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 [Hong Kong Disneyland] Muppet Mobile Lab, High School Musical: LIVE!, Turtle Talk with Crush, Art of Animation (2008)

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Âge : 34
Messages : 2843
Localisation : Grenoble
Inscription : 04/07/2007

[Hong Kong Disneyland] Muppet Mobile Lab, High School Musical: LIVE!, Turtle Talk with Crush, Art of Animation (2008) Empty
MessageSujet: [Hong Kong Disneyland] Muppet Mobile Lab, High School Musical: LIVE!, Turtle Talk with Crush, Art of Animation (2008) [Hong Kong Disneyland] Muppet Mobile Lab, High School Musical: LIVE!, Turtle Talk with Crush, Art of Animation (2008) Horlog11Jeu 20 Déc - 19:10

Voici le communiqué de presse :

Citation :

HONG KONG (December 19, 2007) Today Bill Ernest, Executive Vice President and Managing Director of Hong Kong Disneyland, announced four new entertainment initiatives for 2008 – Muppet Mobile Lab, High School Musical Celebration, Nemo Submarine “Turtle Talk” and The Art of Animation.

“As part of our continuing strategy to enhance our Guests’ experience, we are excited to add new attractions and entertainment offerings in 2008 that truly showcase the magic of Disney’s cutting-edge technology, its timeless stories and beloved characters, who will appeal to Guests of all ages,” said Ernest. “After entertaining millions of Guests in our first two years of operation, Hong Kong Disneyland will continue to find new, immersive ways to delight families from Hong Kong and all over Asia for many years to come.”

Starting in spring 2008, these four new entertainment offerings will be unveiled to Guests at Hong Kong Disneyland. These experiences are in addition to the already-announced classic Disney attraction it’s a small world – which will include entertainment features unique to Hong Kong Disneyland.

Muppet Mobile Lab

With the help of Disney Imagineering’s Research and Development department, world-renowned scientist and founder of the Muppet Labs, Dr. Bunsen Honeydew, and his trusty assistant, Beaker, take to the streets of Hong Kong Disneyland in their Muppet Mobile Lab. These beloved Muppets characters travel through the park in their free-roaming, two-wheeled, egg-shaped laboratory. Along their way, they will have personal, spontaneous interactions with Guests of all ages, who will be able to ask questions and engage in two-way conversations. Guests can also participate in one of Dr. Honeydew’s infamous scientific experiments, which usually go astray, much to the dismay of his unwitting, but dependable test subject, Beaker.
The Muppet Mobile Lab features two free-roaming Audio-Animatronics characters who travel around the Park, interacting with each other and with Guests. New technology developed by Disney Imagineers allows Guests to experience some of the onboard special effects, such as water sprayers, smoke and confetti cannons, plus a few unexpected surprises.

High School Musical

Based on the blockbuster Disney Channel movie, High School Musical Celebration has been uniquely created for Hong Kong Disneyland as a high-energy, highly-immersive entertainment offering. The spread of “Wildcat fever” will have Guests literally dancing in the streets when the new “High School Musical!” premieres at Hong Kong Disneyland. The mobile stage, featuring a troupe of singers and dancers, will travel the HKDL parade route, encouraging Guests to take part in a singing and dancing extravaganza along the way. The show, filled with classic, universal lessons about courage, teamwork, loyalty and respect, make the celebration an event not to be missed.

Nemo Submarine “Turtle Talk”

Turtle Talk With Crush gives Guests a chance to have unscripted, real-time conversations with Crush, the beloved laid-back sea turtle from the popular Disney/Pixar animated film “Finding Nemo.” From his digital world under the sea, Crush chats, plays and jokes with Guests in a unique, personalized way. The 152-year-old turtle recognizes Guests and asks them questions about themselves and the human world in this live, real-time animated show.

Guests are seated in a colorful, nautically-themed theatre and children are encouraged to talk directly with Crush. Using digital projection and sophisticated, voice-activated animation, Disney Imagineers have created a new way for Guests to talk with this personality-rich character.

The Art of Animation

Disney and Pixar Animation represent a heritage that extends over 75 years and includes some of the most beloved and well know characters and stories the world has ever known. The Art of Animation is both a celebration and a tribute to that legacy. In this experience, Guests will see artwork, sketches, drawings and maquettes, taking them from the earliest years of Mickey Mouse, through Disney and Pixar’s classic animated features to the stories and characters being created today. The highlight of the experience is the fully dimensional Pixar Zoetrope, which creates the illusion of movement by presenting a rapidly changing sequence of images – actual three-dimensional models – of characters from the Pixar animated classic “Toy Story” and “Toy Story 2.”

Coming soon in Spring 2008

In Spring, Hong Kong Disneyland will unveil a Disney classic attraction, it’s a small world. For the first time ever, more than 30 popular Disney characters, including Peter Pan, Aladdin and Mulan, will join the existing dolls from around the world and be seamlessly blended into the countries where their stories take place. Enhanced with an expanded Asia section that will include famous regional landmarks such as the Great Wall, the Temple of Heaven and the distinctive Hong Kong skyline, the attraction will also include a Middle Eastern scene and a new scene for North America – a new twist on the classic attraction that other Disney Parks in North America’s don’t enjoy!

The grand finale features children coming together from all the corners of the globe for a spectacular “curtain call” with new colorful lighting effects. Another exceptional aspect of Hong Kong’s own it’s a small world is its classic façade, inspired by the versions in the U.S., Tokyo and Paris, featuring a unique color scheme and has been specially designed to take advantage of the different quality of light in Hong Kong.

“Walt Disney once said that Disneyland will never be complete as long as there is imagination left in the world,” added Ernest. “This is certainly true here in Hong Kong – and we look forward to an exciting 2008 as we continue to enhance the experience of the park in new and exciting ways for our Guests.”

* Muppet Mobile Lab, High School Musical, Nemo Submarine “Turtle Talk” and The Art of Animation are working titles only and are subjected to change.

Ca va pas faire de mal à ce petit parc, bien que l'intégration de certains éléments me semble douteuse.
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La Rouquine

La Rouquine

Âge : 44
Messages : 1263
Inscription : 03/07/2007

[Hong Kong Disneyland] Muppet Mobile Lab, High School Musical: LIVE!, Turtle Talk with Crush, Art of Animation (2008) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Hong Kong Disneyland] Muppet Mobile Lab, High School Musical: LIVE!, Turtle Talk with Crush, Art of Animation (2008) [Hong Kong Disneyland] Muppet Mobile Lab, High School Musical: LIVE!, Turtle Talk with Crush, Art of Animation (2008) Horlog11Jeu 20 Déc - 20:15

Oui je me demande où ils vont mettre tout çà...

Quand à sortir l'argument de la super façade de "it's a small world" pour attirer des millions de visiteurs dans ce parc plus que secondaire, je trouve çà bien étrange comme stratégie !
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Âge : 34
Messages : 2843
Localisation : Grenoble
Inscription : 04/07/2007

[Hong Kong Disneyland] Muppet Mobile Lab, High School Musical: LIVE!, Turtle Talk with Crush, Art of Animation (2008) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Hong Kong Disneyland] Muppet Mobile Lab, High School Musical: LIVE!, Turtle Talk with Crush, Art of Animation (2008) [Hong Kong Disneyland] Muppet Mobile Lab, High School Musical: LIVE!, Turtle Talk with Crush, Art of Animation (2008) Horlog11Jeu 20 Déc - 20:26

La Rouquine a écrit:
Oui je me demande où ils vont mettre tout çà...

Quand à sortir l'argument de la super façade de "it's a small world" pour attirer des millions de visiteurs dans ce parc plus que secondaire, je trouve çà bien étrange comme stratégie !

Disons que ca fait très rectification de tir douteuse à mon sens. Un aveu implicite de la petitesse du parc. Une manière de dire "Oui on a mal fait mais on essaye de se rattraper". Suspect

Enfin bon tout ajout est bon à prendre si cela reste cohérant.
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Messages : 17474
Inscription : 05/07/2007

[Hong Kong Disneyland] Muppet Mobile Lab, High School Musical: LIVE!, Turtle Talk with Crush, Art of Animation (2008) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Hong Kong Disneyland] Muppet Mobile Lab, High School Musical: LIVE!, Turtle Talk with Crush, Art of Animation (2008) [Hong Kong Disneyland] Muppet Mobile Lab, High School Musical: LIVE!, Turtle Talk with Crush, Art of Animation (2008) Horlog11Jeu 20 Déc - 23:33

Citation :
Oui je me demande où ils vont mettre tout çà...
Euh, pour le Muppets Lab Mobile, Turtle Talk with Crush et High School Musical, ce sont des animations de rue, dont deux sont de la pure récup: le Mupets Lab (même si je serai content de le voir passer par Paris) a déjà circulé à Disneyland et à Disney World et le Nemo Submarine with Tultle talk est en fait un mini-sous-marin sur roue qui a fait le tour des Etats-Unis pour assurer la promotion de ride Nemo en californie; Autant dire qu'ils présentent comme une nouveauté pour HK ce qui a la base était une caravane publicitaire aux Etats-Unis. C'est vraiment pathétique !
Voici une photo du fameux sous-marin mobile, lors de son départ depuis le Disneyland de Californie
[Hong Kong Disneyland] Muppet Mobile Lab, High School Musical: LIVE!, Turtle Talk with Crush, Art of Animation (2008) 001
De façon globale, même si ces mini-animations vont mettre un peu d'ambiance dans les allées désertes de ce mini-parc, ce n'est pas ça qui va attirer la grosse foule. Et si le Small World est un ajout majeur, il faudrait encore au moins 5 ou 6 attractions en plus (et un land entier aussi) pour que ça devienne acceptable comme parc !!!
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Fondateur & Mister DCP 2008

Âge : 44
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[Hong Kong Disneyland] Muppet Mobile Lab, High School Musical: LIVE!, Turtle Talk with Crush, Art of Animation (2008) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Hong Kong Disneyland] Muppet Mobile Lab, High School Musical: LIVE!, Turtle Talk with Crush, Art of Animation (2008) [Hong Kong Disneyland] Muppet Mobile Lab, High School Musical: LIVE!, Turtle Talk with Crush, Art of Animation (2008) Horlog11Mar 1 Jan - 18:25

C'est bizarre car dans l'article de presse pour Crush ils parlent de visiteurs "assis dans un théatre coloré au thème nautique" pourtant avec le véhicule roulant, les visiteurs sont par terre dehors! Alors je comprends pas.

Pour le reste certes c'est pas génial, mais la grosse nouveauté de 2008, c'est avant tout IASW. Le reste, c'est tout ce qu'ils peuvent pondre en quelques mois et oui, c'est de la récup...

[Hong Kong Disneyland] Muppet Mobile Lab, High School Musical: LIVE!, Turtle Talk with Crush, Art of Animation (2008) Signat10
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Inscription : 05/07/2007

[Hong Kong Disneyland] Muppet Mobile Lab, High School Musical: LIVE!, Turtle Talk with Crush, Art of Animation (2008) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Hong Kong Disneyland] Muppet Mobile Lab, High School Musical: LIVE!, Turtle Talk with Crush, Art of Animation (2008) [Hong Kong Disneyland] Muppet Mobile Lab, High School Musical: LIVE!, Turtle Talk with Crush, Art of Animation (2008) Horlog11Mer 2 Jan - 0:02

Il est évident que la grosse nouveauté, c'est le Small World, mais ce qui est pitioyable, c'est qu'ils vont tellement mal e qu'il y a tellement peu à faire dans ce parc qu'ils se sentent obligés de survendre des petites animations secondaires qui n'ont même pas été créées pour eux. Même à DLRP ils n'en sont pas à ce point. Est-ce qu'on a vu un communiqué de presse pour annoncer le show de Minnie à Noël ? Non. C'est un bonus qui est arrivé en dernière minute et il n'y a eu aucune communication dessus de la part de DLRP. A HK, ils doivent faire croire qu'ils ont plein de nouveautés alors qu'il n'y a qu'une seule grosse nouveauté en 2008...
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[Hong Kong Disneyland] Muppet Mobile Lab, High School Musical: LIVE!, Turtle Talk with Crush, Art of Animation (2008)
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