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 Cornich' & Cahuète [Disney Television - 2015-2018]

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Messages : 8715
Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Cornich' & Cahuète [Disney Television - 2015-2018] Cornich' & Cahuète [Disney Television - 2015-2018] Horlog11Mar 24 Juin 2014 - 10:11

Cornich' & Cahuète [Disney Television - 2015-2018] 559820PP1

Disney Television Animation vient d'annoncer la production d'une nouvelle série pour Disney XD : Pickle & Peanut.

Adding to the creative strength that helps fuel Disney-branded channels and platforms worldwide, Disney Television Animation has begun production on "Pickle & Peanut," a buddy-comedy series about two unlikely friends – an emotional pickle and a freewheeling peanut – voiced by Jon Heder ("Napoleon Dynamite") and Johnny Pemberton ("21 Jump Street"), respectively.

The animation studio, led by Eric Coleman, Senior Vice President, Original Series, and Lisa Salamone, Senior Vice President, Production, also received a third season order of the Emmy and Annie Award-winning "Mickey Mouse" cartoon shorts and a second season order of Craig McCracken's comedy series "Wander Over Yonder."

Scheduled for a fall 2015 premiere on Disney XD, "Pickle & Peanut" employs an innovative mix of 2-D animation and live-action clips to tell the small-town adventures of two underdogs who dream up plans to be anything but ordinary. The series was created by Noah Z. Jones ("Fish Hooks") and developed by Joel Trussell ("Yo Gabba Gabba!"). Both Jones and Trussell serve as executive producers. Mark Rivers ("Jimmy Kimmel Live!") is the story editor.

Coleman said, "We see very few pitches that are as funny and original as 'Pickle & Peanut.' We instantly fell in love with these characters, and Noah and Joel have built a world with a visual style and sensibility unlike anything on TV."

Salamone added, "We have the best and brightest production talent in the animation industry to help deliver the inspiring stories and enduring characters that will entertain kids and families and uphold Disney's unparalleled animation legacy."

Disney Television Animation - 23 juin 2014.
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Âge : 39
Messages : 1848
Localisation : Storybrooke
Inscription : 23/02/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Cornich' & Cahuète [Disney Television - 2015-2018] Cornich' & Cahuète [Disney Television - 2015-2018] Horlog11Mar 24 Juin 2014 - 15:12

Un cornichon et une cacahuète... Ouais on verra bien ce que ça va donner.

Cornich' & Cahuète [Disney Television - 2015-2018] D23_lo10
Et peut-être qu'un jour, mon rêve deviendra vrai...
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Âge : 24
Messages : 997
Localisation : deuxième étoile à droite, et puis tout droit jusqu'au matin !
Inscription : 14/08/2013

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MessageSujet: Re: Cornich' & Cahuète [Disney Television - 2015-2018] Cornich' & Cahuète [Disney Television - 2015-2018] Horlog11Mar 24 Juin 2014 - 15:55

Mouais, ça ne m'intéresse pas plus que ça.
Après faut voir, de toute façon je ne regarde pas disney XD alors....

  :star: Second star to the right and straight til' morning :star:  
Cornich' & Cahuète [Disney Television - 2015-2018] Tumblr_msrjkbH8sO1rcmmnio1_400
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