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 Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016]

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Loïc Potter

Loïc Potter

Âge : 36
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Inscription : 04/07/2007

Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016] - Page 8 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016] Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016] - Page 8 Horlog11Sam 18 Juin 2016 - 1:00

Tiens les défauts du Made In China lol

C'est un petit incident isolé, mais je pense que les équipes de Disney vont revérifier toutes les installations de ce type.

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Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016] - Page 8 Feavri10

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Âge : 28
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MessageSujet: Re: Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016] Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016] - Page 8 Horlog11Dim 19 Juin 2016 - 22:01

Photos du land prises le 13 Juin 2016 :

Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016] - Page 8 Captur30

Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016] - Page 8 Captur29

Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016] - Page 8 Captur34

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Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016] - Page 8 Captur31

Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016] - Page 8 Captur35

Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016] - Page 8 Captur33

Photos de l'attraction Pirates of the Caribbean - Battle for the Sunken Treasure prises le 13 Juin 2016 :

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Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016] - Page 8 Bi_nim10
"Tire la chevillette, et la bobinette cherra."
                                       Le Loup

isanka aime ce message

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Âge : 28
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MessageSujet: Re: Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016] Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016] - Page 8 Horlog11Dim 19 Juin 2016 - 22:21

Pour le ventilateur, j'espère qu'il n'y a eu aucun blessé.

Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016] - Page 8 Bi_nim10
"Tire la chevillette, et la bobinette cherra."
                                       Le Loup
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Âge : 28
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MessageSujet: Re: Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016] Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016] - Page 8 Horlog11Mar 5 Juil 2016 - 15:57

Une nouvelle vidéo mise en ligne sur Youtube le 3 Juillet 2016 montrant le tour que fait le canoe sur le lac de Treasure Cove :

Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016] - Page 8 Bi_nim10
"Tire la chevillette, et la bobinette cherra."
                                       Le Loup
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Inscription : 05/07/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016] Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016] - Page 8 Horlog11Mar 5 Juil 2016 - 16:47

Merci. Au moins je sais quelle attraction je pourrai zapper lors de ma visite tant ça a l'air sans intérêt...
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Âge : 28
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Inscription : 10/06/2014

Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016] - Page 8 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016] Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016] - Page 8 Horlog11Dim 10 Juil 2016 - 15:58

Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016] - Page 8 Treasu10

Le Village des Pirates, à Treasure Cove :

Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016] - Page 8 Captur45

Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016] - Page 8 Bi_nim10
"Tire la chevillette, et la bobinette cherra."
                                       Le Loup

isanka aime ce message

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Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016] Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016] - Page 8 Horlog11Jeu 9 Fév 2017 - 14:30

L'attraction "Pirates of the Caribbean : Battle for the Sunken Treasure" a obtenu une nouvelle récompense internationale pour ses effets visuels exceptionnels !

Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016] - Page 8 762889w245
Photo : Shanghai Disney Resort.

Citation :
Pirates of the Caribbean : Battle for the Sunken Treasure at Shanghai Disneyland Receives International Industry Award for Outstanding Visual Effects

Shanghai Disneyland’s anchor attraction Pirates of the Caribbean : Battle for the Sunken Treasure won the award for “Outstanding Visual Effects in a Special Venue Project” honored by Visual Effects Society (VES), marking the second major international industry award following the announcement last fall by the Themed Entertainment Association that the attraction won the Thea Award for Outstanding Achievement – Attraction.

The award was announced during the 15th Annual VES Awards ceremony hosted on February 7th (PST) in California, where the most outstanding visual effects work in motion pictures, television and other media of the year around the world were recognized, and artists who created them were honored.

Pirates of the Caribbean : Battle for the Sunken Treasure is an all-new ride experience developed specifically for Shanghai Disneyland. The interior of the attraction’s massive 175,000 square foot building was filled to the rafters with fully-immersive media screens that bridge the space between massive practical set pieces. The spectacle experienced on the ride is on a grand scale and involves technology that has never been used before in a theme park attraction. Media production for the giant screens was a collaboration between Walt Disney Imagineering Shanghai and Industrial Light and Magic.

About Pirates of the Caribbean : Battle for the Sunken Treasure

Pirates of the Caribbean: Battle for the Sunken Treasure is a spectacular indoor boat ride that takes guests on a new rollicking adventure with Captain Jack Sparrow to steal the priceless treasure of Davy Jones. Seamlessly blending Disney storytelling and state-of-the-art technologies, the attraction features three large media domes, projected effects, lifelike animated figures, theatrical sets and sophisticated lighting to dramatically take guests on, over and even under the sea on a nautical adventure. With a new, highly controlled ride system used for the first time in Shanghai, the boats spin, travel sideways, and even move backwards to create a highly dynamic experience. Gusts will encounter fearless pirates, mermaids and even a kraken. Disney's patented Audio-Animatronics technology and recent advancements in robotics bring these pirates to a new level of realistic performance.

Shanghai Disney Resort - 9 février 2017.

Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016] - Page 8 565376w246
Photo : Shanghai Disney Resort.
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Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016] Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016] - Page 8 Horlog11Jeu 29 Oct 2020 - 3:57

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Treasure Cove [Shanghai Disneyland - 2016]
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