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 [Hong Kong Disneyland Resort] Le futur du Resort

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Fondateur & Mister DCP 2008

Âge : 44
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Inscription : 03/07/2007

[Hong Kong Disneyland Resort] Le futur du Resort Empty
MessageSujet: [Hong Kong Disneyland Resort] Le futur du Resort [Hong Kong Disneyland Resort] Le futur du Resort Horlog11Sam 12 Jan 2008 - 12:58

Parlons ici des développements futurs du Resort chinois, qu'ils soient officiels ou rumeurs.

Commençons par le dernier post de Blue Sky Disney à ce sujet...

That third hotel that was being planned is... well, it's still being planned, but it won't be built more likely till the beginning of the next decade, and then only if those clicks through the turnstiles pick up. The plans have drifted back and forth, but eventually the baseball field that resides in the area behind Adventureland in between the Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel and Disney's Hollywood Hotel will wind up getting a third sister hotel. But at this time the company is busy trying to fill the beds in the original two hotels. One proposal that has yet to be greenlit, but is very popular is the possibility of adding DVC units to the resort. There are some logistics that have to be overcome, but these units are something the Mouse would greatly like to have available once the park's expansion is completed.

Remember I said Disney was adding attractions to keep people in the resort? Well, another thing that is needed is the addition of a "Downtown Disney" type area. If the plans go forward, we can expect the areas around the Esplanade to start becoming more entertaining near the end of this decade. Construction of a DD type area should begin by the end of summer 2009 and the completion of which will likely happen around late 2010/early 2011. The plans should include shops, shows and other entertainment venues similar to what we've come to expect from Anaheim and Orlando Downtown Disney shopping districts as well as Tokyo Disney Resort's Downtown Disney-like Ikspiari.

Once this place is up and running, guest should have plenty of areas to shop and eat and be entertained without having to enter the park. Of course, when they are through walking around the Resort and shopping they will have to enter the park, right?

The negotiations with the Hong Kong government should be concluded by summer. The main sticking point has always been how much the Walt Disney Company would contribute. Both parties know they have to expand the Park, it's simply a matter of coming to terms with what the Mouse will agree to fork over. We've already seen some of that in Disney agreeing to forgo royalties for a couple years. This and several other items are still being worked through but by the time Small World opens there should be a clearer picture...

Most of the public may not see it, but those behind the scenes will know what's going on. Keep an eye out in early 2009. That'll most likely be when the Mouse and Hong Kong officials give an announcement like the one given for DCA last October. It will be touted as a grand expansion, and it'll be just that.

The plan originally was to have each ride come a year after the other, but as of right now the idea is to start preliminary work on all of them. This will be to generate excitement for the expansion. They may still open at separate times over three to four years, but construction will begin on the entire area if the plans continue as scheduled.

They? What are they?

Pirates of course... but right now it's up in the air as to wether it or Haunted Mansion will come first. Both of these rides are scheduled to start construction by sometime late 2009. The Pirates of the Caribbean attraction that opens in Hong Kong will bare less of a resemblance to the Anaheim ride than the blockbuster film. Several key elements will come from the feature with classic Marc Davis elements sprinkled throughout the ride. More of a focus will be on Jack Sparrow and the exploits of the trilogy. The town being plundered by the pirates will likely involve real fire in the attraction unlike the other rides around the world that rely on colored lights, wind blowers and lit sheets. The large drop that comes on the ride will feel more reminiscent of Splash Mountain that Pirates, but it's shaping up to be a really detailed experience. In fact, the entire area will almost be like a new Pirate land unto itself. The way that "Lost River Delta" in TDS is basically an Indiana Jones land, this area will essentially be a Jack Sparrow/Pirates land. It'll almost be like walking into the movie, really. The Haunted Mansion will be closer in style to the Disneyland original its Florida cousin. There will be elements of Pirate influence in the design and several layers of the Adventureland theme will take hold around the design and the storyline... should what I've seen make it into the final design. The land in that large area next to Adventureland should start to be moved by late next year. As well as these obvious two attractions, another ride that will likely be an E-Ticket or at least a plussed D-Ticket will also be headed for construction. It will be a roller coaster clone, modified of course, from the Raging Spirit ride in Tokyo. All the area is supposed to be themed to lavishly fit the Asian/African style areas of Adventureland and the rides and attractions will be themed in this style as well. There are at least one, maybe two more D-Tickets being planned. The area around the Pirates ride will have several C-Tickets to compliment it with more atmosphere. What kind of area will this be? If you want to see the kind of area this will be, the closest thing that will compare to it is the "Fortress Explorations" attraction over at Tokyo DisneySEA. It won't be exact, but check out what this place looks like and you'll be able to grasp the idea Imagineers have for this area. There was even a little talk about splitting the area off, partitioning it, so to speak and calling one part of it "Frontierland" or "Westernland" and having the other part be considered the extension of Adventureland, but as of now that has been shelved. There are still plans to possibly add that land someday, but as of now it is not in the current five year plan.

There was talk of adding a Mickey's Toon Town area, but my Bothans think that this will have to come later, like DCA, there is only so much money to go around during this phase. This doesn't mean the park will have nothing else planned for the remaining few years, but Adventureland will take up the majority of new offerings until early in the next decade. There is at least one more new parade that is planned for introduction near the end of the decade.

So what do we have to look forward to?

Well, by the end of this decade the Hong Kong park will not be so small. The elements that Eisner left out will be in place, slightly different and possibly in different locations, but they'll be there. Many of us have questioned the reason they weren't included in the first place. The addition of another 300 million dollars worth of attractions could have cost a lost less than the publicity headache the Mouse has got over this park. While Eisner didn't skimp on detail and theming like he did on DCA, he did pull back in scope and constructed a park that needed at least two more E-Tickets when it opened. Come the end of the decade it will have those rides... and a few others. Hong Kong Disneyland will be a very nice park in a few years. It'll also have a few variations from the state parks and the Tokyo one so that it will give Disney Geeks a reason to visit the latest magic kingdom for the uniqueness it has as a Disney park. Have patience friends...

[Hong Kong Disneyland Resort] Le futur du Resort Signat10
WDW : 2001, 2003 x 5, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2018
DLR : 2003 x 2, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2019
TDR : 2007, 2014 x 2, 2018 | HKDL : 2014, 2017 | SDL : 2017
DCL : 2005, 2009 | Aulani : 2015
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Inscription : 05/07/2007

[Hong Kong Disneyland Resort] Le futur du Resort Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Hong Kong Disneyland Resort] Le futur du Resort [Hong Kong Disneyland Resort] Le futur du Resort Horlog11Sam 12 Jan 2008 - 14:27

Je ne sais pas ce qui est vrai dans tout ça, mais le gros problème, c'est qu'avec le temps que prendront les négiciations, puis les travaux, faut pas espérer quelque chose d'important avant 2011 ou 2012. Et pendant ce temps, le parc continuera de s'enfoncer un peu plus (car, il ne faut pas rêver, ce n'est pas le Small World et les 4 animations - n'appelons pas ça des attractions - qui ouvriront en 2008 qui suffiront à relancer la fréquentation de manière significative)...
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Fondateur & Mister DCP 2008

Âge : 44
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Inscription : 03/07/2007

[Hong Kong Disneyland Resort] Le futur du Resort Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Hong Kong Disneyland Resort] Le futur du Resort [Hong Kong Disneyland Resort] Le futur du Resort Horlog11Dim 13 Jan 2008 - 13:41

Normalement, le plan prévoit pour un E-Ticket tous les deux ans: 2008, 2010 et 2012. Accompagnés bien sûr d'une tripotée de B et C-Tickets, et animations mineures. Ce qui est sûr, c'est qu'en 2012 le parc aura connu une extension majeure.

Mais je reste toujours dubitatif sur Raging Spirits qu'on clone à tout va, alors que c'est vraiment la honte des coasters Disney, même à Tokyo Disney Sea.

[Hong Kong Disneyland Resort] Le futur du Resort Signat10
WDW : 2001, 2003 x 5, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2018
DLR : 2003 x 2, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2019
TDR : 2007, 2014 x 2, 2018 | HKDL : 2014, 2017 | SDL : 2017
DCL : 2005, 2009 | Aulani : 2015
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Âge : 41
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Localisation : Esbly 77
Inscription : 04/07/2007

[Hong Kong Disneyland Resort] Le futur du Resort Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Hong Kong Disneyland Resort] Le futur du Resort [Hong Kong Disneyland Resort] Le futur du Resort Horlog11Dim 13 Jan 2008 - 14:02

Citation :
The Pirates of the Caribbean attraction that opens in Hong Kong will bare less of a resemblance to the Anaheim ride than the blockbuster film. Several key elements will come from the feature with classic Marc Davis elements sprinkled throughout the ride. More of a focus will be on Jack Sparrow and the exploits of the trilogy. The town being plundered by the pirates will likely involve real fire in the attraction unlike the other rides around the world that rely on colored lights, wind blowers and lit sheets. The large drop that comes on the ride will feel more reminiscent of Splash Mountain that Pirates, but it's shaping up to be a really detailed experience. In fact, the entire area will almost be like a new Pirate land unto itself. The way that "Lost River Delta" in TDS is basically an Indiana Jones land, this area will essentially be a Jack Sparrow/Pirates land. It'll almost be like walking into the movie, really.

Ca sera la première fois que l'attraction Pirates des Carïbes sera conçue dès le départ en se basant sur le film et Jack Sparrow! Je pense que le succès sera au rendez vous, le public chinois a besoin d'identifier les différents thèmes étant donné qu'ils sont moins sensibles, enfin ils ne sont pas baignés dès le berceau dans l'univers Disney (d'après ce que j'ai vu dans les reportages) comme nous les occidentaux ou les japonais.
Le film est plus récent et s'adresse aussi bien aux adultes qu'aux plus jeunes, l'attraction et le land associés satisferont le plus grand nombre, enfin je l'espère. Ajoutez à cela les dernières technologies comme du feu réel dans la scène du village ça sera grandiose.

Ils ont bien compris qu'il fallait investir au maximum et étendre l'offre, on ne demande qu'à voir...

En passant, je crois que DLRP aussi n'échappera pas à Jack Sparrow, sacrifice ou bonne idée ici n'est pas le sujet!

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Inscription : 05/07/2007

[Hong Kong Disneyland Resort] Le futur du Resort Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Hong Kong Disneyland Resort] Le futur du Resort [Hong Kong Disneyland Resort] Le futur du Resort Horlog11Dim 13 Jan 2008 - 23:36

Citation :
Normalement, le plan prévoit pour un E-Ticket tous les deux ans: 2008, 2010 et 2012.
Pour 2010, je n'y crois pas: il faudrait commencer les travaux maintenant ou dans quelques mois au plus tard. Bref, je suis dubitatif...
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Âge : 41
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Inscription : 16/01/2008

[Hong Kong Disneyland Resort] Le futur du Resort Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Hong Kong Disneyland Resort] Le futur du Resort [Hong Kong Disneyland Resort] Le futur du Resort Horlog11Mer 16 Jan 2008 - 7:43

qu'ils prennent le temps de la construire tranquillement que j'ai le temps d'economiser pour y aller^^
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Mr Toad

Mr Toad

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Inscription : 05/07/2007

[Hong Kong Disneyland Resort] Le futur du Resort Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Hong Kong Disneyland Resort] Le futur du Resort [Hong Kong Disneyland Resort] Le futur du Resort Horlog11Mer 16 Jan 2008 - 9:52

Contrairement à la France et les USA, les constructions en Chine sont très rapides, le code du travail étant très différent et la main d'oeuvre pas cher. Si ils travaillent jours et nuits, avec un maximum d'ouvriers, alors oui il est fort probable qu'une attraction tel que Ragging Spirits ouvre ses portes en 2010.
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Âge : 36
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Localisation : Rue Auguste Gusteau, Paris , France
Inscription : 04/07/2007

[Hong Kong Disneyland Resort] Le futur du Resort Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Hong Kong Disneyland Resort] Le futur du Resort [Hong Kong Disneyland Resort] Le futur du Resort Horlog11Mer 16 Jan 2008 - 10:01

Surtout Ragging Spirits/Indy qui n'est pas une attraction très longue à construire je crois.
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Âge : 41
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Localisation : Sannomiya/Paris
Inscription : 08/01/2008

[Hong Kong Disneyland Resort] Le futur du Resort Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Hong Kong Disneyland Resort] Le futur du Resort [Hong Kong Disneyland Resort] Le futur du Resort Horlog11Jeu 17 Jan 2008 - 2:38

Ils construisent à une vitesse les chinois,c est impressionnant....
Ils bossent non-stop Smile donc le parc risque d evoluer assez vite Smile.Les chinois sont moins dans le délire Disney aussi.....
Pour quelque chose de solide,je pense qu il faut plutot du 2015 Smile,faut pas faire les choses à l'arrache Smile!

Ie Bann,chikusho nandemonai.Chotto matte kuso........
Nakunai Doremon/NMU/Nitro Microphone Underground from Nihon/Shibuya
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[Hong Kong Disneyland Resort] Le futur du Resort
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