-based entertainment company in Indonesia, with a deep library of superheroes. Tira is about a young woman who gets superpowers after accidentally stumbling upon an ancient force.


Small & Mighty


Director: Xu Fu-Xiang

Writer: Xu Chen, Wang Hui Zhu

Starring Chen Bo-Lin and Puff Kuo

Co-presented with Bilibili and produced by Jason’s entertainment, the production company behind hit drama Someday or One Day, this is a lighthearted legal drama.

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Delicacies Destiny


Director: Gun Hao

Writer: Yu Zheng

Starring: Wang Xing-Yue and He Rui-Xia

A delicious Chinese period drama combining food and romance. Following the success of Story of Yanxi Palace by veteran producer You Zheng, this is his newest endeavor into food rom-com.

Women in Taipei


Director: Robin Lee

Writer: Wang Qing-qing

Starring: Jacob Wang and Gwei Lun-mei

A spin-off from Women in Tokyo, this project is Golden Horse winner Gwei Lun-mei’s first return to a starring role in a series after 12 years.

Joy of Life 2


Writer: Wang Juan

The highly anticipated romantic period sequel to the No. 1 show in China, Joy of Life. Produced by Disney partner New Classic Media, the story continues from where it left off, following a man from the 21st century with knowledge of the modern world, who is reborn in a medieval land.

Min’s Family


Director: Wang Jun

Starring: Huang Lei and Zhou Xun

Produced by the same crew behind hit drama Nothing But Thirty, this is a captivating story on the struggles and challenges that come from getting divorced and remarried during different stages of life.


Ejen Ali Season 3


A continuation of the hit Southeast Asian animation franchise. The newest season travels to the futuristic city of Cyberaya with secret agents undertaking impossible missions. A co-production with Primeworks and Wau Animation.


Shipwreck Hunters Australia


Director: Brendan Hutchens

The first Disney+ documentary from Australia and New Zealand. Filming is taking place off Western Australia’s vast coastline, the resting place for an estimated 1,600 shipwrecks

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MessageSujet: Re: VPN et catalogues internationaux inspire2022 - VPN et catalogues internationaux - Page 12 Horlog11Mar 19 Oct 2021 - 13:58

Teasing pour le Disney+ Day :

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MessageSujet: Re: VPN et catalogues internationaux inspire2022 - VPN et catalogues internationaux - Page 12 Horlog11Jeu 11 Nov 2021 - 3:56

The Walt Disney Company a présenté les résultats financiers du quatrième trimestre et clôture ainsi l'année fiscale 2021.

La perte de 630 millions de dollars affichée par le segment "vente directe aux consommateurs" est en partie due à la plateforme Disney+ et ses coûts de programmation, de production, de marketing et de technologie plus élevés, partiellement compensés par des augmentations des revenus d'abonnement et du Premier Access avec les films Black Widow et Jungle Cruise.

Le nombre d'abonnés à la plateforme Disney+ a dépassé les 118 millions au cours du trimestre écoulé.

Au cours des douze derniers mois, la croissance des abonnements payants à Disney+ s'élève à 60%.

Bob Chapek maintient l'objectif de 230 à 260 millions d'abonnés payants d'ici la fin de l'année fiscale 2024.

Au total, Disney+, ESPN+ et Hulu enregistrent aujourd'hui 179 millions d'abonnements (avec respectivement 118,1 millions d'abonnés pour Disney+, 17,1 millions d'abonnés pour ESPN+ et 43,8 millions d'abonnés pour Hulu).

Disney+ est actuellement commercialisé dans une soixantaine de pays et Bob Chapek compte introduire la plateforme dans une cinquantaine de pays supplémentaires l'année prochaine (l'Afrique du Sud, l'Europe Centrale et de l'Est et le Moyen-Orient sont en première ligne).

L'objectif visé par Bob Chapek est de porter la présence de la plateforme dans environ 160 territoires d'ici la fin de l'année fiscale 2023.

Citation :

Direct-to-Consumer revenues for the quarter increased 38% to $4.6 billion and operating loss increased from $0.4 billion to $0.6 billion. The increase in operating loss was due to higher losses at Disney+, and to a lesser extent, ESPN+, partially offset by improved results at Hulu.

The higher loss at Disney+ was due to higher programming and production, marketing and technology costs, partially offset by increases in subscription and Premier Access revenues. Higher subscription revenue reflected subscriber growth and increases in retail pricing. Higher Premier Access revenue was due to two releases in the current quarter, Black Widow and Jungle Cruise, compared to one release in the prior-year quarter, Mulan. The increases in costs and subscribers reflected the ongoing expansion of Disney+.

Lower results at ESPN+ were due to higher marketing and sports programming costs, partially offset by subscription revenue growth. The increase in subscription revenue was due to subscriber growth and, to a lesser extent, an increase in retail pricing.

The increase at Hulu was due to subscription revenue growth and higher advertising revenue, partially offset by increases in programming and production and, to a lesser extent, marketing costs. Subscription revenue growth was due to an increase in subscribers and higher rates driven by an increase in retail pricing for the Hulu Live TV+ SVOD service in December 2020. Higher advertising revenue was primarily due to increased impressions. The increase in programming and production costs was driven by higher subscriber-based fees for programming the Live television service due to rate increases and an increase in average monthly subscribers.
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MessageSujet: Re: VPN et catalogues internationaux inspire2022 - VPN et catalogues internationaux - Page 12 Horlog11Mar 16 Nov 2021 - 16:19

La cérémonie de lancement de la plateforme de streaming Disney+ sur le territoire de Hong Kong s'est déroulée à Hong Kong Disneyland :

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Âge : 37
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MessageSujet: Re: VPN et catalogues internationaux inspire2022 - VPN et catalogues internationaux - Page 12 Horlog11Lun 22 Nov 2021 - 22:19

Disney et Warner ont trouvé un accord pour que certains films 20th Century Studios de 2022 arrivent sur Disney+ et HBO Max en même temps aux États-Unis. Ainsi Ron Débloque arrive en décembre.

À noter que les Home Alone 4 et 5 seront aussi disponibles.

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Disneyland Paris : déc. 1997/avr. 1998/juil. 1999/avr. 2005/aoû. 2005/oct. 2005/fév. 2006/avr. 2006 - Cast Member 2006-2011 - visites régulières jusqu'à aujourd'hui
Walt Disney World Resort : nov. 2008/mai 2011/fév.-mars 2018/sep. 2019/oct. 2022
Disneyland Resort : sep. 2009/mai 2013/nov. 2015/août 2019/déc. 2023
Tokyo Disney Resort : juin 2015/avr. 2016
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort : mars 2016
Shanghai Disney Resort : mai 2016 / juin 2016 / juil. 2016
Disney Cruise Line : mars 2018 (Disney Dream) / sep. 2019 (Disney Fantasy) / oct. 2022 (Disney Wish) / nov. 2023 (Disney Magic) / sep. 2024 (Disney Wonder)

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MessageSujet: Re: VPN et catalogues internationaux inspire2022 - VPN et catalogues internationaux - Page 12 Horlog11Mer 24 Nov 2021 - 17:04

Dash a écrit:
Disney et Warner ont trouvé un accord pour que certains films 20th Century Studios de 2022 arrivent sur Disney+ et HBO Max en même temps aux États-Unis. Ainsi Ron Débloque arrive en décembre.
j'ai po compris
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Âge : 37
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Localisation : Val d'Europe
Inscription : 06/07/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: VPN et catalogues internationaux inspire2022 - VPN et catalogues internationaux - Page 12 Horlog11Mer 24 Nov 2021 - 18:48

En fait, avant le rachat de 21st Century Fox par Disney, le studio 20th Century Fox avait conclu un deal avec HBO qui avait l'exclusivité de distribution des films après le cinéma aux États-Unis. Ce deal court jusqu'à fin 2022, et c'est ce qui empêche les films 20th Century Studios récents d'arriver sur Disney+ aux États-Unis.
Un nouveau deal a été conclu pour que certains films 20th Century (probablement les plus familiaux puisque Star n'existe pas là-bas) puissent sortir sur Disney+ en même temps que sur HBO Max. Le premier film concerné est Ron Débloque mais on peut imaginer que le prochain sera West Side Story.
C'est juste pour un an puisqu'en 2023, le deal entre 20th Century Studios et HBO aura expiré et les films suivants pourront donc ne sortir que sur Disney+.
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MessageSujet: Re: VPN et catalogues internationaux inspire2022 - VPN et catalogues internationaux - Page 12 Horlog11Jeu 25 Nov 2021 - 7:46

The Walt Disney Company a déposé mercredi son rapport annuel à la Commission de Sécurité et d'Echanges (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission), l'organisme fédéral américain de réglementation et de contrôle des marchés financiers.

Ce document révèle que la Walt Disney Company prévoit d'investir 33 milliards de dollars dans la production de contenus pour ses plateformes Disney+, Hulu et ESPN+ au cours de l'exercice fiscal 2022 qui a débuté le 1er octobre dernier.

Ce montant de 33 milliards de dollars marque une augmentation d'environ 8 milliards de dollars des dépenses par rapport à l'exercice 2021.

Le total de 33 milliards de dollars comprend l'acquisition de droits de compétitions sportives pour le réseau ESPN et le service de streaming ESPN+.

La stratégie d'investissement massif souligne la priorité élevée du streaming pour l'entreprise et note un sentiment d'urgence.

Le rapport annuel précise que The Walt Disney Company prévoit de sortir une cinquantaine de titres produits (films et séries) par ses divers studios (Walt Disney Pictures, Twentieth Century Studios, Marvel, Lucasfilm, Pixar, Searchlight Pictures etc...) pour une distribution en salles et en streaming au cours de l'exercice fiscal 2022.

Et estime que sa division General Entertainment (ABC, National Geographic, FX Productions etc...) produira quelque 60 séries non scénarisées (documentaires, téléréalité etc), 30 séries humoristiques, 25 séries dramatiques, 15 docuseries, 10 séries animées, 5 téléfilms et de nombreux courts métrages et spéciaux tout au long de l'exercice 2022.

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Inscription : 14/05/2010

inspire2022 - VPN et catalogues internationaux - Page 12 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: VPN et catalogues internationaux inspire2022 - VPN et catalogues internationaux - Page 12 Horlog11Jeu 25 Nov 2021 - 22:24

Même si TWDC est la première entreprise de divertissement du monde et que Disney+ est sa priorité, il n'empêche que les chiffres donne le tournis.
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VPN et catalogues internationaux
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