| Auteur | Message |
Âge : 30 Messages : 1938 Localisation : Moselle (57) et Disneyland... Inscription : 21/09/2008
| Sujet: Shanghai Village (2015) Mar 26 Juil 2011, 10:28 | |
| Un info publiée aujourd'hui. SOME work at the Shanghai International Tourism and Resorts Zone, the site of the city's future Disneyland, has been halted temporarily because local authorities found that the earth-moving equipment being used was overloaded and not licensed. Fines will be imposed on the construction company based on the amount of the soil it dumped so far. The authority is still investigating the amount. "Inspectors found the trucks of up to 25-ton capacity carried more than 30 tons of soil in general," said an official with the city urban management team. It will take about one week for the company to get licensed after application, the city's public sanitation officials said yesterday. The inspectors were surprised that such a high-profile project lacked the required licenses. Construction on Disneyland, the first on China's mainland, began in April. The theme park is in the heart of the 20-square-kilometer Shanghai International Tourism and Resorts Zone. The first phase of the Shanghai Disneyland project, to cover 3.9 square kilometers, is expected to open in 2015. This has prompted authorities to periodically launch campaigns against overloaded trucks.Source : englisheastday.comTraduction (par moi-même, soyez indugents )Le travail sur le chantier du la zone Shanghai International Tourism and Resorts , site du futur parc Disneyland, a été temporairement interrompu, les autorités locales ayant découvert que les engins de terrassement utilisés étaient en surcharge et ne possédaient pas de license. Des amandes vont être infligées à l'entreprise de construction, sur la base de la quantité de terre déjà déplacée. Les autorités évaluent encore cette quantité. " Les inspecteurs ont découvert que des camions d'une capacité maximale de 25 tonnes déplacaient en général plus de 30 tonnes de terre ", selon un officiel proche du comité d'aménagement urbain de la ville. L'attricution d'un permis à l'entreprise prendra environ une semaine, ont affirmé hier des officiels du service d'assainissement public de la ville. Les inspecteurs ont été étonnés que des permis puissent manquer dans un projet d'une telle ampleur. La construction de Shanghai Disneyland, premier parc à thèmes sur le continent (Hong Kong Disneyland étant construit sur un polder, ndt), a commencé au mois d'avril. Le parc à thèmes est situé au coeur d'une zone touristique de 20km². L'ouverture de la première phase du projet Shaghai Disneyland, couvrant une surface de 3,9km², est attendue pour 2015. Cette affaire a incité les autorités a lancer périodiquement des campagnes contre les camions en surcharge. Voyage à New York en famille en février 2012 !!! Tellement hâte !! Mon blog : http://disneyland-music.skyrock.com/ "Comme Alice passe à travers le miroir, franchir la porte de Disneyland sera comme pénétrer dans un autre monde !", W. Disney (été 1954) |
| | | Lunéo
Âge : 30 Messages : 3816 Inscription : 07/08/2008
| Sujet: Re: Shanghai Village (2015) Dim 31 Juil 2011, 13:31 | |
| Il y a aussi le parc d'attraction Happy Valley qui marche plutot bien dans la valley |
| | | Djidane
Âge : 34 Messages : 2380 Localisation : La Ville du Nouveau York Inscription : 15/07/2007
| Sujet: Re: Shanghai Village (2015) Mar 02 Aoû 2011, 12:11 | |
| - Bubudu57 a écrit:
- Un info publiée aujourd'hui.
Construction on Disneyland, the first on China's mainland, began in April. The theme park is in the heart of the 20-square-kilometer Shanghai International Tourism and Resorts Zone. The first phase of the Shanghai Disneyland project, to cover 3.9 square kilometers, is expected to open in 2015. This has prompted authorities to periodically launch campaigns against overloaded trucks.[/i]
Source : englisheastday.com
Traduction (par moi-même, soyez indugents )
La construction de Shanghai Disneyland, premier parc à thèmes sur le continent (Hong Kong Disneyland étant construit sur un polder, ndt), a commencé au mois d'avril. Le parc à thèmes est situé au coeur d'une zone touristique de 20km². HK Disneyland n'est pas construit sur un polder Surtout que les polder, c'est aux Pays-Bas que tu pourras les trouver, ailleurs ça s'appelle des Terre-pleins. Ce qu'il faut comprendre par "China Mainland", c'est tout simplement la Chine en enlevant Hong-Kong, Macau et Taiwan |
| | | Vanessa93
Messages : 237 Inscription : 05/07/2007
| | | | Dash Administrateur
Âge : 38 Messages : 23528 Localisation : Val d'Europe Inscription : 06/07/2007
| | | | fafa45
Messages : 4171 Localisation : gien loiret Inscription : 04/07/2007
| | | | Vinc Modérateur
Messages : 8589 Inscription : 29/04/2010
| Sujet: Re: Shanghai Village (2015) Mar 25 Mar 2014, 12:03 | |
| - fafa45 a écrit:
- le downtown disney ?
http://french.peopledaily.com.cn/Tourisme/8577981.html Non, il ne s'agit pas du tout du "Downtown Disney/Disney Village" de Shanghai Disney Resort mais de Shanghai Village, l'outlet center que j'ai mentionné le mois dernier : - Vinc a écrit:
- Les responsables locaux ont, par ailleurs, annoncé que la Shanghai International Tourism and Resorts Zone accueillera un complexe de magasins d'usine (outlet center).
Image conceptuelle de Shanghai Village outlet center Une bonne centaine de marques internationales s'y installeront. 80 % des marques seront issues du segment dit "de luxe". Shanghai Village proposera également diverses possibilités de restauration. Le partenaire étranger, Value Retail, n'est autre que le développeur de La Vallée Village à Serris. |
| | | fafa45
Messages : 4171 Localisation : gien loiret Inscription : 04/07/2007
| | | | Vinc Modérateur
Messages : 8589 Inscription : 29/04/2010
| Sujet: Re: Shanghai Village (2015) Mar 25 Mar 2014, 13:51 | |
| - fafa45 a écrit:
- Il va etre proche du resort sinon ? Comme chez nous ?
Oui, Shanghai Village sera construit dans le périmètre de la Shanghai International Tourism and Resorts Zone. Cette zone s'étale maintenant sur 24,7 km². Shanghai Disney Resort en fait partie et en occupera +/- 7 km². |
| | | Dash Administrateur
Âge : 38 Messages : 23528 Localisation : Val d'Europe Inscription : 06/07/2007
| | | | fafa45
Messages : 4171 Localisation : gien loiret Inscription : 04/07/2007
| Sujet: Re: Shanghai Village (2015) Mar 25 Mar 2014, 20:18 | |
| ça doit faire une suite je pense ça doit s'attacher afin de faire une transition aussi entre Disney et l’extérieur ^^ c'est a confirmé |
| | | Vinc Modérateur
Messages : 8589 Inscription : 29/04/2010
| Sujet: [Shanghai Disney Resort] Shanghai Village Mar 25 Mar 2014, 21:27 | |
| - Dash a écrit:
- En dehors de Shanghai Disney Resort, est-ce que Disney a quoi que ce soit à voir avec Shanghai Village ?
Par exemple, comme Val d'Europe qui a été développé par Disney ? Shanghai Village est développé et opéré par une coentreprise, joint venture entre Value Retail PLC (qui possède et opère actuellement 9 outlet centers en Europe dont La Vallée Village à Serris) et Shanghai Shendi Group Co., Ltd. (copropriétaire de Shanghai Disney Resort - à hauteur de 57 % - et copropriétaire de l'entreprise qui gèrera les opérations du resort - à hauteur de 30 %). Mais Shanghai Village fait bien partie d'un master plan (pour la Shanghai International Tourism and Resorts Zone) développé par Disney (en collaboration avec Shanghai Shendi Group Co., Ltd. et "sous l'œil" incontournable des autorités locales). On peut dès lors supposer que si WDI n'a pas conçu Shanghai Village, Disney aura au moins été consulté afin d'intégrer au mieux Shanghai Village au projet global. De même pour la station de métro et autres infrastructures faisant partie intégrante de la Shanghai International Tourism and Resorts Zone. Value retail PLC a établi une société de droit chinois (Value Retail China) pour développer des Villages outlet centers en Chine. Shanghai Village sera le second à ouvrir après Suzhou Village qui doit ouvrir au printemps 2014. Les travaux doivent débuter prochainement afin d'ouvrir en même temps que Shanghai Disney Resort fin 2015. Une autre image conceptuelle de Shanghai Village outlet center : Shanghai Village™ will be strategically placed adjacent to the Shanghai Disney Resort, as part of the Shanghai International Tourism and Resorts Zone. |
| | | nicoetsab Modérateur
Âge : 44 Messages : 5161 Localisation : Saint-Étienne Inscription : 04/07/2007
| | | | Vinc Modérateur
Messages : 8589 Inscription : 29/04/2010
| Sujet: Re: Shanghai Village (2015) Mar 02 Sep 2014, 14:11 | |
| On aperçoit sur cette photographie une partie de la maquette de Shanghai Village exposée dans le showroom de la Shanghai International Tourism & Resorts Zone à Pudong : |
| | | Vinc Modérateur
Messages : 8589 Inscription : 29/04/2010
| | | | DisneyFanBase
Âge : 29 Messages : 660 Inscription : 10/06/2014
| | | | abc@Disney
Âge : 38 Messages : 1848 Localisation : Storybrooke Inscription : 23/02/2008
| | | | Vinc Modérateur
Messages : 8589 Inscription : 29/04/2010
| | | | Vinc Modérateur
Messages : 8589 Inscription : 29/04/2010
| Sujet: Re: Shanghai Village (2015) Ven 11 Mar 2016, 16:19 | |
| Outlet near Disneyland sets to open in May
A designer outlet village adjacent to Shanghai Disney Resort will open on May 19 in Pudong New Area, aiming to tap the demand of luxury shopping amid potential tourists toward city's upcoming iconic attraction.
Named as Shanghai Village, the project is a joint venture between London-based mall developer Value Retail and state-backed operator of Shanghai International Tourism and Reports Zone, Shanghai Shendi Group.
The project represented the largest investment of the company worldwide, said Mark Israel, chief executive officer of Value Retail China, with about 150 boutiques set to open either upon launch or thereafter in a 55,000-square-meter space.
The UK developer had opened its first China outlet center of such kind in Suzhou back in May 2014. The phase two construction of the Suzhou Village will begin sometime in fall, according to Value Retail, and then move on to other projects in China including Hong Kong.
Shanghai Daily - 11 mars 2016. |
| | | Invité Invité
| Sujet: Re: Shanghai Village (2015) Dim 13 Mar 2016, 11:23 | |
| Ça c'est chiant, pourquoi vouloir que dans tous les endroits touristiques du monde il y ait les mêmes boutiques, les mêmes types de complexes, etc.... C'est comme pour les Starbucks ou les Burger King, a l'etranger c'etait sympa vu qu'il n'y en avait pas en France, maintenant il y en a partout, aucun intérêt... |
| | | Vinc Modérateur
Messages : 8589 Inscription : 29/04/2010
| Sujet: Re: Shanghai Village (2015) Jeu 19 Mai 2016, 19:15 | |
| Le complexe Shanghai Village a ouvert hier : - Citation :
- Designer outlet complex
A designer outlet complex that aims to cater to tourists visiting the Shanghai Disney Resort opened yesterday in the Pudong New Area.
Shanghai Village, a joint venture between London-based mall developer Value Retail and Shanghai Shendi Group, the state-backed operator of the Shanghai International Tourism and Resorts Zone.
With over 140 boutiques covering a 55,000-square-meter area, the Art Deco-themed complex, which features five streets radiating from a central lake, is Value Retail China’s single biggest investment worldwide.
Shanghai Daily - 20 mai 2016.
| | | Vinc Modérateur
Messages : 8589 Inscription : 29/04/2010
| Sujet: Re: Shanghai Village (2015) Mer 08 Juin 2016, 19:13 | |
| Débuts prometteurs pour Shanghai Village : - Citation :
- The rise of China’s shopping villages
Shanghai Village opens near Disneyland, as China’s shoppers wooed by upmarket outlet destinations close to home
During lean economic times in the developed West, the hunger for luxury and fashion in Asia, in particular China, has fuelled market growth beyond expectations. But China’s so-called luxury retail slowdown has taken its toll on some brands. A shifting economy coupled with a state-led crackdown on corruption (and the extravagant status symbols or luxury gifting that comes with it) has meant that the past three to four years ended the age of double-digit growth for many luxury labels in China.
There’s also been a natural maturation of an overheated industry in China. In the short term, those who suffered most are European fashion mega brands, many who banked too quickly on the same growth rate despite spreading themselves too thin and wide. Other retail sectors, such as outlet villages and malls, have seized on an opportunity.
“The way people are shopping in China is changing,” says Mark Israel, China CEO of outlet shopping developer Value Retail.
It’s been a hectic few months for the team that Israel leads. This week they opened their latest project: the 55,000 square metre Shanghai Village, next door to the world’s biggest (and newest) Disneyland. Shoppers can pick up items from the likes of Armani, Michael Kors and Calvin Klein for outlet prices.
“When economical growth is not as strong, we’ve traditionally done well,” says Israel. “People are more price conscious, less willing to spend lots as freely … There is more and better merchandise available in the outlet stores, so traditionally we’ve done well in a bad economy, however, China is not a bad economy, it’s just a changing economy.”
For outfits such as Shanghai Village, the growth of their target consumer – rising middle classes and upper middle classes – continues to be strong. It’s a group easily wooed by brand outlets selling off-season merchandise at up to 75 per cent off the original store price.
Value Retail’s portfolio of outlet villages includes La Vallee in Paris, La Roca near Barcelona and Bicester Village just outside London, recently dubbed the second most popular destination for Chinese tourists to England, falling only behind Buckingham Palace. At these destinations, shoppers are enticed by the possibility of picking up last season’s Celine, Burberry or Prada or high-street labels such as Nike for a fraction of the original prices.
But they’ve found that building outlet villages closer to home for their Chinese customers has reaped big rewards. In 2014, Value Retail opened their first China property, Suzhou Village, with Shanghai Village following on two years later.
At Suzhou Village, customer spend is significantly higher than in the other villages in the Value Retail portfolio. While they don’t share specific figures per consumer, Suzhou Village’s VIPs who visit more than once a quarter spend an average of 6,100 yuan (HK$7,208) per visit.
“Our average spend per customer is higher than anyone in the outlet sector,” says Israel.
The fact that Value Retail’s Chinese village clients spend the most reveals just how lucrative domestic retail tourism can be. Five days into the official opening of Shanghai Village and Israel says “the figures are ahead of expectations”.
“The country is shifting away from a production-led economy, maturing their tastes, and one thing that is happening is the move away from the few key mega brands to a wider basket of brands,” he adds. Good thing then, that there are plenty of contemporary and high street labels for fashion, home and sports here: see Clarks, Kate Spade, Samsonite, Vans and Nautica.
And like many outlet destinations; Shanghai Village not only about the lure of a deal – its attraction for lifestyle shoppers is huge and the experiential design has been crucial.
The plush architecture is built around the vintage era of world expos, 1920s and ’30s art deco and Shanghai’s unique “haipai” culture that mixed up West with East. A lake with fountain jets provides a picturesque waterfront for a rather impressive skyline that has taken influence from the centres of art deco such as New York, Paris, Milan, Vienna, and Shanghai. Restaurants, boulevards as well as big name outlets encourage visitors to stay, relax, shop and play for the entire day.
“Shopping in China is a pretty significant part of entertainment and social life,” adds Israel, “and traditionally so.”
Value Retail design the services of Suzhou and Shanghai villages around that of a five-star hotel, with hands-free shopping, valet, concierge and leisure areas designed to keep increasingly demanding Chinese consumers entertained for longer. From their Suzhou property they’ve learnt that Chinese shoppers tend to go round in large groups and with families, and adjusted parts of the villages to accommodate.
“We are in the experience, shopping and tourism business and at the heart of it is that you feel better leaving the village than you did when you arrive,” says Israel.
Outlet malls and destination villages might have started in the US decades ago. But today Chinese tourists have fast become the biggest spenders, and China the site for the market’s most ambitious developments. Aspirational middle classes have been key; entering into the high fashion market via entry-level discounted outlet prices.
There’s signs of a 2016 luxury bounceback, according to Bain & Company’s 2015 China Luxury Market Study. But to be competitive, luxury brands will need “flexible pricing, a strong digital strategy and greater focus on fashion to win with Chinese consumers at home”.
Bruno Lannes, a Shanghai-based Bain partner and author of the report, writes on their website: “Our research found that the industry is quickly adapting to these challenges in an effort to drive more luxury consumption at home through strategies such as … a greater focus on fashion.”
It means that in recent years, retail groups (both domestic and foreign) have opened up outlet malls and villages in China. Last year Florentia Village, close to Shanghai airport, was opened by Italian retail giant RDM in a project costing 1.5 billion yuan. Florentina zones in on Italian names such as Zegna, Versace and Gucci, and is the closest competitor for Shanghai Village.
Along with interests from private companies, key players in driving these retail movements also include the government – which runs Shanghai Shendi Group (the developer of Shanghai international Tourism and Resorts zone (SITRZ) and Value Retail’s local partner.
And as visitors flood from around Shanghai, China’s second- and third-tier cities as well as the Asian region, the next few months at Shanghai Village will be highly telling. With so many arrows pointing to more potential in the market, will there be more outlet projects in the pipeline for Value Retail in China?
“Yes, our hands are full [with Shanghai and Suzhou], but we’re not done in China,” says Israel, “But now, there’s nothing we can talk about just yet.”
SCMP - 8 juin 2016. |
| | | Mr.Freddy
Messages : 17791 Inscription : 05/07/2007
| Sujet: Re: Shanghai Village (2015) Jeu 09 Juin 2016, 12:56 | |
| On a assez peu d'images de ce Shanghai village. Il y a des photos quelque part depuis qu'il est ouvert ? |
| | | DisneyFanBase
Âge : 29 Messages : 660 Inscription : 10/06/2014
| Sujet: Re: Shanghai Village (2015) Jeu 04 Mai 2017, 22:00 | |
| Sur ce site il y a des photos du centre commercial : http://www.unique.org.cn/en/index/news_detail.asp?catIDStr=
Mais j'avoue que depuis qu'il est ouvert, il n'y a pas beaucoup de photo de ces lieux. "Tire la chevillette, et la bobinette cherra." Le Loup |
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