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 [Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018)

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J. Thaddeus TOAD

J. Thaddeus TOAD

Âge : 49
Messages : 5366
Localisation : Orléans
Inscription : 04/07/2007

[Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) Empty
MessageSujet: [Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) [Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) Horlog11Dim 22 Jan 2012 - 19:42

D'après Al Lutz, deux "poids-lourds" de la restauration devraient ouvrir cette année à Downtown Disney: Earl of Sandwich et Starbucks Coffee. Pas de détails quand aux emplacements dédiés mais sont évoqués d'une part l'ancien site de Compass Books et d'autre part l'extension du bâtiment de La Brea Bakery. Concernant Earl of Sandwich, ce serait le tout premier à ouvrir sur la côte ouest. Very Happy

Java, Jambon & Jalopies...

Meanwhile, in Downtown Disney, the property management team that runs that successful mall has had a constant churn of turnover amongst the tenants that have been there since the mall opened. The 11 years that some stores lasted is actually quite long in the retail world, and it speaks to the success that Downtown Disney enjoyed right out of the gate in 2001, while the new theme park next door struggled through very hard times and poor word-of-mouth advertising its first few years. But with the departure of Compass Books and Island Charters this winter, on top of a half dozen other closures the past few years, the property management team has been hustling to get some new blood into the mall.

The plan now is to swap the Compass Books space out for a dining location, possibly the first Earl of Sandwich shop on the West Coast. That would be a welcome addition to Downtown Disney and fill a much-needed gap for an affordable lunch or dinner option amongst all the existing high-end or hyper-themed dining. The space once used by Island Charters is being eyed for a Disney-operated home accessories store, building off the success of the upscale D Street and Vault 28 stores in that same corner of the mall.

And finally, TDA’s sponsor-wooing “Participant Relations” department never quite gave up on getting Starbucks onto the Anaheim property. We’d told you a few years ago how TDA wanted Starbucks inside the parks, after getting tired of constant complaints from caffeine deprived tourists who just wanted a decent Mocha. The deal to get Starbucks initally into Disneyland's Market House fell apart late in the game over concerns Starbucks had with letting Disney’s Cast Members receive official training using Starbucks proprietary systems and equipment that must be used in order for a drink to carry the Starbucks label.

[Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) Al101309c
It was probably a smart move for Starbucks to take a step back on that one, as Disneyland’s once-vaunted training department is now an infamous shadow of its former self and is run by bungling cubicle dwellers in TDA who create dull and unfocused training materials that surely would have infuriated the sharp Starbucks group. A similar scenario is what led to Ghirardelli demanding to handle the training and operation of their new DCA soda fountain themselves, which extended the negotiations out by several months last year.

Gone are the days when outside companies could trust Disney to present their product and corporate image with polished and well-trained Cast Members, which is a reason why so many sponsors pull out of Innoventions and why Microsoft sends in spies regularly to monitor those CM’s. But now, the Participant Relations team has inked a deal to allow Starbucks to set up shop later this year in Downtown Disney, and with this arrangement Starbucks would be running the location themselves instead of relying on Disneyland Cast Members saddled with TDA’s less rigorous training programs.

The addition of Starbucks into Downtown Disney later this year is being handled with extra layers of secrecy, and the location is being purposely kept a secret from even upper level management to “protect the contract negotiations.” Even with all the corporate secrecy behind the scenes, there are two solid scenarios that pop up the most frequently from the confused TDA rumor mill, and they revolve around the La Brea Bakery expansion currently underway. One scenario has Starbucks taking over the expanded eastern wing of the La Brea Bakery building, with swarms of people stopping for lattes and mochas as they exit the parking trams each morning. The second rumored scenario has Starbucks moving in to the old Compass Books space to focus on moviegoers and hotel guests at the other end of the mall, while Earl of Sandwich moves in to the expanded space once used for La Brea’s sandwich counter.

EDIT: Concernant Starbucks Coffee, voir le Sujet dédié:

C'est à jamais

Dernière édition par J. Thaddeus TOAD le Mar 30 Oct 2012 - 22:55, édité 4 fois
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Âge : 44
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Localisation : Saint-Étienne
Inscription : 04/07/2007

[Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) [Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) Horlog11Lun 23 Jan 2012 - 11:10

Pour une fois que nous avions des exclus'! lol

Ne connaissant pas les résultats de ceux-ci au Disney Village, mais je pense qu'ils doivent être plutôt bons pour vouloir s'implanter à Disneyland resort.

Dernière édition par nicoetsab le Lun 23 Jan 2012 - 13:03, édité 1 fois
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J. Thaddeus TOAD

J. Thaddeus TOAD

Âge : 49
Messages : 5366
Localisation : Orléans
Inscription : 04/07/2007

[Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) [Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) Horlog11Lun 23 Jan 2012 - 11:39

nicoetsab a écrit:
Pour une fois que nous avions des exclus'! lol

Ne connaissant pas les résultats de ceux-ci au Disney Village, mais je pense qu'ils doivent être plutôt bons pour vouloir s'implanter à Disneyland resort.
Eh oui, il n'y a pour l'instant qu'à DLP que les deux enseignes sont présentes puisqu'à WDW il n'y a qu'Earl of Sandwich!

L'extension de La Brea Bakery en photo:
[Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) IMG_0096

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Fondateur & Mister DCP 2008

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[Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) [Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) Horlog11Ven 27 Jan 2012 - 15:12

Franchement, la Brea Bakery en terrasse, à se faire un BLT et jus d'orange fraichement pressés au petit matin ensoleillé, je ne connais rien de mieux! Smile

[Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) Signat10
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Alex Russo

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[Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) [Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) Horlog11Ven 27 Jan 2012 - 15:58

Les petits copieurs. J'espère qu'on va leur copier des trucs aussi Smile
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J. Thaddeus TOAD

J. Thaddeus TOAD

Âge : 49
Messages : 5366
Localisation : Orléans
Inscription : 04/07/2007

[Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) [Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) Horlog11Ven 3 Fév 2012 - 11:54

Visiblement, il n'est pas prévu (pour l'instant) que Starbucks s'installe dans l'extension de La Brea Bakery Café:

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J. Thaddeus TOAD

J. Thaddeus TOAD

Âge : 49
Messages : 5366
Localisation : Orléans
Inscription : 04/07/2007

[Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) [Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) Horlog11Lun 13 Fév 2012 - 13:05

Disney a annoncé la semaine dernière qu'Earl of Sandwich remplacera Compass Books (à l'extrémité ouest de Downtown Disney, près du Disneyland Hotel):
L'ouverture est prévue au début de l'été 2012.

A rendering of the new shop shows a covered outdoor dining patio for the new sandwich shop.
[Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) Eos110983LARGE

A look at the Compass Bookstore as it exists today
[Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) IMG_8596

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J. Thaddeus TOAD

J. Thaddeus TOAD

Âge : 49
Messages : 5366
Localisation : Orléans
Inscription : 04/07/2007

[Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) [Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) Horlog11Dim 29 Juil 2012 - 12:55

Petit retour en arrière pour voir ce qu'était Compass Bookstore:

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Cam and chino

Cam and chino

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[Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) [Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) Horlog11Dim 29 Juil 2012 - 13:23

Je suppose que Earl of Sandwich est maintenant ouvert?
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J. Thaddeus TOAD

J. Thaddeus TOAD

Âge : 49
Messages : 5366
Localisation : Orléans
Inscription : 04/07/2007

[Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) [Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) Horlog11Dim 29 Juil 2012 - 13:49

Cam and chino a écrit:
Je suppose que Earl of Sandwich est maintenant ouvert?
Non, toujours en travaux!

[Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) 07-23-12-IMG_7568

[Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) 07-23-12-IMG_7620

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J. Thaddeus TOAD

J. Thaddeus TOAD

Âge : 49
Messages : 5366
Localisation : Orléans
Inscription : 04/07/2007

[Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) [Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) Horlog11Mar 30 Oct 2012 - 22:57

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[Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) [Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) Horlog11Mar 6 Nov 2012 - 7:11

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J. Thaddeus TOAD

J. Thaddeus TOAD

Âge : 49
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Localisation : Orléans
Inscription : 04/07/2007

[Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) [Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) Horlog11Sam 10 Nov 2012 - 13:31

In Downtown Disney, the new Earl of Sandwich restaurant began hosting soft openings on Monday, offering guests a 25% discount on all orders throughout the week. The new dining location drew long lines, with many guests reporting waiting up to an hour to get their food after ordering.
[Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) 11-05-12-IMG_9644

Sure, an hour to wait for a sandwich might seem unreasonable, but the restaurant, crammed into the relatively small area that was formerly home to Compass Books, was being put through its paces for the first time. Restaurant employees were very nice and as helpful as they could be during the long waits.
[Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) 11-05-12-IMG_0868

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Âge : 37
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[Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) [Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) Horlog11Mer 28 Mar 2018 - 10:21

Le restaurant fermera ses portes en juin 2018 afin de faire place à la construction du quatrième Hôtel Disney du Resort.

[Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) Banniere-chronique-disney [Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018) Tumblr10
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[Downtown Disney] Earl of Sandwich (2012-2018)
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