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 Terminator the series : Sarah Conor chronicles

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Âge : 31
Messages : 1406
Inscription : 09/07/2007

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MessageSujet: Terminator the series : Sarah Conor chronicles Terminator the series : Sarah Conor chronicles Horlog119/2/2008, 20:04

Terminator the series : Sarah Conor chronicles Sarah_connor_chronicles_poster1

Cette série qui se déroule entre T2 et T3 raconte comment Sarah connor et son fils Jhon tentent de détruire Sky net.
Ils vont se retrouver en 2007 et là les choses sérieuses comencent...

Voilà en gros de quoi ca parle ( en anglais) :

Again facing relentless Terminators that will stop at nothing until John Connor, the future leader of the resistance, is eliminated, Sarah Connor stops running and starts fighting back against fate and the machines that are out for her son in the highly anticipated new series TERMINATOR: THE SARAH CONNOR CHRONICLES premiering Monday, Jan. 14 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX.

Unfolding where the film “Terminator 2: Judgment Day” leaves off, TERMINATOR: THE SARAH CONNOR CHRONICLES finds SARAH (Lena Headey) and her 15-year-old son JOHN CONNOR (Thomas Dekker) alone in a dangerous world. As fugitives from the law, they are confronted by the ever-evolving technological enemy bent on destroying their lives, and perhaps the world. Balancing his inevitable fate as the possible savior of mankind and his current life as an ordinary high school student, John must learn what it takes to become the future leader of the people’s resistance. His only friend is CAMERON (Summer Glau), an enigmatic and otherworldly student at his high school who soon proves to be much more than his confidante – she assumes the role of Sarah and John’s fearless protector. Together, Sarah, John and Summer, all extraordinary in their own right, attempt to become a “normal” family. On their trail are not only threats from the future, but an intelligent and tough FBI agent, JAMES ELLISON (Richard T. Jones), who just may become a powerful ally.

Ayant vu le 1ere épisode je peut vous dire que c'est de la bombe avec des tonnes de scenes d'action et de rebondissement en tout genres!
A voir à tout prix !

Terminator the series : Sarah Conor chronicles Sarah-connor-chronicles-3-shot-pose

- There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow ! -
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Âge : 40
Messages : 1278
Localisation : Solliès-ville
Inscription : 05/07/2007

Terminator the series : Sarah Conor chronicles Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Terminator the series : Sarah Conor chronicles Terminator the series : Sarah Conor chronicles Horlog119/2/2008, 21:32

Terminator sans Terminator... Dubitatif...

Mes visites à DLP: 1993, 1995, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2022, 2024...
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Âge : 38
Messages : 277
Localisation : wépion ( belgique )
Inscription : 26/11/2007

Terminator the series : Sarah Conor chronicles Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Terminator the series : Sarah Conor chronicles Terminator the series : Sarah Conor chronicles Horlog119/2/2008, 21:38

pas de terminator , sans arnold Very Happy Very Happy

"viens avec moi si tu veux vivre "

mais je regarderai qd mm Wink

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Âge : 31
Messages : 1406
Inscription : 09/07/2007

Terminator the series : Sarah Conor chronicles Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Terminator the series : Sarah Conor chronicles Terminator the series : Sarah Conor chronicles Horlog119/2/2008, 23:21

Non pas de arnold...mais z'imaginez le budget de la série s'il y avait eu Arnold...

Sinon pour le role de John connor : vous l'avez peut etre vu dans la 1ère saison de Heroes souvenez-vous, le meilleur ami de Claire Bennett, c'est lui !

- There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow ! -
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Âge : 51
Messages : 12238
Inscription : 04/07/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Terminator the series : Sarah Conor chronicles Terminator the series : Sarah Conor chronicles Horlog1118/2/2008, 14:38

Et pas Linda Hamilton non plus?

Hou c'est comme Les visiteurs2 sans Valérie Lemercier ou Hannibal sans Jodie Foster...
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