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 The Walt Disney Family Museum

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Messages : 8303
Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: The Walt Disney Family Museum The Walt Disney Family Museum - Page 4 Horlog11Sam 2 Jan 2016 - 22:30

Nouvelle exposition temporaire du 13 janvier au 12 septembre 2016 : Mel Shaw : An Animator on Horseback.

Scénariste, Melvin Shaw a participé au développement de plusieurs films au sein des Studios d'Animation Disney : Fantasia, Dumbo, Bambi, Les Aventures de Bernard et Bianca, Rox et Rouky, Taram et le Chaudron magique, Basil, détective privé, La Belle et la Bête et Le Roi lion.

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Messages : 8303
Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: The Walt Disney Family Museum The Walt Disney Family Museum - Page 4 Horlog11Mar 12 Avr 2016 - 13:12

Le Walt Disney Family Museum proposera à partir du mois prochain une exposition temporaire consacrée au Grand Classique d'animation Pinocchio :  Wish Upon a Star : The Art of Pinocchio.

Trois cents pièces uniques à découvrir du 18 mai 2016 au 9 janvier 2017 !

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The Walt Disney Family Museum is pleased to present Wish Upon a Star: The Art of Pinocchio. On view from May 18, 2016 to January 9, 2017, this never-before-seen exhibition created by the museum allows visitors to discover the artistic process and step behind-the-scenes to explore how one of the most influential animated films in history was produced: Walt Disney’s 1940 feature-length masterpiece Pinocchio.

Guest-curated by John Canemaker—an Academy Award®, Emmy Award, and Peabody Award-winning independent animator, animation historian, teacher, and author—this immersive exhibition invites the visitor to experience the production processes of the pre-digital era, providing a glimpse into how legendary animators worked and thought. Pinocchio inspired advances in character development and three-dimensional design, and the exhibition allows guests to enjoy the art created by the animators and designers of The Walt Disney Studios to create the stunning work featured in the film.

Featuring more than 300 objects, this unique, original exhibition takes a closer look at the settings, color, mood, character relationships, style, and costumes of this remarkable film, which has dazzled audiences for over 75 years.

Wish Upon a Star: The Art of Pinocchio is organized by The Walt Disney Family Museum and is being presented in the Diane Disney Miller Exhibition Hall from May 18, 2016 through January 9, 2017.
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Messages : 1
Inscription : 30/09/2016

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MessageSujet: Re: The Walt Disney Family Museum The Walt Disney Family Museum - Page 4 Horlog11Ven 30 Sep 2016 - 21:35

Top !
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Âge : 65
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Inscription : 04/10/2016

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MessageSujet: Re: The Walt Disney Family Museum The Walt Disney Family Museum - Page 4 Horlog11Mar 4 Oct 2016 - 9:53

Incorporé à la division des ambulances de la Croix-Rouge américaine en France, il fait son entrée dans la Première Guerre mondiale, le lendemain de l'armistice, le 12 novembre 1918. Débarqué au Havre, il est d'abord installé près de Saint-Cyr-l'École, puis est assigné à la conduite d'ambulances pour l'hôpital d'évacuation no 5 à Paris et enfin affecté à un camp de la Croix-Rouge à Neufchâteau,Vosges 88 300  nœud ferroviaire situé dans les Vosges.

Voici la maison, en vente, qu'il a habité :  

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J'y ai moi même, avec mon ami Olivier, vendeur, aperçu des morceaux de dessins de Walt Disney, une ancienne propriétaire y a vu un dessin complet d'un hussard , mais des travaux ont été faits.......d'autres dessins sont peut être encore en état dans la maison, quel gâchis....

La maison est en vente sur le BON COIN  88300  CONTACTER Olivier Jacquemin : 06 80 04 19 48
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Âge : 47
Messages : 4037
Localisation : Lyon
Inscription : 21/09/2015

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MessageSujet: Re: The Walt Disney Family Museum The Walt Disney Family Museum - Page 4 Horlog11Sam 12 Nov 2016 - 10:38

J'ai passé un bon et long moment dans ce musée, c'est un incontournable quand on va à San Francisco ; surement ce que j'ai préféré de mon séjour dans cette ville.
Les casts de la boutique sont très sympas, je vous recommande le livre du musée.

Aller au musée à pied depuis l'extérieur de Presidio est une aventure, les rues sont tortueuses et il n'y a aucun fléchage, pensez à prendre une photo du plan à l'entrée du quartier, ça rend service.

GreG de l'ouest de Lyon

Disneyland Paris : plusieurs fois par an jusqu'en 2022
Disneyworld : juin 2015
Disneyland Californie : septembre 2016
Disneyland Shanghai : 1er octobre 2018
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Messages : 8303
Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: The Walt Disney Family Museum The Walt Disney Family Museum - Page 4 Horlog11Dim 1 Jan 2017 - 20:05

En ce début d'année, The Walt Disney Family Museum ajuste son prix d'entrée.  

Les nouveaux tarifs d'admission aux galeries permanentes et aux expositions temporaires seront applicables dès demain 2 janvier 2017 (ceux-ci n'ont pas encore été dévoilés et ne seront présentés qu'à partir de demain sur le site officiel du musée).

C'est la première fois que le musée modifie ses tarifs depuis son inauguration le 1er octobre 2009.

Découvrez les nouveaux tarifs d'admission sur
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Âge : 35
Messages : 2447
Localisation : Disneyland Resort, Anaheim, CA
Inscription : 21/11/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: The Walt Disney Family Museum The Walt Disney Family Museum - Page 4 Horlog11Ven 7 Juil 2017 - 21:44

Ce musée est véritablement excellent. Sur plusieurs niveaux, il regroupe de manière ludique et efficace les étapes de la vie de la carrière de W Disney. J'ai adoré les différentes pièces et les expositions sont vraiment nombreuses et intéressantes. L'audio guide en français est un plus bien appréciable. La maquette de Disneyland à la fin fait son effet. En plus ce musée offre une vue exceptionnelle sur le Golden Gate. Un vrai plaisir. Cet endroit est un must lors d'une visite à SF.

"To all who come to this Happy Place, welcome ! Disneyland is your land."- W. Disney
[b]Mes Visites:
- Disneyland Paris: 1992-----2018
- Futuroscope: 1998-2013-2018
- Parc Astérix: 1996-2003-2010-2015
- Puy du Fou: 2014
- Nigloland: 2005
- Efteling: 2019
- Disneyland Resort: 2013- 2016  The Walt Disney Family Museum - Page 4 937942
- Walt Disney Family Museum: 2016
- Universal Studios Hollywood: 2013-2016
- Tokyo Disney Resort:2025 The Walt Disney Family Museum - Page 4 1f603
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Âge : 37
Messages : 8
Localisation : Vendee
Inscription : 19/07/2017

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MessageSujet: Re: The Walt Disney Family Museum The Walt Disney Family Museum - Page 4 Horlog11Mer 19 Juil 2017 - 19:43

Bonjour à tous ,

Je ne connais pas le forum et ses fonctions peut être que mon post n'est pas au bon endroit ...
Si c'est le cas désolé ...
Je m'appel dimitry j'ai 30 ans je suis un grand fan de Disney surtout depuis 1995 quand toy story est sortie sur les écrans!!!

J'ai acquis des lithographies de Disney toutes connu sauf une qui reste un mystère aucune trace sur le net et autres elle représente Pinocchio elle est magnifique estampillé Disney commomerative de 1995
Dont voici la photo c'est le cadre de droite
Des connaisseur pourrais m'éclairer sur le sujet???
Merci par avance
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Âge : 31
Messages : 8569
Localisation : Beauvais - Le Havre
Inscription : 11/01/2011

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MessageSujet: Re: The Walt Disney Family Museum The Walt Disney Family Museum - Page 4 Horlog11Jeu 20 Juil 2017 - 15:05

The Walt Disney Family Museum - Page 4 Heroin14
Ma collection : ici
Mes ventes et recherches : ici
Cast Member : 20/12/17 - 07/01/18 °o° 20/10/18 - 04/11/18 °o° 15/12/18 - 06/01/19
Mon compte Insta : ici / Mon groupe Aladdin sur Facebook : ici
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Messages : 8303
Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: The Walt Disney Family Museum The Walt Disney Family Museum - Page 4 Horlog11Mar 9 Avr 2019 - 20:08

The Walt Disney Family Museum - Page 4 Xx42

Le Walt Disney Family Museum de San Francisco présentera à partir du 16 mai prochain une nouvelle exposition exclusive entièrement consacrée au personnage iconique de Mickey Mouse !

Organisée par le légendaire animateur Andreas Deja, l'exposition Mickey Mouse: From Walt to the World s'accompagnera d"un catalogue de 168 pages rassemblant oeuvres originales, dessins, celluloïds et autres artefacts dont certains n'ont jamais été présentés au public, ni publiés !

L'ouvrage, édité en collaboration avec les éditions Weldon Owen, sera disponible à la boutique du musée au prix de 50 dollars US et ensuite commercialisé en librairie (dès septembre), comme il est d'usage entre les deux partenaires californiens.  

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Citation :
The Walt Disney Family Museum Présents Mickey Mouse: From Walt to the World

Celebrating Mickey Mouse, Walt Disney's most iconic character, and his global impact on popular culture, art, and Entertainment

The Walt Disney Family Museum presents Mickey Mouse: From Walt to the World, a celebration of animation’s most beloved and recognizable character. This exclusive, original exhibition opens Spring 2019. This special exhibition chronicles Mickey’s impact and influence on art and entertainment over the past nine decades and tells the story of his origin, rise to fame, and enduring world-wide appeal, juxtaposed with Walt Disney’s inspiring and parallel story. Presented in conjunction with the museum’s tenth anniversary, the exhibition will be displayed in the Diane Disney Miller Exhibition Hall from May 16, 2019 through January 6, 2020.

Guest curated by legendary animator Andreas Deja, in collaboration with co-curator Michael Labrie, Mickey Mouse: From Walt to the World features more than 400 objects, including rare and neverbefore- seen original sketches, character model sheets, and concept artwork, together with nostalgic
merchandise, vintage photographs, and a variety of Mickey’s earliest and most recent animated short films. The exhibition is a testament to Mickey’s transcendent influence, from cartoons and comic books to real-life appearances at Disney Parks worldwide. It also highlights the incredible artists who are responsible for his success: legendary animators and artists including Ub Iwerks, Les Clark, and Fred Moore, plus contemporary talent such as Andreas Deja, Eric Goldberg, and Mark Henn. “I have been collecting and studying classic Disney animation drawings for a long time. Among them are very rare sketches of Mickey Mouse by master animators like Fred Moore, Frank Thomas, and others. Each artist applied their personal style to Mickey, not only in the way he is drawn but also in the way he moves and acts. By analyzing these beautiful drawings, I am constantly reminded of how wonderful and magical character animation can be,” says Deja.

“It has been an honor and pleasure to collaborate with Andreas Deja—the leading authority on the history and animation of Mickey—in creating this meaningful exhibition,” says museum Executive Director Kirsten Komoroske. “Depicting 90 years of this iconic character’s enduring success was a
wonderful challenge, and Andreas has brilliantly succeeded in creating a remarkably diverse and extensive special exhibition.”

Of creating this comprehensive exhibition, Deja adds, “I am proud to include these artworks, never before seen by the public, along with many other artifacts and production pieces, all depicting the one and only Mickey Mouse.”

Walt Disney once said, “Mickey was simply a little personality assigned to the purposes of laughter,” but the mouse—like Walt—transformed the medium of animation and became synonymous with quality entertainment and innovation. Even after decades of success, Walt wanted the world to remember that his entertainment empire was “all started by a mouse.”

In addition to exploring the vast array of original animation pieces, artifacts, and film clips that illustrate Mickey’s rich history, visitors have the opportunity to view artistic interpretations of the world’s most famous mouse. For the pop artists of the late-1950s and 60s, Mickey personified the culture of the time: not only was his image reproduced on merchandise, but his simple, bright design echoed advertisements of the mid-century and embodied the spirit of American entertainment. The inclusion in the exhibition of iconic works by prominent artists such as Gottfried Helnwein, Damien Hirst, Wayne Thiebaud, and Andy Warhol, alongside contemporary works by Lorelay Bové, Tennessee Loveless, Eric Robison, and San Francisco-based muralist Sirron Norris, demonstrate the resonance that Mickey Mouse has with new audiences and generations.

To enhance their experience, our younger visitors and the young-at-heart are invited to dive further into the exhibition through in-gallery interactive elements and hands-on activities. Additionally, an exciting pairing of programs held during the opening week of the exhibition will highlight the extensive process of curating such a comprehensive exhibition, and Mickey’s inimitable appeal to all walks of life:

Mickey Mouse: From Walt to the World is organized by The Walt Disney Family Museum and will be presented in the Diane Disney Miller Exhibition Hall from May 16, 2019 through January 6, 2020.
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Messages : 8303
Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: The Walt Disney Family Museum The Walt Disney Family Museum - Page 4 Horlog11Mer 28 Oct 2020 - 22:14

The Walt Disney Family Museum rouvrira ses portes aux visiteurs le jeudi 5 novembre à 10h00.

Jusqu'à la fin de l'année, le musée n'ouvrira que de manière limitée càd du jeudi au dimanche et gardera portes closes du lundi au mercredi.
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Messages : 8303
Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: The Walt Disney Family Museum The Walt Disney Family Museum - Page 4 Horlog11Mar 11 Mai 2021 - 0:40

The Walt Disney Family Museum à rouvert ses portes (du jeudi au dimanche) avec une intéressante exposition présentée jusqu'au 10 janvier 2022 : The Walt Disney Studios and World War II.

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The Walt Disney Studios and World War II

The Walt Disney Family Museum is pleased to announce the opening of a new special exhibition, The Walt Disney Studios and World War II, a retrospective of The Walt Disney Studios’ extensive contributions to the Allies’ World War II effort. Curated by World War II historian Kent Ramsey, this immersive exhibition is on view in the Diane Disney Miller Exhibition Hall.

When Walt Disney received word that the Disney studio lot in Burbank had been requisitioned as an Army anti-aircraft base after the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941, he and his staff pledged to support the war effort without hesitation—and without profit. This original exhibition illustrates how the The Walt Disney Studios devoted over 90% of its wartime output to producing training, propaganda, entertainment, and public-service films, publicity and print campaigns, and over 1,200 insignia, while also deploying a group of talented artists, including Walt Disney himself, to Latin America on a Goodwill Tour.

“The museum is humbled and honored to mount the first major exhibition to explore in depth The Walt Disney Studios’ involvement in the second world war effort,” says Kirsten Komoroske, Executive Director of The Walt Disney Family Museum. “This rarely-shared period in the Studios’ history offers insight into the creativity, innovation, and positivity that Walt and his team brought to the military leaders, troops, and civilians at home and abroad.”

During this unique period in animation history, The Walt Disney Studios functioned as a morale-builder for both the civilian public and deployed Allied troops. Walt knew that cartoons would be an ideal medium for communicating with the American people—in an uncomplicated and amusing manner—about war-related issues and anxieties. In addition to the short films and military insignia produced, Disney characters appeared in a variety of home-front initiatives, from advertisements, magazines, and stamp books, to government posters promoting tax payment, food recycling, rationing, war bond sales, and farm production. The exhibition includes 550 examples of these rare historical objects and film clips.

Commemorating the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II, The Walt Disney Studios and World War II will be on display in the Diane Disney Miller Exhibition Hall through January 10, 2022. A new insignia designed exclusively for this exhibition by Mike Gabriel features Donald Duck dressed as a pilot holding onto the wings of a Consolidated PBY Catalina flying boat while soaring over the Golden Gate Bridge. This boat was commonly seen in the San Francisco Bay during World War II.

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Pour cette fois, le catalogue de l'exposition est exclusivement vendu à la boutique du musée sur place ou en ligne, sans être présent sur des sites comme Amazon ou The Book Depository.
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Messages : 8303
Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: The Walt Disney Family Museum The Walt Disney Family Museum - Page 4 Horlog11Mer 2 Mar 2022 - 0:58

The Walt Disney Family Museum annonce une nouvelle exposition pour l'été prochain : Walt Disney's The Jungle Book: Making a Masterpiece.

Le musée communiquera les détails (dont les dates) au début du mois prochain.

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Citation :
The Walt Disney Family Museum is delighted to announce its next major special exhibition, Walt Disney’s The Jungle Book: Making a Masterpiece, in celebration of the beloved Disney animated classic’s 55th anniversary. Guest-curated by acclaimed animator and Disney Legend Andreas Deja, Walt Disney’s The Jungle Book: Making a Masterpiece will debut Summer 2022 in the Diane Disney Miller Exhibition Hall.

This original exhibition will explore the creative complexities behind the making of The Jungle Book (1967), including each character’s unique personality and voice actor counterparts, the rich artwork and use of cutting-edge animation techniques, the memorable soundtrack of original songs by the Sherman Brothers and Terry Gilkyson, the impact of Walt’s passing during production, and the film’s enduring popularity and influence decades after its release.

Running concurrently with this exhibition, the museum will also present its first Cause Awareness exhibition, Creative Conservation: The Art of Endangered Animals, in the Lower Lobby and Theater Gallery. In partnership with five wildlife sanctuaries located around the world, the exhibition will be free to view for all museum ticketholders, and will feature abstract and pawprint creations by rescued and rehabilitated animals, complemented by wildlife-inspired artwork by Deja. All works will be available to purchase through the museum’s website, with proceeds supporting the wildlife sanctuaries.

Hercule, fauna, Naudirasley et Flounder69 aiment ce message

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Messages : 8303
Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: The Walt Disney Family Museum The Walt Disney Family Museum - Page 4 Horlog11Jeu 9 Juin 2022 - 1:25

Les dates de l'exposition Walt Disney’s The Jungle Book: Making a Masterpiece sont maintenant connues.

L'exposition ouvrira au public le jeudi 23 juin 2022 et sera accessible jusqu'au dimanche 8 janvier 2023.  

Citation :
The Walt Disney Family Museum is delighted to announce the opening of its next major special exhibition, Walt Disney’s The Jungle Book: Making a Masterpiece, in celebration of the beloved Disney animated classic’s 55th anniversary. Guest-curated by acclaimed animator and Disney Legend Andreas Deja, Walt Disney’s The Jungle Book: Making a Masterpiece will debut on Thursday, June 23, 2022 in the Diane Disney Miller Exhibition Hall.

The exhibition will explore the creative complexities behind the making of The Jungle Book (1967), including the unique personalities of each character and their voice actor counterparts, the rich artwork and use of cutting-edge animation techniques, the memorable soundtrack of original songs by the Sherman Brothers and Terry Gilkyson, the impact of Walt’s passing during production, and the film’s enduring popularity and influence decades after its initial release.

In the early 1960s, after finishing his work on The Sword in the Stone (1963), story artist Bill Peet brought Rudyard Kipling’s 1894 children’s novel The Jungle Book to Walt Disney’s attention, proposing it as the their 19th animated feature film. By 1962, Peet and the Studios’ Animation Department had already written an early treatment for The Jungle Book, established initial character designs, and devised a rough idea for the iconic song “The Bare Necessities.” However, multiple complications arose throughout the making of the film that threatened to shut down production altogether—most notably, how to faithfully adapt Kipling’s collection of stories. Dissatisfied with the dark and dramatic tone that had initially been developed, Walt insisted on distancing the animated production from the original source material and creating a lighter musical-comedy aimed at the family demographic. Despite these early disagreements and challenges, as well as Walt’s passing in 1966, the film was completed and released in 1967—the last animated feature that Walt personally oversaw—to enormous worldwide success.

The Jungle Book ultimately reinvigorated the confidence and determination of The Walt Disney Studios, inspiring its leaders, staff, and artists to continue to entertain audiences through the production of animated films without Walt, while continuing to pay tribute to his life and legacy.

Over 300 rare artworks and ephemera will be on view throughout this immersive special exhibition, including original animation drawings and cels on loan from animation enthusiast and collector Mike Glad, retired Disney Creative Director and animator David Pacheco, and Deja’s own collection. An array of maquettes, model sheets, pencil tests, story sketches, concept art, behind-the-scenes photos and documents, American and international movie posters, and merchandise will also be on display, as well as archival film clips and interviews.

To enhance their experience, younger visitors and the young-at-heart will also be invited to immerse themselves further in the exhibition through in-gallery interactive elements and engaging wildlife and film-themed activities.

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Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: The Walt Disney Family Museum The Walt Disney Family Museum - Page 4 Horlog11Mar 12 Juil 2022 - 4:55

Le livre qui fait office de catalogue à l'exposition Walt Disney’s The Jungle Book: Making a Masterpiece actuellement présentée au Walt Disney Family Museum sortira en novembre prochain chez Weldon Owen, l'éditeur partenaire du musée.

Walt Disney's The Jungle Book: Making a Masterpiece de Andreas Deja (Weldon Owen, 2022).

Description de l'éditeur : The ultimate collection of artworks, history, memorabilia, and behind-the-scenes anecdotes every fan of The Jungle Book, one of the Disney Studios’ most popular movies, will cherish.

Written by Disney Legend Andreas Deja and lavishly illustrated, Walt Disney’s The Jungle Book gathers original animation celluloids, animation drawings, and concept art—many of which have never been shown to the public—from the popular exhibition at The Walt Disney Family Museum in San Francisco.

Considered one of the finest and most influential Disney movie, The Jungle Book (1967) is the last animated film that Walt Disney personally produced with his signature vision and footprint. This curated collection explores the nuanced complexities and challenges that were overcome throughout the film’s development and production, such as the unique characters and their voice-actor counterparts, the application of cutting-edge animation techniques of the time, and the timeless, original songs by the Sherman Brothers and Terry Gilkyson. Dive into the impact of Walt’s passing on the Disney Studios and the everlasting legacy of the film throughout the world.

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Messages : 8303
Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: The Walt Disney Family Museum The Walt Disney Family Museum - Page 4 Horlog11Jeu 18 Mai 2023 - 1:26

Nouvelle exposition majeure au Walt Disney Family Museum à partir du 24 juin prochain : Disney Cats & Dogs.

L'exposition itinérante fait ainsi ses débuts aux Etats-Unis après avoir été présentée à travers le Japon depuis décembre 2021.

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Citation :
Disney Cats & Dogs

The Walt Disney Family Museum is honored to host Disney Cats & Dogs, a traveling exhibition originally presented in 2021 by the Walt Disney Animation Research Library, Walt Disney Archives, and Disney Japan at Matsuya Ginza—the historic department store in Tokyo—before traveling to additional destinations in Japan. In conjunction with this year’s celebration of The Walt Disney Company’s 100th anniversary, this unique and exciting exhibition will be on view for the first time in the United States from Saturday, June 24, 2023 through Sunday, January 14, 2024.

Disney Cats & Dogs explores the evolution and innovation of Walt Disney Animation Studios’ animal-inspired animation and storytelling through the decades, and the massive undertaking involved in bringing their iconic cats and dogs to life on screen. From loveable main characters like Mickey Mouse’s best pal Pluto, Lady and Tramp from Lady and the Tramp (1955), Pongo and Perdita from One Hundred and One Dalmatians, Duchess from The Aristocats (1970), and Oliver from Oliver & Company (1988), to supporting sidekicks such as Lucifer from Cinderella (1950) and Percy from Pocahontas (1995), Walt Disney’s love for animals and proclivity for starring cats and dogs in his films has led to their endearing portrayals and prominence in Disney’s animated and live-action films to this day. 

This extensive collection of over 300 archival reproduction concept sketches, paintings, model sheets, animation drawings, posters, photographs, digital artworks, and final film sequences highlight the true-to-life design and movements of Disney’s speaking and non-verbal cats and dogs, perfectly paired with their charismatic personalities and quirks that make them such memorable characters.

Walt was once quoted as reflecting, “Animals have personalities like people, and must be studied.” By 1930, he had supported an animation training program for his artists to better understand both human and animal anatomy, with live animals often brought into the Studios for the artists to observe and sketch up close. As evidenced in Bambi (1942), Walt’s artists were able to successfully bring their cast of animal characters to the big screen with realistic movements and mannerisms, while also elevating their individuality and attitudes, ultimately solidifying them as some of Disney’s most beloved animated characters for generations to come.

This exhibition also gives visitors an insight into Walt’s love of animals with archival photographs, quotes, and personal stories on display. Walt’s family cared for many cats and dogs throughout his life, and he often found inspiration for sequences in his films from these animal friends. Even in the early days of the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio—known today as The Walt Disney Company—Walt would create roles for his Uncle Robert Disney’s German Shepherd, Peggy. Her live-action debut in the Alice Comedies in 1924 marked the first appearance of a real-life Disney dog, and she quickly became a fan favorite.

“Serving both as best friends and heroes of the story, cats and dogs have played a key role in the success of certain Disney films,” says Executive Director of The Walt Disney Family Museum, Kirsten Komoroske. “I am excited to expand the museum’s collaborative relationship with the Walt Disney Animation Research Library and Walt Disney Archives—as well as our new partnership with Disney Japan—by bringing this whimsical and vibrant exhibition to San Francisco.”

The wide array of drawings, paintings, photographs, and posters on view in Disney Cats & Dogs have been provided by the Walt Disney Animation Research Library (ARL) and Walt Disney Archives. The Animation Research Library works to conserve the heritage of the Walt Disney Animation Studios, and the Walt Disney Archives conserves the heritage of The Walt Disney Company. Both serve as resources to the Company for creative inspiration, research, brand enhancement, and product development. Most importantly, the ARL carefully stores, digitizes, and archives works of art related to Disney animation so that they can be studied and appreciated by future generations.  

Many of the delicate works that were sourced for this exhibition—such as original watercolor paintings and pastel illustrations from as early as the 1930s—are at risk of being damaged if removed from storage. While the appreciation of original art is undeniably valuable, there are significant benefits to engaging with reproductions in certain contexts, such as interactive elements within gallery spaces. By utilizing professional-grade reproductions in Disney Cats & Dogs, we can provide visitors with a broader and more inclusive range of educational and creative activities without the risk of damaging irreplaceable masterpieces. This approach also allows museum guests the opportunity to see unique details of these historic artworks up close.

Family-friendly interactives and public programs offered throughout the run of the exhibition will include a pet portrait drawing station, rotating activities with the museum’s Studio Team, community events with local shelters and organizations, and monthly screenings of films showcased in Disney Cats & Dogs.

The Museum Store will have imported exhibition merchandise from Disney Japan, created especially for this exhibition.

Disney Cats & Dogs will open to the public in The Walt Disney Family Museum’s Diane Disney Miller Exhibition Hall from Saturday, June 24, 2023 through Sunday, January 14, 2024.

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Le catalogue japonais de l'exposition Disney Cats & Dogs (2021) :

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Messages : 8303
Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: The Walt Disney Family Museum The Walt Disney Family Museum - Page 4 Horlog11Dim 6 Aoû 2023 - 16:52

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C'est une expérience unique qui aura lieu le samedi 19 août entre 18h30 et 20h30 au Walt Disney Family Museum :

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Vous cherchez une soirée unique pour deux ? Le Walt Disney Family Museum est ravi d'annoncer une expérience pop-up spéciale après les heures d'ouverture qui vous offrira, à vous et à un invité, une bella notte.

Trois paires d'invités auront un accès privé à la dernière exposition spéciale Disney Cats & Dogs, puis profiteront d'une projection privée de La Belle et le Clochard (1955) de Walt Disney Animation lors d'un dîner italien inspiré du Tony's Restaurant !

Des aménagements diététiques végétariens, végétaliens et sans gluten sont disponibles sur demande. Cette expérience est réservée aux adultes.

D'une durée de deux heures, l'offre spéciale est limitée à maximum trois couples au tarif de 400 $ par couple.
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Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: The Walt Disney Family Museum The Walt Disney Family Museum - Page 4 Horlog11Sam 7 Oct 2023 - 0:08

Vu son succès, l'exposition Disney Cats & Dogs est prolongée jusqu'au 2 juin 2024 : 

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Due to its popularity, The Walt Disney Family Museum is pleased to announce that the run of Disney Cats & Dogs will be extended through June 2, 2024
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Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: The Walt Disney Family Museum The Walt Disney Family Museum - Page 4 Horlog11Ven 20 Oct 2023 - 23:11

Walter E.D. Miller, petit-fils de Walt Disney, fils de Ron Miller et Diane Disney-Miller et cofondateur du Walt Disney Family Museum, a récemment été élu nouveau président du conseil d'administration du musée.

The Walt Disney Family Museum - Page 4 Miller
Walter E.D. Miller et Diane Disney-Miller
Crédit photographique : The Walt Disney Family Museum

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We are delighted to announce that Walter E.D. Miller—Walt’s grandson, Ron Miller and Diane Disney Miller’s son, and the museum’s co-founder—was recently voted in as the new President of the Board of Directors. “I am honored to continue contributing to this inspirational space that my mother and I first envisioned so many years ago,” says Walter Miller. “I personally feel that I owe my grandpa Walt so much, not only as a grandson who admires him, but mostly for what he gave to the world in his short life. I’m excited to embark on this new chapter in keeping his story alive.” The position was previously held for four years by his sister, Tamara Miller, who will continue to serve as a member of the museum’s Board.  

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MessageSujet: Re: The Walt Disney Family Museum The Walt Disney Family Museum - Page 4 Horlog11Sam 21 Oct 2023 - 16:00

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The Walt Disney Family Museum a écrit:
To celebrate the 100th anniversary of The Walt Disney Company, we will be showcasing rare objects from the museum’s collection. First up, the original letter Walt penned to Mrs. T.J. Davis, dated October 16, 1923—the same day the company was founded.

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MessageSujet: Re: The Walt Disney Family Museum The Walt Disney Family Museum - Page 4 Horlog11Ven 22 Mar 2024 - 21:28

Leslie Iwerks rejoint le comité consultatif du Walt Disney Family Museum.

Le comité consultatif se compose d'une bonne quinzaine de membres d'horizons divers : John Lasseter, Leonard MaltinBob Weis, Andreas Deja, Pete Docter, Don Hahn, Glen KeaneLeslie Iwerks mais aussi Dave Goelz, James Higa, Chris Kelly, Janet Reilly, Cynthia Rowland, Tom Sebastian, Shannon Wass et Michelle Williams

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Leslie Iwerks Joins The Walt Disney Family Museum's Advisory Committee

We are excited to announce that acclaimed filmmaker Leslie Iwerks has joined The Walt Disney Museum's Advisory Committee.

"I am thrilled to be collaborating with The Walt Disney Family Museum as an advisory board member, as I have been a friend and fan of the remarkable Disney-Miller family and museum team since its inception. Walt Disney and my grandfather, Ub Iwerks, were close collaborators throughout their lives—always innovating, inspiring, and building—and it is my honor to continue building on the great legacy with my esteemed colleagues in any and all ways."

Leslie joins other recently added members of the Advisory Committee James Higa and Michelle Williams. 

The Walt Disney Museum - 22 mars 2024.
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Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: The Walt Disney Family Museum The Walt Disney Family Museum - Page 4 Horlog11Ven 14 Juin 2024 - 1:10

La nouvelle exposition The Art of Disneyland Attraction Posters est à découvrir dès maintenant et ce jusqu'au dimanche 18 août prochain !

The Walt Disney Family Museum - Page 4 Capture-d-cran-14-6-2024-1056-www-waltdisney-org
Crédit photographique : The Walt Disney Family Museum.

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The Art of Disneyland Attraction Posters

A curated selection of nostalgic Disneyland attraction posters from The Walt Disney Family Museum’s collection is on display and free to view in the museum’s Lower Lobby Gallery.  

From the early years of Disneyland to today, some of the first impressions of the experiences that await visitors inside the park can been seen upon entering the front gates—a selection of vibrant posters promoting Disneyland’s slate of attractions. Serving as both decoration and a savvy way to highlight attractions, these artistic posters are a notable part of Disneyland’s unique storytelling strategy.

Modeled after popular mid-century travel advertisements, attraction posters were historically placed at various intersections within Disneyland, directing guests from one land to another, building anticipation and encouraging exploration. Walt Disney’s vision for his park was to create a whimsical place to be enjoyed by the whole family—an immersive space that seamlessly transitioned between lands and time periods, filled with magic and opportunity. “Like a lot of things at Disneyland, attraction posters are storytelling without saying words,” notes former Disney Imagineer Tim Delaney.

The collection of original posters selected for The Art of Disneyland Attraction Posters depict many of the experiences that were operational and awaited the arrival of guests on Disneyland’s Opening Day, on July 17, 1955, including Jungle Cruise, Golden Horseshoe Revue, Mad Tea Party, King Arthur Carrousel, Space Station X-1, and Peter Pan's Flight.  

Many of the memorable posters included in this display were originally donated to the museum from the personal collection of Diane Disney Miller, Walt’s eldest daughter and co-founder of The Walt Disney Family Museum, and her husband, former museum Board President Ron Miller. “My mom loved her posters,” says Walter Miller, museum co-founder, current Board President, and son of Ron and Diane. “She had been buying vintage European beverage and culinary posters from Omnibus Gallery in Aspen, Colorado to display at the family winery, Silverado Vineyards in Napa Valley, California for years. Walking the halls of the winery was like walking through a vintage poster museum. She also bought many of our vintage Disney film posters from Omnibus.”

Some of the earliest artworks on view—along with others produced for Disneyland between 1955 and 1956—were designed by artist Bjørn Aronsen, who was hired by The Walt Disney Company following his previous career as a travel poster illustrator. Aronsen’s posters were created using a traditional silk screen printing process, which limited the number of colors in production and created a strong graphic effect in their composition. By the 1970s and 1980s, printing technology allowed for more detailed designs, but the aesthetics of Aronsen’s original work left an impression on later poster artists who recreated their look for new attraction posters. Other posters in this showcase were created by Disney Legends Sam McKim and Claude Coats, along with Paul Hartley, who contributed to the creation of all four Disney exhibitions in the 1964–1965 New York World’s Fair.

The Art of Disneyland Attractions Posters will be showcased in the museum’s Lower Lobby Gallery through Sunday, August 18, 2024.

The exhibition is free to the public.

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Crédit photographique : The Walt Disney Family Museum.

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Crédit photographique : The Walt Disney Family Museum.

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