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 [Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo

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[Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo Empty
MessageSujet: [Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo [Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo Horlog11Jeu 12 Nov 2009 - 23:52

Et bien voilà, c'est fait... Jay Rasulo quitte la présidence de la division Parks & Resorts de Disney. Mais ne s'en va pas pour autant, puisqu'il deviendra Chief Financial Officer, en remplacement de Tom Staggs, qui lui, remplacera Jay Rasulo à la tête de la division des Parcs de Loisirs. Vous suivez?

Ce changement a été décidé par Bob Iger dans l'objectif de dynamiser les responsabilités de ses collaborateurs en leur offrant de nouveaux challenges. Bon, pour ma part, je n'envie pas particulièrement Rasulo qui se retrouve à la tête de la stratégie corporate et financière de la société, pas le plus glamour des jobs [Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo Icon_razz Quand à la nomination de Tom, je ne sais pas vraiment si c'est une bonne nouvelle pour la division attractions du groupe: voilà quelqu'un qui est vraiment un financier avant tout. Bref, on verra bien les effets de ce petit chamboulement d'ici quelques mois.

Voilà le communiqué, où vous trouverez entre autres les biographies de ces deux personnes pré-citées:

BURBANK , Calif., November 12—In line with The Walt Disney Company’s goals of advancing its global businesses and brands while providing new opportunities and challenges to executives, Disney President and Chief Executive Officer Robert A. Iger announced today that two of the company’s most senior leaders would assume new roles at the end of the year.

Thomas O. Tom Staggs, Senior Executive Vice President and Disney’s Chief Financial Officer and 20 year Disney veteran, will become Chairman, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts. In his new position, Staggs will preside over the company’s vacation businesses, which span three continents and include five-world class destinations, a top rated cruise line and the most popular resort locations in North America, Europe and Asia.

James A. Jay Rasulo, Chairman of Disney Parks and Resorts and a 23-year Disney veteran, will become Senior Executive Vice President and Disney’s Chief Financial Officer. In his new role, Rasulo will oversee the company’s worldwide finance organization, corporate strategy and development, brand management, corporate alliances, investor relations, treasury and risk management activities, controller functions, information systems, corporate responsibility, real estate and taxes.

Both will remain members of the senior management group reporting to Iger.
“Jay and Tom are both dynamic and versatile executives, who have done a great job over the last several years and have helped me to shape Disney’s strategic direction,” Iger said. “By giving them exciting new challenges that build on both their strengths at a time when each of their respective areas are on the right strategic track, the change is good for them and good for the company.”

As CFO, Staggs has helped guide Disney through one of its most important periods of expansion and financial success while steering it effectively through two sudden global economic downturns in 2001 and 2008. Throughout, he’s been praised by Wall Street for his financial and communication skills and has consistently been voted the country’s top entertainment industry CFO by analysts polled by Institutional Investor magazine.

Working closely with Iger, Staggs has played a critical role in a wide variety of Disney’s strategic and operating initiatives, including the acquisitions of Capital Cities/ABC, Pixar and the pending acquisition of Marvel Entertainment. As CFO, he spearheaded Disney’s realignment of its performance goals toward a combination of profit growth and strong long term capital returns and free cash flow. He has also led company efforts to drive greater cost and capital efficiency throughout the organization and to put in place well-received company-wide environmental and healthy food policies.

“For over a decade, I’ve had a unique opportunity to build our business by collaborating with a group of great executives running a wide range of media and travel businesses,” said Staggs. “Taking the operational reins of one of our biggest and most complex businesses during the period of rapid global expansion launched by Jay is tremendously exciting and a challenge I’m really looking forward to.”

Under Rasulo’s leadership, Parks and Resorts has built on its traditional strengths as the world’s preeminent theme park operator to create a range of businesses that have made Disney a global leader in the family vacation industry.

As part of this growth strategy, Rasulo has overseen a major expansion of Disney’s California Adventure at Disneyland Resort, which culminates with the opening of Cars Land in 2012, and of Hong Kong Disneyland, where work is underway on the creation of three original new lands. He has also led negotiations with the Chinese government to begin development of a new theme park in Shanghai.

In addition to park expansion, Rasulo has been the principal architect of the growth of the award-winning Disney Cruise Line, which is currently adding two new ships, Disney Vacation Club and Adventures by Disney. Prior to becoming head of Disney Parks and Resorts in 2002, Rasulo greatly improved the operating performance of Disneyland Paris, now the number one tourist destination in Europe.

By emphasizing innovative marketing, strategic investment and financial discipline, Rasulo has also deftly managed the Parks and Resorts businesses through difficult periods, first as the unit’s President after tourism plummeted globally in the wake of 9/11 and later as Chairman during the 2008-09 economic downturn. Throughout, he’s been an important advocate for the tourism industry, serving as Chairman of the Travel Industry Association of America in 2006 and 2007. Rasulo was inducted into the Travel Industry Hall of Leaders in 2008.

“It’s been a tremendous honor to lead the almost 100,000 Cast Members, Crew Members and Imagineers during a period of unprecedented investment at Disney Parks and Resorts ,” said Rasulo. “I look forward to building on Tom’s success as CFO by working with Bob to advance Disney’s growth strategy, while continuing to strengthen our balance sheet and create shareholder value.”
Both Rasulo and Staggs are longtime Disney executives and both serve on the board of Euro Disney S.C.A., the French parent company of Disneyland Paris.

Rasulo joined Disney in 1986 as Director, Strategic Planning and Development, advancing to more senior positions there, and later became Senior Vice President, Corporate Alliances. He then led Disney Regional Entertainment before moving to Paris as President, Euro Disney before eventually becoming its Chairman and CEO in 2000. A native New Yorker, Rasulo has a degree in economics from Columbia University and both an MA in economics and an MBA from the University of Chicago. Before joining Disney, he held positions with Chase Manhattan Bank and the Marriott Corp.

Staggs joined Disney in 1990 as Manager of Strategic Planning and soon advanced through a series of positions of increased responsibility, becoming Senior Vice President of Strategic Planning and Development in 1995 before becoming CFO and Executive Vice President in 1998. Born in Illinois, Staggs received a BS in business from University of Minnesota and an MBA from Stanford University. He worked in investment banking at Morgan Stanley & Co. before joining Disney.

[Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo Signat10
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[Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo [Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo Horlog11Ven 13 Nov 2009 - 0:03

[Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo Thumb_thomas_staggs

Tom Staggs a des petits airs de David Pujadas!

La valse continue dans la WDC!

Mais les 2 hommes restent au conseil de surveillance d'Eurodisney S.C.A.
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[Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo [Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo Horlog11Mar 17 Nov 2009 - 13:14

Du moment qu'on est débarassé de Rasulo de la Direction des parcs du groupe, bonne nouvelle [Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo Icon_cheers

[Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo Petit_28400 [Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo Carte_adherent

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[Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo [Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo Horlog11Ven 20 Nov 2009 - 13:04

Grandmath a écrit:

Prior to becoming head of Disney Parks and Resorts in 2002, Rasulo greatly improved the operating performance of Disneyland Paris, now the number one tourist destination in Europe.

Alors ça c'est la meilleure! Wink
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J. Thaddeus TOAD

J. Thaddeus TOAD

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[Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo [Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo Horlog11Mar 1 Déc 2009 - 23:04

Trading Places

Speaking of the meaningless Disney Parks moniker, about the time EO opens Jay Rasulo will have settled in to his new CFO role in Burbank and Tom Staggs will have moved over to Jay's Chairman role.

The buzz coming out of Burbank and TDA both on this one is centered not so much on the individuals, but rather on their titles. Rasulo is seen to have dropped a notch on the corporate totem pole with this move, while Tom Staggs was considered elevated one, as a Chairman title outranks the Senior Executive Vice President role that Tom Staggs had. They are both powerful positions to be sure, but since Rasulo already had plenty of financial experience, this move is seen as Iger grooming Tom Staggs specifically as an eventual successor, while getting Jay Rasulo out of a division (theme parks) he clearly had little interest in.

Unfortunately the initial buzz on Tom Staggs in TDA is that he is a fairly typical corporate type with little emotional attachment to any of the Disney parks. Staggs recently made his debut in Anaheim's Cast Member newsletter with a rather painfully scripted interview, complete with a nametag Photoshopped on to his shirt, where it was obvious he didn't have much knowledge or passion for the parks or their attractions he was being questioned on.
[Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo Al120109c

(Advice to Tom: When they ask what your favorite attraction is, make sure you can actually think of one and don't try the "they are all great" line. And if you honestly don't have a favorite, just make something up! It's a very basic question, but one that separates the men from the boys when it comes to Disney theme park culture.)

Aside from his unfamiliarity with the Disney theme parks, Staggs is thought of as a nice guy, so hopefully he can really throw himself into his new role by spending some time in the resorts in 2010. Let's just hope he doesn't borrow Jay Rasulo's playbook and stay away from the parks entirely unless there is a major media or corporate event to attend. Tom Staggs should take note that in 2009 Bob Iger visited Disneyland more than Jay Rasulo did.

Tom should also make sure his handlers script his answers to questions from Cast Members and Imagineers more carefully, and avoid the Photoshopped nametag look. (The nametags are free Tom, so go ahead and have your secretary pick up a couple for you before January.)
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Âge : 41
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[Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo [Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo Horlog11Jeu 3 Déc 2009 - 0:13

Merci pour ces quelques news qui en disent long déjà sur le personnage... mais bon à ce niveau de corporate, on peut difficilement leur demander d'être très au courant de ce dont ils sont en train de parler. Ce sont des businessmans et des managers qui allongent les chiffres devant eux...

L'esprit de Walt est bien loin...
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J. Thaddeus TOAD

J. Thaddeus TOAD

Âge : 49
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[Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo [Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo Horlog11Dim 17 Jan 2010 - 10:07

New Disney parks chief’s pay to remain the same

Jason Garcia, News — By Jason Garcia on January 11, 2010 at 11:50 am
[Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo Disneyexecs-300x168

Tom Staggs, Jay Rasulo

Looks like Tom Staggs is going to be making about the same amount as chairman of Walt Disney Parks and Resorts as he was as chief financial officer of the Walt Disney Co.

Disney on Friday filed updated employment contracts for both Staggs and Jay Rasulo, who swapped jobs at the start of the year.

Under his revised agreement, Staggs’ base salary will stay the same (it’s scheduled to rise to $1.4 million in April). He also remains eligible for an annual incentive bonus targeted at no less than twice his base salary ($2.8 million) and an annual stock award targeted at no less than three times his base salary ($4.2 million).

According to Disney’s regulatory filings, Staggs received $9.3 million in total compensation during the company’s 2009 fiscal year. That included a base salary of about $1.3 million, a cash bonus of $2.5 million, a stock award valued at $3.5 million and stock options valued at $1.3 million, plus some smaller benefits.

Staggs’ contract with Disney, which was signed in early 2008, runs through March 31, 2013.

Rasulo, meanwhile, has agreed to a new five-year contract with Disney that will pay him on par with Staggs now that he’s Disney CFO. Like Staggs, Rasulo will get a base salary of $1.4 million and be eligible for an annual cash bonus of twice that amount and stock award valued at three times that amount.

Rasulo’s new deal extends until Jan. 31, 2015.
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guigui du dlp

guigui du dlp

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[Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo [Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo Horlog11Dim 28 Mar 2010 - 1:13

Sympa ce Monsieur Staggs, bon je lui ai parlé que quelques minutes mais pour un homme d'une telle importance dans notre société je l'ai trouvé très simple. Etant moi tout a la base de l'organigramme !!
See you soon Mr Staggs!!
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[Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo [Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo Horlog11Mar 2 Juin 2015 - 9:59

[Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo 568126jr1

The Walt Disney Company a annoncé le départ de son directeur financier James Rasulo.

Sa démission prendra effet à la fin du mois mais il conservera un rôle de conseiller pour Bob Iger, Président de l'entreprise.

Jay Rasulo, longtemps considéré comme un successeur potentiel pour Bob Iger, est entré chez Disney en 1986 et y a occupé divers postes à responsabilités tels que directeur général d'Euro Disney et Disneyland Paris, président de la division Disney Parks and Resorts et, depuis 2010, directeur financier de la Walt Disney Company.
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[Walt Disney Company] Echange de postes entre Tom Staggs et Jay Rasulo
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